Switch from iOS to Android

>switch from iOS to Android
>actually feels like I'm using a computer now
I literally don't know what I was doing for all those years years

I know that feel feel

Switching to Android was among the most liberating things I've ever done. Hell, my phone has mouse binding settings ... and I've never even plugged a mouse in! Still excites me, all Android/Linux can do.

So, you're admitting you bought the wrong thing in the first place.
You bought a multi-function smart phone when what you wanted was a hobby.

Welcome to the world of Android/Linux.

Please enjoy your stay!

i used someones iphone for 5 minutes and wanted to rip my hair out. i hate handhelds but jesus christ does ios suck ass.


Went from an iPhone 4s to a nexus 5.

IPhone is a waste of money, android "just werks", is easier to use, and is much more versatile. It's like a pocket pc. When you buy iPhone, you're paying more and receiving less.

Tried my friends iPhone 6 the other day and it feels like Apple is trying to copy android. Bigger screen, curved chassis, camera bump, and it lagged like I expect and Android should according to lagdroid memes.

I'll be damned if I'm buying an iPhone any time soon.

The iPhone is not a smartphone, it's a normiephone, most used for Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

You're not using a computer, you're using a phone.

>Bluetooth keyboard
>Bluetooth mouse
>HDMI monitor
>GNU/Linux chroot
It's a computer.

Don't even need chroot, android is already functional enough.

>>Bluetooth keyboard
>>Bluetooth mouse
>>HDMI monitor

Get a computer

You mean a laptop?

>it's not a computer if it doesn't come with a built-in keyboard, mouse and display
Dumb millennial.

You're choosing the most awkward roundabout way to perform tasks but I'm the dumb one.

Enjoy hovering over a fucking phone screen with your keyboard and mouse.

why can't anime bingewatching virgins be contend with a phone, but they have to turn it into a computer?

You're the dumb one because you say "computer" when you mean "laptop".

You're the dumb one because you say "hovering over a fucking phone screen" when I say "HDMI monitor".

You're so fucking dumb that Sup Forums would become measurably improved if you left today and never came back.

Sorry you're poor.

Posted from my rMBP

A laptop is a computer holy shit have you any clue about it/computer science

This is also a computer.

>you have to plug in a keyboard
>you have to plug in a mouse
>you have to plug in a monitor

>tfw x86 phone
>tfw booting winblows
feels gud

What is
>Desktop Computer
What is
>Laptop Computer

What is

I guess they fell for the meme. And it's not that they wanted a hobby, it's just that an android phone can do so much more out of the box it's kinda mind blowing how bad ios is in comparison. Android does everything ios does plus so much more it's a real shock how far they've fallen behind.

So embedded systems aren't computer? SOCs aren't computers? Your dumb.

>android phone can do so much more out of the box
out of the root*

No. Out of the box I can:
Easily transfer files on and off it
Play mp3s without itunes
Plug in a usb stick
Play 60fps video
Use ultra power save mode to get 7 days out of a single charge while still being able to shitpost.
Cast my screen to my TV without lag.
Run all kinds of emulators
Sideload a whole linux distribution
And much much more.

What do you mean exactly?

I am on the verge of buying iphone.

Wouldn't call it Linux, it's some outdated forked shit.

>actually feels like I'm using a computer now
Just wait till you start hating on Lagdroid too and switch to Windows

>7 days
Is your phone anorexic?