What are you working on Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Link back to the previous thread you dumb fag:
No one needs to know it ever existed.
Trying to get Irrlicht to render this vehicle properly, trying to get it to work with Bullet physics which is a pain but it will be pretty awesome when I am done.
This thread's the older new thread, so I guess it's legit
QT thread is best thread.
Was working on a toy HDL. Should pick it up again.
Why when there is nothing of value in it?
was up first and anyways...
the gamer is already here
No it wasn't, check the times.
Sorry that I enjoy programming
Please do not use an anime image next time, thanks.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from string import ascii_lowercase as z
z += " "
a = [8, 10, 18, 12, 22, 24, 22, 18, 13, 7, 9, 21, 19, 26, 19, 24, 24, 14, 10, 8, 23, 7, 108074, 27059, 86943, 27017, 12, 8, 8, 26, 18, 15, 14, 3, 20]
b = [22, 17, 17, 26, 2, 2, 22, 13, 26, 1, 4, 9, 12, 18, 7, 22, 10, 13, 9, 18, 12, 19, 81882, 27009, 54882, 54068, 14, 16, 6, 21, 8, 18, 6, 21, 25]
g = ""
for i,j in zip(a,b):
g += z[(i+j)%27]
fuck off to stupid smug ass shitkid
Did I hurt your feelings? I apologize that you are incapable of creating anything involving a 3D world and are limited to two dimensions (and an HTML canvas if I had to guess)
I'll second this. CoC threads are cancer, and the thread was shit up by drama surrounding this guy: >Hurr too many libraries, make shit yourself
As long as he's not using Unity, Unreal Engine, or Game Maker, who cares what libraries he uses? Just, like, make game.
kill yourself idiot, and i'm making 3d games myself, Sup Forums isn't one person
fucking delusional arrogant cunt
>I don't understand how time works :^)
So people know which thread is meant to continue when fuckbois make duplicates, and then reuse those duplicates 4 hours later pretending they're weren't being extremely new.
It could be a lot worse tbqh. If you have a problem, maybe make the thread yourself after the bump limit instead of complaining like a bitch when nobody else bothered at 330 posts.
Woops, last reply meant for:
dumb tripfag cancer
oh now i feel dumb
i just saw the link to the new thread to the other first and assumed it was created before
i hope you realize you're not even talking to the guy who made that game. btw it's C++
>i can (barely) use a pre-built engine
>this means i'm better than everyone else
>this is all new to me so it seems more exciting to me than it really is
2.5D indie platformers do not count, it is as easy as 2D
Mah nigga
stupid fuccboi, the joke is on you anyway, your game will be complete shit
2.5D has even less physics than 2D, you might as well be making a 2D platformer.
Nah, we are making something in 3D and not another 2D platformer :^) Bullet physics does not have the best community but it is an awesome physics engine better than anything I can make from scratch
I love the constant salt in /dpt/
I'm not that familiar with databasing, but I need to write an application that accesses data which is stored from a web client or desktop application.
I've been told to use Django rest framework for this, is it better than node.js?
kill yourself stupid sperg, i'm not making a 2.5D or 2D game, it's just your idiotic imagination that's playing tricks on your retarded sperg brain
it's not even hard to make a physics engine fucking arrogant dumbfuck
Why is Sup Forums the board that seems the most stressed out and up its ass all the time?
>not 2D
>not willing to post a code repo
Holy shit I did not even write any code and there is a physics engine
It's like, already made and shit
game fags, you're not interested in programming, you just want to make a fucking game, so kindly fuck off to because of insanely idiotic delusional millennial shitkids (especially around this time of the year and december) that are the most abrasive arrogant spergs you could imagine
Sure whatever. It all works. Do you not know python, but know JS? Is the rest of your site in Node? If you answered yes to BOTH of those questions, persuade them otherwise. Otherwise, sure whatever.
newfags and nwofags
It's actually the opposite. I know python but don't know JS so I'll Probably go with Django.
We have a sense of superiority and are deeply misanthropic.
Is this a picture of the dev team for your 2D puzzle platformer where you run over kids? It is probably called PretentiouslyEdgy.js
Then do django. gl m8erade.
kill yourself
your game is shit, it's not good just because it's 3D, you're the pretentious edgy faggot
>babby's first 3d "game"
>can't even into shading or using a physics engine properly
>i'm so fucking good i'm the best programmer in the world because mommy told me so
No, but is not just ANOTHER 2D puzzle platformer, that is what 3D gives it. There is nothing pretentious about the game
so it's just ANOTHER amateur 3D shitter game, WOOOOOOOOOOW
you're 1 step above pygame, you're still shit
You may not realize that even pyGame is still better than your HTML canvas; so by your own definition you are two notches below me, and that is being overly optimistic of your own situation
you're fucking delusional
>thinking that 3D is better than indie puzzle platformer with pixel art makes a person delusion
Color me delusional then.
even this is better than what you have now lmfao
where is my pixel art puzzle platformer?
Is this part of your project? (edgy.js that is); I see you brought up the HTML canvas; your tool of choice.
So you did not even make a 2D puzzle platformer with nostalgic pixel art? So you make nothing but shitposts?
So I'm trying to build a network of associations between concepts for my lolis. To see what things a loli associates with other things I could do a few things. I thought about shortest-path, but that seems to get a less intuitive notion of weight, since I was thinking of 1=fully related, 0=not related, then you could do multuiplicative weighting, unfortunately that's longest path not shortest path which is NP-hard. I could probably do some retarded shit like turn weights from 0 < w =1, so no negative weights (breaks dijkstra) (thus no negative cycles(breaks bellman ford / everything)).
If not, any other ideas how I should do this association-graph-traversal? Or any other approaches for computing associations given a graph like this?
..I started this just since I wanted to give the lolis a favourite colour, then then to decide that colour i wanted to base it on what kinds of things they associate with that colour, then you could take the association of each colour for everything within a cutoff then multiply that by their opinion of that thing to get their overall association of the colour I guess.
Time to get to work then! (since you have not made your puzzle platformer yet)
>game fags, you're not interested in programming
I sincerely hope that you're talking only about that one guy and not in general.
i'll let you believe that
you're fucking pathetic you made a huge fool of yourself and your project
>So I'm trying to build a network of associations between concepts for my lolis.
This is literally the most Sup Forums thing I've ever read.
At least I am not making web pages in my free time (since you are yet to deny your love for the HTML canvas)
yes he and his team
i'm making games myself and i'm 99% of the time in /dpt/ because i do actual programming
So you consider HTML to be programming. Interesting.
this is part of why i don't post my projects
any time this game gets mentioned anywhere someone can post the archive of this thread or the previous where the dev was being a massive faggot
You do not post them probably because you do not have any
and you have the masterpiece right there
Yes I do c: At least I am proud enough of it that I can post it here and not care about what people think (regardless, at least I am not using an HTML canvas)
>and not care about what people think
you're pretty butthurt for someone who doesn't care what people think
lol people still call me pizza from that first time i posted one of my projects
anyways, as long as you dont derail a thread complaining about how "Sup Forums will never be happy with my code because it doesnt sort anime in C WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" it'll mostly blow over after a day or two
>Nigga you gonna insult our project when you are making just ANOTHER FUCKING indie 2D platformer?
Actual dev of that game you called an indie 2D platformer. Do you think my game is a simple 2D game? Is your 3D game more complex? I want your actual opinion.
One option to find the preferences of your adorable lolis:
Represent the associations between k as a directed graph. Represent this directed graph as a matrix. We'll use the strengths of these associations as a Markov chain - we wish to find the steady state vector for this Markov chain. But in order to associate it with a particular idea, multiply it with a matrix that moves 5% (or some other fraction p) towards our "idea" node each iteration.
Now multiply for a bunch of iterations (you can use repeated squaring), feeding it an original probability of 1 specifically for our original idea node. Our end result matrix will be representative of how ideas "flow outward" from our original one.
We can do n iterations of this flow in O(k^2.8*log(n)) time.
To select the idea that is most closely related to our original, for example, one of a set of colors, simply iterate through the colors and find which one has the highest probability (or, "strength").
How about it? If you have any questions I can answer.
whats your entity system
are you using a component system or are you hard-coding your objects and they all inherit from some entity base class
between k ideas*
That's a nice ray tracer user, keep up the good work!
>muh meme buzzwords
fuck off
I'm not using an entity-component system.
>what ____ system are you using
>i'm not using ___
>99% of the time in /dpt/
>actual programming
I'm sorry, but if you can't average 2 numbers you're not actually a programmer.
Wouldn't this be an issue if there's a lot of concepts? Like it might be a pretty sparse graph. Is the matrix the adjacency matrix, or a laplacian matrix or what? (I'm assuming adjacency).
I assume the weights would be 1 to 0 here too, right?
I've got an Entity base class.
don't fall for the meme
can we talk about entity systems because i got a game in mind and entity-management is shitting my ass up.
game engines keep falling for the component-meme and I dont hear of much else.
How do I get the "anything can happen to anything" to occur without having 3424234234 classes for one spec of variance.
A weighted adjacency matrix. It wouldn't be sparse. Even if you made it sparse, the 5% "decay" I mentioned would fill every node of the transformation that happens once per iteration. But I'm pretty skeptical that you would have enough concepts for time complexity or memory to be an issue with dense matrices.
I haven't been on Sup Forums in like 2 years
Are there any new meme languages to learn or books to read?
If you don't know what meme languages to learn, have you not been keeping up with programming outside of DPT either?
There's this hip new language called C
>missed quints into dubs
C has betrayed me
Well I've been going to state school and learning generic things like math and shit
I haven't had much time for anything else
>matching exfix dubs over trips
Go is the only Sup Forums approved programming language for new projects.
Don't lie, Satan.
css is not programming
Well, that's fair. Try spend like 15 or 30 minutes a day browsing hackernews or DPT or r/programming, though. It's good for your brain.
i finally found the video i was looking for.
CQRS and event sourcing. has anyone seen this?
Currently thinking up, typing out, coding and outlining a beginner's manual I am making for my close group of friends to learn programming and web design with me so we can get some work done.
My current "target", meaning I'm speaking at this person in this portion of the writing I'll be doing, is a friend that works in sales and marketing and has literally lost touch with his mind. He is all estrogen and bile but he has his old flare still, which I think means there's hope. This guy I used to talk books and math and all sorts of stupidness ( but it was more than boring ) and now it's pretty much we play asshats or we talk about things neither of us really gives a shit about. It's strange. I asked if he'd be interested in working on something like this and he said yeah.
I've got about 10000 words down and some minimal code examples. I'm trying to outline a structural pattern first and then suggest courses of action.
I'm going to be talking c and computer science then I'll be moving on to javascript and probably gui design and gui design alternatives.
Any tips for keeping it feeling legit while I keeps it casual are welcome. I'm afraid he may take my wording for prose rather than an adjustment to the lexical premise. I want it to come off naturally when he has the epiphany.
>all estrogen and bile
What do you mean?
I can't really offer that much help, but it really depends on the attitude of your friends. Both LYAH and the Dragon Book are considered great books (for different subjects), and both have drastically different tone.
Whats the difference between async and threading exactly? If I'm using node.js and run setTimeout isn't that functionally the same as a thread?
and btw I only have three friends so if you do have any suggestions/recommendations please keep in mind my demographic is mostly that of retail associates that like cartoons/videogames/comics/sci fi/fighting games/women/team work/movies/etc. We are not rich, we are not smart, we do lose track of time, we also lose ourselves in our work and sometimes we don't do well with a black and white context.
JS async is all happening in the same thread. It has a queue of actions that it needs to take, and it does /these/ actions synchronously (in order, one at a time), and waits when the queue is empty. A setTim3out adds a function call to the queue in x milliseconds.
when an event happens, it stops executing the main text segment and jumps to the specified function. it completes that function and jumps back. Usually in the callback function you would set a flag and deal with it later with the main program. (it's very limited)
two things go on at once, you can do more things without fucking shit up, but you have to make sure one thread doesn't fuck with the other and create problems
He spends all his days with gf and her friends. Because of that there is very little reasoning to his discussion points and it's usually I have to trust his judgement because intuition or I have to understand that he's right and he just knows it but I won't see that and now he's upset. I guess I'm meaning his girl is difficult and since he's out of school and working in retail his girl pretty much is something he's always got on his mind. Also, we're nearing 30.
So why haven't I heard of a major threading library? I know it's possible, since node can import C++ code and wrap C++ objects
Dragon Book! Totally forgot about that one. I don't remember if I still have a copy of it in here somewhere. Maybe you could link me?
Anyway, what about their tones is different? You mentioned them both so can I assume both are fairly casual in tone?
just download the Sup Forumsentoomen library, it's got all the great programming books in it