GTX 1080: Get in here

GTX 1080 is announced! Costs $600! Cheaper than 980ti and absolutely blows it's socks off.

Glad I waited. Cause I'm getting this one.

1070 is around $400 apparently. Faster than the Titan X.

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Literally taking a massive dick up the ass just to play gaymes.

Kill yourself.

Someone's poor.

Not paying that much but prices will drop anyways. I wait some more.

Sup Forums default answer to everything
(you) you get one and only one. Be sure to troll harder.

But he is right.
Some of you fags spend hundreds of dollars on placebo headphones, yet get mad at people spending hundreds on superior hardware.

I would say 4 TitanXs to play 4K is a "massive dick up the ass". I'm dropping around 2.5K to upgrade after 10 years. It's valid.

And I'm not rich either. I just saved up.
Just because you're not running to the shelves anytime a company announces something shiny doesn't mean you're poor.

You could. My current rig is a E5300 with a GT730 and 3(2+1) gigs of RAM. I gotta upgrade ASAP.


>not waiting for the TI
enjoy being a beta-tester though

>more expensive than 970/980 on launch
literally being suckered in, goy

>mfw ausfag
>mfw 900-1000aud for a 1080

THIS is the important point.

I'm sure you waist money in other ways, like beers and cigarettes

So I should get the 980ti? Why would I spend more for a weaker card?

jokes on you i do neither. /thread rip gg!

shit thats not bad considering 980 were over a grand

no wait for the 1080ti to come out, so the price drops a little on the other ones.

If you don't have a 4k display or vr why does it matter?

No the Titan and TI are over a grand

Pretty pissed off nobody is taking pre orders

none of them

Anyone know when Pascal masterrace chips will come into laptops?
Maybe some Pascal mobile versions.
I've heard that power management is excellent.

4000 croatian kuna
+ 25% Vat
5000 kunas

yeah, I'm gonna wait for amd.

We will be lucky to get 980Ti level of performance

the 1080 reference non oc is almost TWICE that

>people waste money on things I don't care about
>Why is everyone but me so fucking stupid lmao

Because my current rig is a E5300 with a GT730 and 3(2+1) gigs of RAM. I gotta upgrade ASAP. I was already going to get a 980ti in a few days. 1080 is cheaper. And better.

How much longer do I gottta wait for the 10xx ti?

Wew lad 5% more powerful in certain applications than a properly configured 980ti, sure is worth $599 dolarry-doos.
1.5 year lifespan, 7.5gb vram, no asynch. THE WAY ITS MEANT TO BE PLAYED

when is amd's conference for their new card?

Why can't they release the 460 at the same time? I need to upgrade soon, but even the 970's price is pretty steep. I hope polaris has some good $200-300 CAD GPUs, otherwise I'm gonna have to shell out considerably more than I want for a 970...

Has AMD said when they're gonna announce specs and prices?

Will anyone come there?

If the 1080 is too expensive for him he's probably not aiming for 1080-level performance.

Alright, you make a good point. So I should just get the 980ti?

I'd rather get 1070 is that's the case. It's cheaper and slightly better. Or same justification for not getting it?

Can't wait for the backpedaling and the tears when the real benchmarks come out and it's mediocre, like usual.

Before you call me, I have two tear buckets, one red, one green.

>founders version
You have to be a stupid fuck to buy that. It's what, 150$ over the 3rd party versions?
Anyway, wait for amd before buying anything. If nothing else, it'll force nvidia to lower prices.

I'm not actually a gamer. I just want to upgrade my 5770 and buy a 4k monitor.

obviously I want to buy a next gen card, but not for that price.

i just want to know the date

in alot of games the Fury barely catches up with the 980Ti and Now the 490x is meant to be between the fury and the 390x

Count me out i think AMD just got btfo

unless they actually offer this new 490x at $300 and it doesnt get stomped by the 1070 i might get it

I agree people take the big giant D for games and it's fucking retarded. The retarded are the true cancer killing video games and the pc world in general. I'll be happy when it bites them in the ass later.

>"in alot of Nvidia optimised games benchmarked at 1080p the Fury equals a 980ti"
Fixed for you.

oh in DX12 games the Titan even gets rekt

Become a trap.


I meant 1060


Or you are saying to wait until Vegas cards, which is stupid.

Polaris 11 is lowend and Polaris 10 is middle range card.

Why would anyone spend more than 1k on a pc to play fucking video games?

Rumors place them at 980ti levels.
Just wait a month, like you have to anyway because God knows when the 3rd party boards of 1080 and 1070 drop.

back to your xbone filthy peasant

Because it does games and alot of other stuff.

Why do people spend 1k or a 4k tv?

Why do people spend 1k on a PS4 and a PS4 Neo

Why do people even spend money? Lets just become farts and float around lule

Because they spent 1 k for video games. Are you dumb?

Alright, what's a good rig under 1K?


>Being able to play Skyrim with 8K textures and the most beautiful ENBs and with minimal loading screens @1440p60.

I'm sure nobody wants that...

Anyone know when AMD is gonna talk about their GPU's? or are they gonna take months to do it?

Gonna jump on the 1070 from a 970, feels worth it.

Also how much vRAM is the 1070 gonna have?


Nope, 980ti level is absolute high end level.

And AMD won't replace their high end series with Fiji chips until Vegas.

Makes absolutely no sense, if they release a card as fast and faster than the Furies and keep saying the Fury will stay.

That said, I will buy whatever card that has the best performance-powerdraw-price ratio for 2k resolution.


When are the AMD cards going to be revealed?


>Anyone know when AMD is gonna talk about their GPU's?
Computex may 31st

Their too poorfag to launch their own conference.

i think it's just nvidia shills here so they don't know when. i've asked the same question in 5 different threads 7 times and no one responds

GTX 1070 has 8GB GDDR5. The 1080 has 8GB GDDR5X. Don't know how much difference the X will make but you can use 8K textures with 8gigs.

Because AMD hasnt made a good GPU since t he 290x 8gb and its a housefire along with the 390x

They gimped the Fury with 4GB instead of offering a 8GB GDDR5 version

>>Paid my PC about 6700kn
>>most games 1080p max
>>i5 6500 & gtx 960 msi gaming

Hopefully 1070 will be more affordable.

SeeBeing on the winning team is not "shilling". The 480x will be 980Ti teir. The 1080 outperforms it by twice as much.

The titan and TI are slower than this and draw much more power...

This i mean there really is no contest.

I usually back the winner and in 2013 that was AMD

Now its clearly the 1080

Even IF AMD somehow manage to pull a fury level performing card out of their ass for $300 its still 1/2 the power of a 1080
No shit

Was going to get a 970 in July but looks like I'll be getting a 1070 instead.

you have a source?

>you have a source?
watch the fucking conference

Headphones aren't outdated in 12 months max.

>double node shrink
>people still think that 25% increase in speed is somehow good
These are sad times indeed.


I read somewhere that the specs for the 1070 were not out yet, that's why I was skeptical.

Link to conference?


You'll reach a wider audience if you shill elsewhere.

Don't forget that most of that is just higher clocks.

it will be about 3000 kn. similar to the 970 which is about 2800 kn.

Its too much IMO, hope AMD goes below 2000.

>spends $600 on a video card
>gets promised good performance
>has to cap games at 60fps because 90% of them have graphic glitches


>buys amd card
>plays the same game at 60fps

Prove me wrong neckbeards

As a person who has never played games on his PC. Can the 1080 run games in 4k without any lag?

You mean at a stable framerate? Cause lag could mean many things.

Wait for the benchmarks. If you see above 40fps performances, it's good to go.

Uh sure buddy, don't forget to buy the founders edition.

If you overclock it Yes.

Stock clocks it would be scraping low 60's

As you saw during the paragon demo with a single character on screen it barely got 60fps

DX12 performance is unknown but if Vulkan was anything to go by it should be quite good.

That said we really need proper benchmarks as nobody is going to run the reference cards

Yup, cant believe people fall for the marketing "slides" performace everytime.

hurrr duuur but litography !!!!

fuck off new litography is meant to jew you out over the years, they will sell you shitty little chips for the usual 15 - 20% performance gain with the 1st generation just as they did ever before while they can jerk off on Maldives for a year then release proper/bigger chips for a free (for them) new generation.

Depends on what settings, if on low more than likely yeah, most games actually.

Bad goy! There's nothing you can do about it, stay quiet.

Yes... yes...

Here's a little tip for you; its not your graphics card holding you back as much as you think it is - having a decade old CPU doesn't help in the slightest.




Same with the R9 380X, with average fps it looks good, but it has massive glitches, in game stuttering due to sudden drop.

Not a chance. Not even two 980 Tis can

I know, jackass. I meant a 4790K/980ti build. Instead I'm getting the 1070. Save some shekels.

fps doesn't mean much nowadays anyway. Framedrops and frame latency are in.

Why do people pay money for this? I'd buy a 960 before a Fury X

Does this device make games more intellectually stimulating?

Will my OC'd (4.2 ghz) phenom II 1100t black edition bottleneck a standard gtx 1080?

>buy 150 dollar card works for 5years
>buy a 400-600 dollar card works for 6 and maybe 7 if your lucky

kek stupidity has a price tag

>Some of you fags spend hundreds of dollars on placebo headphones

>tfw my $400 headphones are still going strong after nearly ten years

I'm only going to buy a new GPU if VR headsets and VR porn are cheap and mainstream. I only play CSgo anyways.


just check out steam hardware stats

most people are rocking GTX560 / 660 / 760 / 960 tops and thats what the devs are making games for. No point in making games that wont run properly for 90% of your customer base.
All those "ultra" settings for the expensive cards are just a placebo anyways, you can barely tell a difference.

I'll buy it, but I'm also claiming a tax deduction on it because "work" pc so the cost doesn't bother me. Will be a massive upgrade from me SLI 780s anyway and hopefully overclocks nice so I can wring some more from it later on.

okay, darker line is fury x and it has less jumps than lighter line, are you trying to prove you can't read graphs?

No. That amount of crude power will come in 2018 maybe.

>Glad I waited. Cause I'm getting this one.

HBM2 card is coming out next year, buy GDDR5X now instead, kek, enjoy!

>tfw when rocking a 660 for almost 4 years
>tfw when DS3 runs perfectly
>tfw when i know i won't have to switch for another 2~3 years