>want to learn how to program
>can't ever stay focused/motivated to actually learn how to
d-doushio Sup Forums-chan
Want to learn how to program
sit on my lap and I can teach you user-chan :^)
get help for your ADD.
>posting anime
I consider myself both a fairly good programmer and a weeb so I feel somewhat inclined to help you.
What exactly are you trying to learn or to be more precise, what do you want to do but can't?
Learning anything isn't supposed to be fun. If you really wanted to learn how to program, you'll buckle down and get the boring parts over with
OP when you are not enjoying learning something you are falling for a meme.
Find your interest and invest yourself onto it
Not OP, but please recommend me a language to start. I was thinking about C++. Everything I've done until now are "Hello World" and some basic programs found on Google. I really want to learn, but there are so many languages. I use both Linux and Windows, mostly Linux, that may help.
next: make a program that prints from 1 to 10 using a loop.
then take a small leap and find the first 100 primes
post lap plz
Despite what Sup Forums wants to make you believe, there is no best language for everything, especially not for learning how to code.
I'm not going to tell you to use language X because it's popular or easy or anything, you could ask google for that. In my opinion, the most important thing is that you care about the programs you write. Make stuff you want to make, not the whatever some book told you. The basics like variables, loop or ifs are the same anywhere, so once you've got that down, you want to end up with a language well suited for what you want to do.
So if you want me to recommend you a language, you have to first tell me what you want to do with it.
If you like games, play some game where you program. I started learning programming because of Garry's Mod, and it turned out pretty graet because if you want, it can teach you basic programming(E2), assembler and C(ZCPU) and scripting, structural and OOP(Lua).
Of course it takes fuckton of time, so if you are not in High School or NEET then I wouldn't do it.
Otherwise try learning something that's fun. Writing C++ console programs that uses loops and stuff might be just boring, so you might try Javascript. You could use HTML5 canvas and learn programming making JS games. Of course if you want to be serious programmer, you will still have to learn all advanced boring things, but that's just how things works.
Depends what you want to do.
If you want to do webdev, then go for Javascript and PHP and some SQL and then Node.JS and similiar technologies.
If you want low level things and embeded systems, learn C, then C++ and then maybe Rust.
If you want software, then optionally C(this knowledge can be very useful), then C++11, and then either/both C# and Java.
Also remember that the more language you know and can use, the better you'll become in every of them. Knowing many languages gives you better understanding how computer works, how languages are designed and what tool would be the best for solving given problem.
man that girl is so cute
If you have any specific questions, I can answer them, I consider myself a fairly mighty weeb and programmer as well
void main()
int loop_counter = 0;
int my_number = 0;
do {
if (my_number == 1) {
if (my_number == 2) {
if (my_number == 3) {
if (my_number == 4) {
if (my_number == 5) {
if (my_number == 6) {
if (my_number == 7) {
if (my_number == 8) {
if (my_number == 9) {
if (my_number == 10) {
loop_counter = loop_counter + 1;
my_number = my_number + 1;
} while (loop_counter
>not using goto
Bro, are you even trying?
You can start by killing yourself
What in the holy fuck.
Not the brightest bulb in the room, are we?
dont bully me pls
>using if conditions to print the first 10 numbers, that too in a loop
>this means, to print the first 1000 conditions, you'll use 1000 if conditions?
in the do while loop, print loop_counter and then just increment it by 1.
I didn't imagine this weak bait would be half as successful. have another (You).
>I want to learn programming
>Doesn't actually program anything
You need experience FAGGOT
Stop watching anime/playing video games/masturbating all day.
what, you jelly wagecuck?
I want to get a job
But to program anything I need to know how to program
c/c++ is a good place to start. it has a huge community and its pretty simple to start programming things.
learn the basics of how loops and other things work on it. Then you can take that to whatever language you want.
java is ok.... i guess
Weebs literally do not have the mental capacity to program. Give up and find another hobby/career.
Not necessarily. You could be a ruby evangelist
1) Download Visual Studio
2) Create a new C# console project
3) Add the following line to your Main method: Console.WriteLine("what is google lol")
There you go
You probably don't actually want to learn to program and instead just want to have some sort of skill you can use as an excuse to justify the amount of time you've spent wasting away in front of your computer.
Like, you've wasted your life not socialising and browsing Sup Forums and fucking around in IRC and playing video games but if you can turn around and say 'b-but I'm an excellent programmer! It was all worth it!' you'll feel better about yourself, but since you don't ACTUALLY want to learn to program and you don't ACTUALLY care to learn it it's impossible for you to work up the motivation to continue. And since a lack of discipline in your life probably lead to you becoming a NEET Sup Forums-dwelling piece of shit in the first place even with the motivation you'd still struggle.
That's what it is for me, anyway, cutie.
This wew. Stupid fucking weeb faggot
I've been thinking about starting with Python. Ignore the C-tards, Python is a fine first language.
Posting faggy anime pictures on Sup Forums isn't good for learning how to program either, friend.
Protip: if you're older than 12 and you still watch anime, you're a pathetic human being.
Pop some fucking adderall and actually work. No one actually learns by osmosis.
you seem mad
Where do you think you are?
Yeah, it's a fine first language if you want to program like an inept child for the rest of your life.
Then why are you bitching in the OP. Stupid animeposters.
Not mad friend, just happy to have friends that aren't cartoons (:
Why should I learn C over Python? MIT teaches python as a first language.
Hi r.eddit! You seem to be confused. This is an anime website and anime is welcome on all boards. You are free to go back to r.eddit if you have a problem with anime.
Harvard teaches C as a first language. Referencing schools isn't the best way to prove whether a language is fit for an initial learning phase.
C has far less abstraction. It's harder to learn but brings with it a breadth of information. Python teaches you programming concepts, but C teaches you programming concepts, machine concepts, storage/memory systems, how computers process program instructions etc.
Basically, when you program with C, you have to more closely interact with the machine, and it causes you to think more carefully about how you code. Python abstracts a lot of that away, and you focus purely on writing code.
Python is a fine language, but I think it's smarter to learn a more intensive language so you don't develop lazy habits and you learn a tonne more about computation in the process.
Look at this newfag. Can't even pass a wordfilter.
Typical braindeads weaboo.
>get half way through an oop or java course or sicp
>get bored and drop it, forget everything
>do the same each year
Every time, how do i stop
There's an anime board. Feel free to go there.
git gud
They translate r.eddit into reddit?
This is a test.
Try out something less direct.
Like HackerRank.
Maybe if you weren't an anime faggot you'd be able to learn it easily.
Wow, holy shit. I can't believe they actually filter that word to Reddit.
I'm not OP.
I work as programmer and watch chinese cartoons all the time.
There are few reasons:
C gives you better understanding of how computer and programming languages works. If you know how things work in the inside, you can avoid large amount of potential bugs in your code, and it will be much quicker for you to solve them. Also it gives you really good understanding of optimization, and why you should do things one way and not the other. Optimizations often are not easy to understand from high-level perspective, but they are obvious from lower levels.
Starting with high level languages, especially like Python or Javascript, will teach you many bad practices and will give you misconceptions. You'll have really hard time trying to learn languages like C++ afterwards, because they don't teach you to think the certain, low level way. You'll also learn many really bad practices that when applied to other languages, will end up in disaster. I had few friends who started with very high level languages, and then they wanted to learn C++, they just couldn't grasp most concepts and couldn't deal with the bad practices, and failed miserably.
Also don't take me wrong, if you plan to spend rest of your life writing games in Javascript, then there is no point in learning C. But if you actually want to be serious programmer, and write efficient, optimized code in C++/Java/C#/whatever then this is way to go.
The anime has rotted your brain. Give it up before it's too late
>neo-Sup Forums is made up of normies
Pick a hobby you have. Make a program that supports it.
I started by making game calculators and checklists. It was a little out of my way to do, but I learned a lot from making them. Especially my DnD character generator.
Is java actually good? My perception is its supposed to be buggy and awful for programming with.
Also are you saying learn c then c++?
Depends what you need, see: Java isn't as bad as people make it. I personally prefer Rust and C++11 as my favorite languages, but I code some programs in Java and it was pretty nice. The problem with Java is that people go way too ENTERPRISE with it and you need to know many frameworks to mean anything in job market. There are bad sides, but it's not inherently bad. It's surely has good ratio of how easy it is and how useful/how many things you can do it in it.
this, I made a porn library database and a image scraper for futa ;^)
I want to rename my anime I downloaded from "long ssd name title and translator" to "episode X at once, or quickly.
What do? I'm using Windows because osu doesn't run well in osu.
Use powershell
Learning C to the extent where you understand its core concepts before learning C++ makes sense, yes.
That way, you'll actually know why OOP is used.
But what do I do in powershell? I'm open to moving everything but osu to Linux
>OP wants to learn how to program
>OP won't learn how to program
You're fucked, may as well uninstall.
If you had learned to code instead of watching as much anime as you did, you could be proficient in 2, 3, or maybe more languages.
If you want to learn to code, dedicate time to it. The easiest place to slice time from is your Japanese cartoons.
All of Sup Forums is infested with normalfags. The nerds are gone, they've been replaced by boring and mundane normalfags.
>But what do I do in powershell?
Start-Process "chrome.exe" "google.com"
C, C+, C++ or C#?
Forgot your weeb reaction image.
I've heard Ruby is comfy. Is it?
You making this thread sort of indicates to me that you'll never learn. Like, you'll just keep posting shit like this to delay yourself from ever googling a tutorial or picking up a book. Enjoy mediocrity.
it doesn't fucking matter, but since you asked I'm ordering you right now to learn C, so I can free you from paralysis by analysis.
It's best to learn Python first. That way you can focus on the important things like how to write algorithms and object oriented programming. You don't to waste time on the details and limitations of C. Then go from Python to something like C++.
>t-they don't like my Chinese cartoons so they must be normies!
This reminds me how badly I want to get back into Skyrim modding but God damn CK is a nightmare. Messing with Bethesda's shit in general is.
I made something similiar. I wrote Lua script for creating symlinks to every episode of anime I download from torrents for my own streaming service.
row.name = row.name:gsub("%[.-%]", "")
row.name = row.name:gsub("%(.-%)", "")
row.name = row.name:gsub(" +", " ")
row.name = row.name:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
Work pretty well.
>implying I'm not proficient in 5 languages at this point and still have time to watch anime
Modding Gmod is really enjoyable and fun. The API is really great and powerful.
I don't know why everyone is so mad, this is hilarious
Thanks for the great joke, lad. Genuinely.
For real though who is this Ms. Jizz Wiz, Google gave me nothing because I manually blocked all botnet domains
>so mentally inept that his first language restricts his mode of thought for the rest of his life regardless of learning other languages afterwards
Where have the nerds gone, though?
Heh, try making mods for fallout 4 with that "new" GECK.
Dense much?
Aww, that's kinda cute.
Yes, most wannabe programmers seem to be that calibre of human.
Your point?
Hi user, > 10 languages here. I watch anime. kys.
>scandinavian image boards
>want to learn how to program
Why do people keep claiming this? No you don't. You don't want to learn how to program.
You want to be ABLE to program. You just don't want to learn it. Because to you, the learning process is not fun, and you imagine that once you've “learnt” it, you will be able to have fun.
But that's not how it works in the real world. You never stop “learning” and start “programming”.
If you don't enjoy the learning process, you will never enjoy programming. Don't bother trying.
>quoting people that were bantering / know languages
When I was studying for my MECP cert to install sound systems n such into cars, I knew I'd never stop learning. But what my goal was to learn enough to where I could understand new ideas easily as I came across them. I learned everything there was to know from the book but even that only teaches you a fraction of what you really need to know. The same applies to programming. You need to learn the boring stuff that might not make much sense at first, but until you get that, you will NEVER have "fun" programming. The fun is understanding things you never understood before. It can be little stuff. Like just a line of code you knew how to use but never understood how it worked. Learning isn't fun. The process isn't fun. But the end result is. Becoming genuinely skillful is fun. At least to me it is.
Do those exist?
Speak for yourself, but the boring stuff at the beginning was some of the most fun I've had in my entire life.
Every line enthralled me and seemed like opening up a world of possibilities. I realized I could make my computer do whatever I wanted it to do.
These days, I usually only have this much fun while programming when I'm being enlightened by category theory.