Resolution thread

What's your resolution Sup Forums?
Post a screenshot.

Other urls found in this thread:

My resolution is to watch more anime

desktop thread?

no it's a resolution thread can't you read?

Why do people sexualise adorable characters?

but i want desktop thread

What music player is that user? Looks pretty nice.

why can't euros into z



That's a nice resolution, user.

No, it's a resolution thread.

Your beloved desktop threads are dead.

>resolution so high can't watch anything in fullscreen without it looking like shit
You fell for the meme.

Post your desktop so we can see what kind of resolution you have.

Please buy a 1080p panel for your laptop.

Thank you.



Since when does iTunes look so nice?

I do have a 1080p monitor

But I was watching anime last night and early this morning. It looked fine. In fact it looked better than ever because I forced a color profile that lets me watch anime with a wide gamut.
Not that you can see without having a wide gamut monitor.
It also doesn't help I can only post a JPEG.


1366x768 here

gimme that kaled shot

I don't have it, just crop it

>that left wallpaper

Since at least 2014.
There you go.

dat 1600x900

Get ma dniggas

Is that a pony?

not too high but getting dedicated gpu this week plus doubling the ram.

Nice set up, what ya running user?

Hands are a favorite of mine

My resolution is 5760x1080. I have 3 1080p monitors.

Which one is the original?

1920*1080 + 1440*900 aux

>"it looks fine"
>still doesn't post in fullscreen

the one that doesn't look like oversaturated garbo

>thinly veiled Desktop thread

Why would I post full screen when you'd see everything 4 times as large as I do? Of course it's going to look worse for you when it's an essentially zoomed in image. My screen is high PPI so you aren't going to notice small pixelizations.

>Implying they wouldn't wouldn't have utilized a wider gamut if we weren't stuck with sRGB
Even with it being properly color managed there are still extremely vivid colors in Penguindrum.



Worst taste in music I've ever seen.

>the 5k iMac guy again
Ok user, I understand you got an expensive computer and you want to show off, but it's starting to look desperate, infantile and a little pathetic. Maybe it's time to stop?

i only really like 648*480

Converting artwiz fonts to work on osx. Will soon deliver them here.

What else was I supposed to do, make a desktop thread? Those are banned.
If you want to blame someone blame the mods.

There was already one here, you even posted in it:

Does parallels tools work with gentoo? Parallels currently doesn't support arch.

we should call these threads 'computer homescreen thread' from now on
they don't delete the homescreen threads so...

Yes, look at the time stamps. I posted this thread before I posted in that one, and this one had started to take off so I didn't bother to delete it.


It's not the mods fault that desktop threads are banned.


Says the anime poster

It's not. I know.

I'm not one of them.

it's & you're

You absolutely were one of them. You talked about anime every chance you got. Just because you weren't posting doesn't change anything.

At least we dont ban desktop threads.

he's a retard and thinks that the only way to make a post off topic is to attach an anime image
don't bother arguing with him, everyone else gave up a long time ago


I was having actual conversations with people. Not just spamming and shitposting.

That's not true at all. I've never said my post weren't off topic. It was all the spamming idiots who would just shitpost that killed desktop threads.

fuck off, you're the most hypocritical piece of shit I've ever seen

3840x1080 master race

How but we just ditch the desktop thread idea and just make a "weeb general" on some shitty off topic board? All I want out of this website is to chat with people with a mutual interest in anime, cute girls and technology.