Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages

>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages
>I can't even use a command line, I have to use a GUI for everything

Other urls found in this thread:

noone on Sup Forums is amazing.

Well, kill yourself like you're suggesting on your pic or just learn how to use it if you really want to.
I usually search how to do certain stuff for curiosity alone and end up doing some great stuff.

>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages

pro tip: the command line is itself a GUI

I got the cs meme degree. I made myself familiar with various languages and technologies. Can't program myself out of a paper bag.
>code artisan

Could be worse OP, 6 yrs and counting, still a NEET

If you're self-aware enough to know that you don't know stuff then you're already ahead of most people here who think they're hackers and freedom fighters because they know how to install Ubuntu.

C-like languages are basically the same
ML-like languages are basically the same
Lisp-like languages are basically the same

you know these you know everything pretty much

Barely anyone on Sup Forums can code, and those that can struggle through free online python classes so they can brag about how they're l33t programmers here. Or they read half of the outdated k&r book and post about muh minimalist code. The rest of the board just argues specs and desktop riding. I guarantee of you start learning today, you'll already know more than half of Sup Forums.

How to Design Programs:

The terminal is not difficult at all. It's just scary because you're not used to it.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as suicide is in fact, mass murder/suicide, or as I've recently taken to calling it, mass murder plus suicide. Suicide is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning mass murder system made useful by the mass murder corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

>Could be worse OP, 6 yrs and counting, still a NEET
Ive only been a n33t for about a year no friends no job

Cant handle it

Like I said last time.
Just use Java with Netbeans, desu baka.

Its as easy as your crush at the club.

now you're just killing me man


Sup Forums isn't amazing,
but you're retarded

Those are very different levels, if not just different things entirely. The GNU CLI is very easy to use and has helpful manuals built in, but I can't do more than a Hello World in C, and that's only a recent accomplishment.

>implying all that is something to be proud about
just go out and live your life, do what makes you happy user, run while you can

Come on I'm sure you can make a program that counts each number up to your input.

>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages

If that were true, Sup Forums would have been capable of at least organizing itself to make a fucking music player for Linux akin to Foobar, but a wee bit better in terms of customization.

But Sup Forums isn't.
What Sup Forums is however, is a backup board for Sup Forums, as can be seen by the fact that Sup Forums makes threads about gaymer GPUs like the GeForce or Rx series GPUs, because they lack any financial or skill capability for proper GPUs like Quadro or FirePro.



I thought Sup Forums was a dreamy board for wasting time about on useless stuff like muh free software movement and normie tech support.

just set your mobility scooter on max speed and flee user

Oh shutup. Sup Forums has accomplished plenty. These logos and images didn't make themselves.

Sup Forums is amazingly adept at making logos, but that's it.

made on windows

>>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages

>LETS GO TO /gd/!

I shit you not, thats was tox. and even then, the threads were trolled for months after from people wanting revisions, and copyright fuckery.

Just get curious. Try new stuff. Learn a simple programming language. Install some arbitrary Linux distribution.

We're all gonna make it, brah..

You will never learn the command line if you never try. Also, Sup Forums kinda sucks at programming for the most part.


For real.
I learnt how to use GANOO by fucking up my Windows install trying to install it.

You don't become some l33t pro by reading a lot. You make the mistakes and learn from them.

Thanks for letting me filter you

wouldnt the terminal be the GUI

>being this affected by what people say online
kek you might as well start taking female hormones and wear girl clothes faggot

Tripfags are always annoying fucks. Plus they defeat the purpose of an anonimoose Chinese throatsinging board

>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages
The only thing this place can do is shitposting about graphic cards and discussing anime girl wallpapers


If you move the binary into your windows folder you don't have to specify the folder everytime you run a command.

it's just 3-4 lines of text from an emotionally unstable attention desperate inferiority complexed retard user, you care way too much about these things, I suggest a sex change operation to achieve the gender you really belong into

Ayylahu lmaokbar

op im with you. fuck the Command man.

c:/ipconfi/g/ my ass
#: rm morebullshit
$: sudo makedir fuckme

give me a damn icon to click and let the fun begin. fuck you and your terminal/shell fuckery

>dafuck is even a shell?

Pretty much, but
>k&r is outdated


I can't code for shit but it literally took me an hour or so to competently learn how to navigate my computer with the command line in Ubuntu

Just watch a YouTube video of the basics and copy what they do, it's easy peasy. I still use a gui for pretty much everything but it's cool to learn how your OS works under the hood

>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages
hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah thanks for making laugh user.

>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages
off yourself


>Sup Forums is full of amazing coders, fluent in multiple programming languages

whats so wrong about using guis? dont you get your shit done as-well? its just a more normal way of doing stuff (some stuff is better done using a gui, other on the cli, would you use a gui just to ping an ip? would you use a cli to view the stats of a very large network configuration like a cloud shard?)

>Can't program myself out of a paper bag.

How did you get yourself into that situation?

return = "fuck u";

print "{$fuck['you']} !";

I love it.

Had jobs and friends for years before. It fucking sucks, a lot of it.

yea what's the difference between a terminal and shell


exactly how do you feel you're being held back by not using a command line?

i use cmd/ems/powershell almost daily but only because i need to for some things, if i could use a GUI i would. so unless you're not able to do something because you can't use a command line, don't worry

$fuck = 'fuck';
$you = 'you';

echo $fuck.$you;

you forgot to add a space between the two words you genius

>exactly how do you feel you're being held back by not using a command line?
i imagine there's a world of possibilities that i can't even know of so i wouldn't be able to articulate how i'm being held back

echo $fuck." ".$you." fag";

>between the two words
two variables m8

We're not in the 70s, there no need to learn command line shit unless you have to do sysadmin stuff. I learned to make my first serious programs in Visual C++ around 1998-99, and always makes me laugh that people are still using the command line to compile their programs in 2016.

dont worry anons soon AI bots will replace programmers as well.

bots programming bots woohoo!
>I think I seen this movie

the add can be added at the end of fuck or the start of you

so w o r d

i got my words wrong

$fuck = 'fuck';
$space = " ";
$you = 'you';

echo $fuck.$space.$you;

>fuck your space

The terminal EMULATOR is the GUI.

i'm so damn confused now

welcome to programming m8

Unless you hit a roadblock with a gui that requires using a command line then you've got nothing to worry about

Sounds like you just wanna look cool or you think it'll make you smarter somehow, seriously what are you trying to achieve?