Anyone have a higher-resolution version of this image?
Anyone have a higher-resolution version of this image? now fuck off
Make your own. Also there are 250gb cards.
i got you, nigger.
Sup Forums - Autism
I found an even better resolution one.
>Make your own
Are you a CSI agent?
I think he meant photograph your own finger holding a new MicroSD and a shitty old one.
I looked everywhere for it OP, but here you go.
here you are
>making the same joke 20 minutes after it's first been posted
Gotta show those other autistic weeaboos how witty you are
>autistic weeaboos
alright, now you're just eating shit and talking it back out.
> 2005
> buy 2Gig micro sd card
reminder: that pic is not accurate
But mine was and it was definitely the funniest.
We can go larger. Lossless too.
mine focuses on high resolution small file size
I'm just calling it what it is. We're on a technology board on an anime site. Of course the users are autistic weeaboos
>see thread
>see potential to act superior, because OP fucked up in specifying what he wanted
>enter thread
>sudden realization
>5 people already made this joke
>feel irresistible urge to show everyone I have also thought of the joke, and the only reason I didn't post it first is because I didn't see the thread in time
>post slightly altered version that goes a bit beyond the original idea, making it look more sophisticated
>m-mine was the funniest
Yeah but mine was the funniest. Seriously. Look at it. It uses the default 16 colors palette for 4 bit color depth displays from the 90's. Plus I named it with the extension pcx.png, to make it look like it was originallly a PCX file, which is an old as fuck image format with excessive metadata and zero compression.
Memes aside: can anyone explain how the fuck this is possible?
Not only to put more data on the same chip, but how the fuck humans are able to fit 128 GB of data on a chip smaller than my mail key?
Memory storage is baffling to me, but this is on another fucking level
Multi-level cells store more than one bit per cell. Current flash memory is only a couple scales of magnitude larger than the atomic level, and atoms are really fucking little.
the phrase "you're winner" comes to mind
fuckers; it says 12.8 gigs
The fact that we're down to 14 nm and looking at 10 blows my mind. We're making transistors that are only a hundred or so times larger than a single hydrogen atom.
You could've at least fucked it up and changed "128GB" to "128MB", or written "faggot" on it to make it unusable to OP...
so meta
Nigga a particle of copper that does quantum confinement stuff at 50K is like ~1500 atoms. It's like a nanometer or two across. The very best flash memory is 12nm (looks like most is 20nm+) across, that a fuckton more atoms, so we are talking a handful of orders of magnitude above the atomic scale.
i'm not an asshole.
Yeah, you're a faggot and OP's bitchslave.
Well... let's say 1500 atoms line up to span over make 1.5 nanometer accross, that would mean 20nm would require 20 000 atoms. So that's 4 orders of magnitude above the atomic level.
They're balls not lines nigga.
Man you sound like someone I really want to meet in real life.
Anyone have a higher-resolution version of this image?
They're waves, not balls, nigga. Do you even quantum mechanics?
They already have made functioning 7nm chips, and are estimated to be commercially viable by 2018-19. Also, years prior to that a functioning single atom transistor was created, albeit impossible to utilize as a full chip.
Why so you can prep him to fuck your wife?
thanks :)
They're balls of balls of waves, which are also ball shaped. In the end I'm pretty certain they're balls.
they're wave like balls, you daft niggers.
Where can I find a higher resolution version of this?
Got you covered
Except that's wrong.
Found this
Here, I found that one but even bigger. Well, technically bigger.
Looks a little blurry. I enhanced it for you.
got it bigger for you
took my laptop like 15 minutes so like hell I'm letting filesize get in the way of not posting it
they look happy :D
Looks a little noisy. I enhanced it for you
small time
I found one too, on google
fucking casual
That was in 2014 faggot
>I'm just calling it what it is. We're on a technology board on an anime site. Of course the users are autistic weeaboos
This, so much this!
>he mad
ayy lmao
>not o7
you didn't even try
how to do this art style
Fuck you, that image make my firefox shit itself.
Image > Color > Indexed
Palette: Uniform
Dither: Pattern
Play around with the options for a variety of nostalgia-inducing retina-burning styles.
Why is this thread so funny.
How did such a simple query do this?
image editing is fun
>ma needs a cock
the magic of linux
I couldn't help it
go back to Sup Forums.
Come on. How'd you do it?
imagemagick maybe?
convert thatmeme.jpg -resize 200000x asdf.jpg
and optipng. no idea how did it though.
>not booting up a $700 software and loading the image in it to do a simple operation on it
Something is clearly not working quite right here.
I enhanced it, OP
>projecting this hard
nobody even mentioned weeaboos until you showed up
Why does the circle have a drop shadow?
someone should have posted gimp asking for hundreds of GBs with OP's pic
On an orange board
It's a broken rubber band.
save as .bmp
god, is that you?
You're a little late, bud.
corneal imaging