What kind of bed do Sup Forumsentlemen here use?
Thinking of getting one of those hospital beds for my bedroom so I can lie down in a sitting position.
What kind of bed do Sup Forumsentlemen here use?
Thinking of getting one of those hospital beds for my bedroom so I can lie down in a sitting position.
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Reevaluate your entire life.
Memory foam on some ikea drawer bed frame.
Imagine how many people died where you plan to sleep
I think there comes a point where you realize that you would never see a post like this anywhere else on the internet.
Why the fuck would you want to sleep in a hospital stretcher knowing full well what it represents?
Those beds cost £6000+
Why would anyone buy those things used?
For the ingrained piss, shit, blood and death.
I know this is bait but OP is the stupidest motherfucker on the planet.
Good thread, OP.
Sup Forums, a magical place.
I actually use a hospital bed.
I sleep on a ~2" thick foam pad on the floor.
Kill yourself, poorfag.
Get raped, buttmad faget.
I don't get what some people are mad about.
>reconfigure at a touch of a button
>power strip to plug gadgets
>swivel desk for your laptop
Beds are technology too.
Mattress in bare floor.
Actually, my entire bedding is worth less than my anime figure collection.
are you an invalid?
Willfully sitting in a death bed in your 20s
Powerful symbolism. We truly are the least fortunate generation.
> Why the fuck would you want to sleep in a hospital stretcher
Not OP but I spent some time in a hospital bed way back when and I'd totally go for one.
its only a deathbed if you die in it, shitwank
economy-class syndrome
Because they're fucking expensive?
stop, my baiting son
You should also stop willfully wearing your death clothes. Or ride in a death bus. Or sit in a death chair. Or eat some death food. Or walk in your death shoes.
None of those regular activities symbolize the end of life
The mattress industry is so strange. The big brand mattress companies will take a matress, give it 10 different names to send to 10 different retailers to make comparing prices/price matching almost impossible yet the industry as a whole offers about the best warranty in consumer goods.
And a hospital bed does?
I laughed. Well done.
I just use pillows to do that, no need for a fancy bed.
Kill yourself.
what's that poster on the wall?
Is your pillow stained and crusty? Because it looks stained and crusty.
ITT: How to avoid any and all chances of someone ever sharing your bed with you
I can smell your cum stained pillow from here
isn't everyones? i had a fever once and woke up drenched. pillow has been yellow ever since.
normal people use dry defenders on the mattress and pillow
How about using a pillowcase and bed linen?
you can wash that stuff, you know?
You need a nurse too.
>dry defenders
i dont want to sleep on vinyl
soaked through the pillowcase
At what age did you lose all self-respect?
Nice daki
Full Size 6" Memory Foam with a stiff core. I wanted to replicate having a spring bed with a memory foam topper you can get at Costco for $100 which is what I invested in a few years back without having to pay for the premium price of a Hybrid Mattress or doing the same thing again with the topper. I went around lying in beds in many stores looking for the perfect one and found it.
I picked full size because I've slept in twin all my life and wanted to try something different. But eh. Full size is a little too big for one person but it allows me to at least have a laptop on the side for comfy video watching. I think I would have been fine if I got a twin size bed again.
Besides mattress I decided to buy overpriced 600 thread count Egyptian Cotton bedsheets and I don't regret it at all. Holy shit it's perfect and feels orgasmic to wake up in.
Pillows are just some traditional pillows with a mix of microfiber and flannel. I use about 4 pillows.
There is actually even shops you can bring your soaked feathers to, and they'll clean them for you.
Shocking, isnt it?
>I decided to buy overpriced 600 thread count Egyptian Cotton bedsheets and I don't regret it at all. Holy shit it's perfect and feels orgasmic to wake up in.
Can you please elaborate more?
Sounds kinda tempting, and I do enjoy fine and overpriced fabrics in my shirts, but for my bedsheets, I just have some normal, mid-priced stuff.
Egyptian Cotton is usually what some nice hotel beds have, comparable to other expensive fabrics like Pima, you can decide. It's all personal preference and what feels nice on the skin.
Thread count will determine durability in most cases, and the higher will usually feel softer.
Terms like Oxford, Sateen, and Percale just describes how it's woven, also determines softness, texture, look, and sometimes weight.
Bed Bath & Beyond has fabric on display you can touch and feel for yourself (if you don't mind having the thought in the back of your head of many people passing by fondling it with their dirty hands)
>Sup Forums
I actually live near a abandoned hospital and there are several of these laying around in some of the rooms in really good condition, surprised nobody stole them or destroyed them.
Yes. But there is a difference between just being an introvert and not "good with people/females specifically"and rather enjoys computers and consumer tech and actively trying to be as repulsive as possible.
Are people sleeping in hospitals repulsive?
What's wrong with being comfortable while you sleep?
a genuinely meant question here, how old is this poster?
If you live like this you should really be
Well, because my bed is a pice of shit, i have it since 22 years, what are you guys looking into when buying a bed? and do you have any mattress buying tipps?
Literally every mattress company tells you that you sleep 33% according to studies so you have to invest in something nice and not something you replace every 3 years
Install gentoo
>have to cover my bed in plastic sheeting because my gf is a squirter
>implying it's not just piss
Are hospital beds supposed to be taboo? I can understand if it's currently in service but reclining in a brand new one with a fresh mattress is something I'd like to try out.
I sleep on two 2" foam pads on cinder blocks and plywood.
Mattress Tech has finally progressed into the 20th+1st century.
wall scrolls
>Are people sleeping in hospitals repulsive?
But getting a hospital for your home, just because you want to be able to shitpost more comfy from your bed is indeed repulsive.
As is the whole notion of actually rigging your bed in such a way, that you can use your fucking desktop in bed, right on your semen encrusted pillow, that you are too stupid to clean.
I just put a beanbag chair on my bed when I want to sit up
I quit my job and shitposted from my bed for two years some time ago. I moved all my computer equipment and my mattress in to my living room. Good times.
Has a pillow of a girl beside him
Where are you going to get one of these?
I've never really had any hopes of getting a girlfriend or friends, so why would I give a fuck if I'll never get laid?
squirts piss. Who implied otherwise?
OP has a point, don't call him invalid
>I've never really had any hopes of getting a girlfriend
Me neither. Was a 30yo kissless virgin till last year. But finally got the courage to change my life, and now I am regularly managing to share my bed. slowly even working my way up to banging hot girls!
You can do it too. If you dont totally give up on yourself, like most folks in this thread.
>work in ICU
>someone's confirmed kill and we disconnect the life support
>we move him to post mortem room
>queues to the ICU are so massive when we put the next patient the bed is still warm after the last one
always makes me chuckle