Post your GPU

post your GPU

Other urls found in this thread:

>What will you make?

Not a whole lot with an i3.

thats not a GPU
the GPU is the thing with graphics on it!

pic related, is mine

Not as good as a fermi GPU but still does the job.

fucking kek. I think it's speed "thermi" not fermi.


goddang autocorrect

spelt is pic related

Just waiting on a gtx 750ti

why 750ti and how much

does a 750ti let you boot MGSV or Far Cry 4?

I got a gigabyte 480


Fisting current gen CPUs with my 2012 i7

kek this.

I use this. It might not be the fastest GPU but it is loyal and truly loves me.

Spelt is the Commonwealth English equivalent of spelled in US English.

cucktiumfags BTFO

guys, is my gpu a meme?

Sorry for the bad picture but this is as close as I could get to my GPU.

> he fell for the thermi may-may

pc 1: r9-270x
pc 2: r7-370
x220: intel HD 3000
x60: Intel GMA 950
server: NVIDIA GeForce 7025

4790k + MSI 390
Feels good


what's that GPU overclocked to, user?

i5 4690k

4.6, 4.7 stopped being stable after upgrading some stuff.
390 is at 1150/1600 i think? Maybe 1700. Crashes very occasionally but happy with it

>reference 290x UBER

Neat, I bumped up the base clock on my Memelake i3-6300 system from 100 to ~120 and it surprisingly still works. 20% OC on a locked multiplier chip feels bretty gud.

>tfw the 290x heat "issues" only happen on retarded reference coolers that NOBODY uses
>tfw nvidia is the real housefire nodriver meme company
>tfw 2012 radeon chips are still tip top notch even today
>tfw nvidia took a gigantic shit on anyone who bought cards from them in 2013
nvidia shills, please rope yourselves, thanks :^)

that boosts your pcie speed, does it not? enjoy your broken shit, i guess. you don't need the overclock

Not using any PCIe cards m8. The audio fucks up sometimes but it's fine.

Lel what does that say about AMD users

your storage is on pcie
your LAN is on pcie
the audio fucking up might also be related

you don't even get a real benefit out of that OC

No shit, I did research before OCing so I wouldn't fuck up my PC.

LAN and storage have had no problems, but audio is definitely feeling the boosted base clock.


I know, I just like the nostalgia of raising up the base clock, reminds me of when it was worth it.


fisting them you say?

>dat shit IPC

should i buy this hard drive? I've never heard of that brand....windforce?

nvidia quadro 1000m. plays gta5 bretty gud and i love that it's upgradeable

> your
> not you're

quality thread

Neat. I bought mine in 2013,14 or whatever

it's 5-10% below skymeme, not shit at all.

And you might say the stock clocks are shit, but the 5820k and 5930k both OC to 4.4Ghz+

Just 1000M or M1000M?

>>tfw the 290x heat "issues" only happen on retarded reference coolers that NOBODY uses

Except those were the only cards available for months after release. It wouldn't have been a problem if non-reference cards were launched alongside reference.

fucking intel and their "always one or two years behind" "enthusiast platform"

7950/7970 were already a thing and those were just enough. nobody really needed a 290/290x

why do people not like Skylake? take over Broadwell too soon or just the performance shits?

Fx 6300 here

When you want more cores, you're less concerned about the IPC anyway, so really not sure what you're trying to get at.

Sounds like you're taking a gamers perspective on what you want from intel's high end platform, which it is not at all made to be for gamers.

Just another incremental update with nothing besides 5-10% IPC improvements. That and the super thin IHS which has shown to bend is a bit of an issue.

broadwell on desktop was a fucking failure, NOBODY bought that
they made it so it has a strong gpu and that's it. who the fuck needs that on a desktop?

Onboard graphics.

the 6-core came as a reply to a 4770k

I use a Radeon HD7750 1GB GDDR5.

5-10% increase is better than other refreshes & new families (broadwell), but hey it did bring DDR4, better USB 3.0 type C/thunderbolt support, sure might've been too soon, or too little, but it's something.

So then why reply with
>dat shit IPC
when the 5930k and 5820k IPC is better than the 4770k? The 4770k is just clocked higher at stock, which is negated the moment you OC.

Waiting on the new flagship cards from AMD/Nvidia.

broadwell was decent to an extent, unnecessary but decent.

Haswell-E already had DDR4 and USB 3/3.1.

We need another 32nm sandy bridge-like breakthough, much like the 65nm core 2 duo which was a must-have.

you were right before with the i7 6700k ipc compared to the 6-cores

it's just weird that you'd respond with a 6-core to a regular quadcore

we are getting close to the limits of using Silicon for CPU manufacturing.
it did, but the platforms for it (like Mobos) were too expensive, or too overkill for a lot of the consumers.

Heatpipe connects directly to the CPU before hitting the fan so it keeps my toaster nice and hot.

>but the platforms for it (like Mobos) were too expensive
How would you babies have ever survived back when motherboards were $300 for a cheap one?

The age of ~$100-200 good quality motherboards really only started in the mid 2000s, before that sub $200 was considered cheap and generally garbage quality.

I get your point, just stupid seeing kids complain about hardware costs these days when it's so fucking cheap compared to what it used to cost.


980 here, gonna upgrade to Pascal ASAP, cause they really devalued the Maxwell family.

I fell for the ASUS meme.

>or too overkill for a lot of the consumers.

I built my first PC in the early 2000s, so hey not my fault i wasn't there when the decent mobos were at least $300. Other than media workers, not many consumers needed the extra 2-4 cores that the 5---k/x family brought, and hey not everyone will pay premium to browse facebook & play candy crush.

>Not a whole lot with an i3
What do you mean? I make music and work on graphic stuff with an i3

i3s have Hyper Threading right?


idk, I think so

well hey the cache is utter shit, but the hyper threading works well.

my grandma's cpu lol

A i3 could, topkeks

>7950/7970 were already a thing and those were just enough. nobody really needed a 290/290x
Thats your fucking defense?????

some fuck ass was selling a pentium 4 machine that "wouldn't boot up properly", bought to add the Pentium 4 to my CPU collection, attempted to remove IHS, and the fucking heatspreader came off and so did half the die, fuck ass glued it on the cooler.

Intel Celeron G530 @ 2.40GHz

aw shiet you said gpu, hold on a sec
1024MB NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 (Elitegroup)

Celeron N2840 Intel HD Graphics

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 980 G1 Gaming
I got it for an early christmas present because my Zotac Geforce GTS 250(eco) aka a 9800GTX was 5 years old and the fan sounded like a blow dryer and ran idle @58c. Plus the
"next gen" consoles sucked so I play games on my pc again, I had a 8800 Ultra back in 2007 it died in 2009 it was a BFG Tech card and they went under so a GTS250eco was all I could afford.

Not sure what the point of this thread is.

EVGA GTX 980 with the ACX 2.0 cooler.

As beefy as the new card is, the card it replaced was an EVGA GTX 570 that kicked a mountain of ass for a little over 4 years. As far as I know, it's still going strong in a friend's computer. The 980 might be the shortest-lived card I've ever had, the way things are going.

>all these niggas who bought a 980

dis lil nigga right here

aint buying shit again for like 5 years minimum.

Is it worth upgrading my GPU????

What would you suggest?

I'm just glad I didn't go for SLI. The price was right at the time and, even if I knew I'd only get two(ish) years out of it, I'd probably buy it again. It's staying in my build until the 1080ti anyway.

4170 does

got this and a 650ti , looking to get an AMD GPU soon

HD 3000 is pretty dated but unless you see stuttering on HD 1080p resolutions on streaming sites theres no issue.

also if you have a mobo that lets you physically supply more ram to the IGP, my MSI lets me give it an entire gig

>tfw no vt-x

It served me great
That's 0db gaming


Guess who's GTX580 died yesterday!



Celeron M 540
I don't need no recent CPU

>>tfw the 290x heat "issues" only happen on retarded reference coolers that NOBODY uses
dude you literally just replied to a guy saying "reference 290x", stop getting so defensive on an anonymous taiwanese tapestry board

I am from Europe, and I want to buy a new Graphics card for my PC with i3-2120.
I want to play games on medium on FHD resolution like Total war: Attila and new Warhammer: Total War when it comes out.

I am probably going to buy some GTX 950, because GTX 960 is much more expensive here.
What version should I buy? The EVGA one?