Hey, I'm trying to set up battle.net on Linux through wine. I have no problem installing the app, but I can't log in. I just hangs infinitely.
>Fuck you if you can't fix it/hack into Blizzard servers to make them pay.
Hey, I'm trying to set up battle.net on Linux through wine. I have no problem installing the app, but I can't log in...
>Hey guys my Wine doesn't work with another program
Just dual boot windows if you want to play games stupid
Did you try through PlayonLinux? People underestimate the dynamic libraries and visual C++ dependencies that Wine cannot fill.
If Battle.net is listed under supported list of PlayonLinux, it will work properly. If not Google and look for solution. I recall some guy managed to play hearthstone and heroes of the storm on arch Linux and Ubuntu. There is a detailed guide on battle.net forums somewhere.
Works fine for me. I think you need some IE gecko render thing
How do you open a game in a Kernel?
By hacking the mainframe.
Just use Windows, dumbass. It's not worth your time trying to make it work, especially with something that still gets updated.
That's deep
with popcorn and butter i would think
This. Just dual-boot if you really want gayming.
>I recall some guy managed to play hearthstone and heroes of the storm on arch Linux and Ubuntu
I'm on Lubuntu and all the blizzard games work great
I did try play on Linux, but the result was the same. I thought I could tweak more if I used straight Wine since Play on Linux is Wine-based anyway.
Of course that would be easy, but I love doing things like this the hard way. It's a great way to learn.
Then learn, motherfucker. The resources are out there. But you're not reading up. You're asking for assistance.
set compatibility to windows xp for battle.net.exe and battle.nethelper.exe in winecfg.
>he fell for the wine meme
its probably warden, I doubt you are going to fix it without RE their whole program
Learn what? That battle.net uses a metric fucking crapton of Windows specific stuff that Wine can't handle?
Okay, you learned it. Dual boot or move on.
I tried the same thing yesterday and I decided to just stick with Windows and use Vagrant for anything else.
Learn how to play videogames on Linux? How is that worth your time if you can just dualboot Windows?
On Debian I got it to work with hearthstone (really smoothly I might add). I had screen hangups but I forced it to run through the dedicated GPU instead of the integrated (laptop) and it worked fine
Use wine 1.6.2
You should probably ask your OS provider, or wine support, or battle.net support.
Linux; Putting more effort into doing things because of no reason at all.
You want to play vidya? Use windows you fucking sperglord.
what this guy says. I play diablo 3. But hell if I am going to bother on linux. so i dual boot.