/cringe/ /humor/ /ylyl/

No cringe? Humor? YLYL?
Sup Forums related /cringe/ /humor/ /ylyl/ time.

Other urls found in this thread:


>pic related, WTF CAPTCHA?


ITT: people post images everyone's seen before that haven't been funny for years. case in point

Well fuck, got OC?




Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

0/10 not slouched enough.


well verify then, it takes about 2 seconds longer you twat

and that doesnt happen all the time either


>obviously missing the point

Sup Forums you say?


shipping is free so its great value.

nothing wrong with this


i-is that ram on usb?

wtf is that even?


Fucking kek

Reckon it's a RAM EEPROM writer



Did this dense motherfucker type in 10000 numbers?

Oh my, hello FBI USA, good you're not FBI UK

Best part is that that page is from Reddit.



what is that site?


I don't get it.

Its pretty laughable, but i cant code even that. May you explain me how he was supposed to do it instead. For each next line to just have plus one digit.

10BASE2 for life

You forgot the pic, here user.

just what

You let them type in their own phone number like every other website out there.


$20,000 mistake

How would you do this better?




>You will never be able to pull off that look because you're too thin.


This is just impressive


Intel stole that joke from smbc

Of course not. Obviously the options are auto-generated using a loop in PHP. Don't you know how web development works? You can't make loops in HTML.


>why is my RAM so bottlenecked?

>Don't you know how web development works?
I have like 20 minutes on codecademy. So, no i dont.

This thing better connect my computer to the internet even if I don't have a ISP and I just throw it at the screen.


Seems legit.


i don't get it

Are you retarded by chance?


Behold, Oblivion on 3.11

Wait... what exactly is happening here? They tore the sata connector, then soldered a new one onto it, but only with two of the power pins? Does that work?

Everything is big.

no, i'm not a macfag

Populating a unpopulated SATA pins on a motherboard

I think a lot of the pins on the sata power connector are redundant. Most of them being grounds, probe pins to help with hotswap and probably some server type features as well. A hard drive will probably work with 12v and gnd- alone.


I'll take twenty.


No, 2.5 SATA is always 5V not 12V, the motherboard probably does not even have 12V output on that SATA, even most newer 3.5 drives work only with 5V.

I must have spent 8 hours hemming and hawing about placing a core 2 quad into an old Dell. I even made sure I upgraded the BIOS and spent 2 weeks as I waited for the package double checking everything.
I even downloaded a pdf to apply my thermal paste.




Isn't that the voltage of a USB connector? I used to have a Seagate (I know) 2.5 drive that worked on USB power only... until right after the one year warranty, then it kept jamming up. Then I connected it directly to SATA and it started working again. I figured the voltage needed to be higher to make the worn disc spin.

He ripped the gpu chip out.

Is the joke that the tool is too old to handle a disc with this capacity?

Yes it is. There are two USB port cables for that, using the current of two ports, its still 5V tho.

More likely the drive's firmware is scrambled harder than an egg in a frying pan.

Get out

>what is 18.44EB


Then I don't understand what happened and why the SATA connectors fixed it (temporarily, just for long enough to back up my shit)



SATA power has more current then USB, some USB's are very limited, like 500mA. But if it just fixed it temporary then it just was a bad drive.

>this is how all dell computers are shipped


I got confused, portable drives always come with a 12v power cable if they're not usb powered.


My theory is that the rotor got rougher with usage and required more power as it kept being used.

Also yes. Seagates are always bad drives. If you did not know that already, then remember it from now on. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble in the future.

Are spelling errors caused by hard drive failure or viruses? I remember when my brother had viruses, badly spelled words were everywhere.


SATA by standard provides 3.3V, 5V, and 12V. 2.5" HDDs only use the 5V so they can run off of USB power


They have both, 12V and 5V.
2.5 drives only use the 5V lane, 12V is used by older 3.5 drives.

It should write on the back of the adapter like:
>12V 2A
>5V 2A

Won't matter soon anyway, SSDs are gonna catch up in price per TB.

More power = more current not more voltage

Thanks, I'll remember that.

every time i see this i laugh, no matter what

>Seagate SSD

The point is that nobody will be buying HDDs anymore

RAM failure more likely