>Nvidiots on suicide watch
Nvidiots on suicide watch
Remember, no DirectX12
how can nvidia get away with this? are fanboys this fucking blind?
>inb4 amdrone
I'm using a GTX 670
>18% market share
>relevant brand
Now pick one
>inb4 consoles run on AMDs
Even if Pascal comes out without any DX12 support it will mean nothing, because Nvidia will simply push devs into not using DX12 at all.
>mfw they have had 5 years to come up with support
>still nothing
Notice how they dont show any dx12 games in the videos or charts? They just skip over it and demo vulkan
>Even if Pascal comes out without any DX12 support it will mean nothing, because Nvidia will simply push devs into not using DX12 at all.
Oh yeah because that worked so well for DX10.1 and 11? oh wait a minute.
kind of ironic nvidia used to be at the forefront of this tech back in 2007 and now they literally havent changed the design since.
Well sure ok AMD hasnt really changed theirs since 2012 but sill thats a big gap
>Nvidia is shit and AMD is less shit
9/10 argument
AMD sucks dicks in DX11 and if Nvidia says so, it will have to continue doing that.
>if Nvidia says so
how can you be such a cuck?
remember no market share
>nvidia relases info about new card, totally BTFO anything AMD has price/perf, the only thing AMD worked for poorfags
>AMD cucks start memespowting
business as usual, stay poor and mad retards
AMD gets cucked by MS and Sony, selling low end APUs aka consoles for factory price not earning a single shekel for last three years.
Yet you dare to call cuck anything related to Nvidia.
is this opposite day?
>GTX 1080 outperforms 2 980s in SLI.
>No directx12
>Who gives a shit, dx12 looks like shit anyway and requires win10
>>GTX 1080 outperforms 2 980s in SLI.
>believing "relative" graph from nvidia
>no settings knows
>could have used 4K to gimp the 980 since it doesn't have enough memory for 4K and performance would cripple
Not mentioning that dx12 and async requires low level implementation which requires days of work and judging from lack of optimisation in last years there is no chance of dx12 revolution happening.
>4k doesn't cripple the 1080 and still outperformed a Titan X in whatever test they used
the 1080 is made with 4K in mind, and has a lot more vram (and faster vram) made for 4K/VR
Even the 980Ti fucked the Titan X. Titan X was a jew scheme from Nvidia to milk the gullible retards of their cash.
>Two to Three times the VR/multi-monitor performance
you really don't understand that the comparison between 980 and 1080 is entirely unfair, don't you?
are you 12?
>bang for buck
>price per perfromance
Why dont you just get a job instead of trying to excuse your lack of income.
>AMD jehovah's witnesses in full damage control since the announcement
only a neet doesn't care about wasting his money, because he didn't work for his neetbux
This is the point that the amd cultists will never want to touch. It's more than clear that devs don't care about optimization here and it's already known directx 12 requires a good chunk of effort, yet these retards think that devs are suddenly not only abandon their standard and well known dx11 procedures, but also start working their asses off when they have a history of the contrary AND all of this to optimize things for an irrelevant brand with like + - 12% market share, which in turn will supposedly make performance worse for everyone else.
It's hilarious to see people believing this lunacy.
I'll consider buying an 1070 ( I have gtx 770 now )
when it gets very very very cheap.
I'll buy it for 190 usd.
I don't play video games.
I don't feel the urgency to upgrade all the time, it'll be a nice boost and that's all + less power consumption can never hurt.
>I'll buy it for 190 usd.
LOL good luck
they wont even be that price used for like 2-3 years
Even if AMD cant quite beat it i am getting a 490x anyway just to play around with.
In my country 770 is selling for 150€ righ now.
970 went to 250€-280€ right after Nvidia presentation (while still on warranty for 2+ years)
If he waits for 2 generations he might be able to pull it off, but by then the card will be really obsolete
what country?
In my country even 970 now sells for 190 usd because there's always a company or some guy that buys the video card on company and cannot return it back so he is forced to sell it.
But I told you i will wait 1 year - 2 years no problem with that :). I don't feel the urge to upgrade.
I'll probably find it for 190 - 210 usd 6 months to 1 year after official release.
Obsolete for what? Gaming? I don't play video games.
Eastern Europe slavic shithole. Low minimal wage, low cost stuff. 300€ is actually great amount of money to some.
This is not a point people ignore, it's well known that good DX12 implementations aren't going to be showing up overnight. People are instead talking about things on the long term as most people don't swap out their GPU every year. Performance 2-3 years down the line matters no matter how much people like you try to focus on the shorter term.
The part that you're missing is the consoles running AMD hardware have the real market share and as long as that is the case, AMD hardware will remain relevant to devs. As much as it seems crazy to us, PC gamers are the real minority.
Who gives a shit about low end low cost APU. Consoles will be overthrown by Smartphone/Tablet market.
dude, no dx12
you had one job
Those cores are weak as fuck on their own. Why would you even want to bother with asynchronous computing on a GPU?
so hard
Does this faggot know what Price/performance means? The answer is no.
Just because Pascal costs more does not mean it's a better value.
Because AMD cards are idling most of the time, kinda like their CPUs.
>tfw the benchmarks show Polaris btfo-ing Pascal in DX12 games
It's not really a problem because DX12 is irrelevant and Vulkan still needs some work before being used
And in a few years their next architecture will likely support it
>It's not really a problem because DX12 is irrelevant
>this is what nvidiots believe
>amd pretty much having vulkan built with mantle
>nvidia embracing the vulkan future
>microshills are this butthurt that opengl successor will be the new king and that no one cares about DX12
They won't consider it relevant until Nvidia starts beating or matching AMD in low API benchmsrks
for games, the market is almost exclusively on consoles, the pc market is insignificant. and all consoles run AMD. Nvidia hardware will be ignored, unless they continue to pay devs for cancerous gameworks tessellation gimping, which might not even matter anymore with new AMD cards
DX12 will be irrelevant for 5+ years because it's Windows 10 only
It may even stay irrelevant if Vulkan improves a bit
>tfw AMD will call Nvidia, yell BAZINGA and hang up while Nvidia hangs himself
>GTX 1070
>70$ more than Polaris 10
>No Async Compute, No DirectX12
Gimped by Spring 17 when full Pascal releases, screencap and mark my words.
where is this no directx 12 meme coming from
From the fact Nvidia's cards perform so poorly in DX12 that 390X trades blows with the 980ti
is this for reals? did they fuck up the vram again?
I used google image search to find the source of this picture. Google put the tag "tree" on this. I had to look for minutes just to figure out that there is really a tree.
also PLEASE source
>reverse image search brings up pictures of trees
AMD damage control failing hard
>double the performance of a titan x
>600 dollars
>suicide watch
>but muh hbm
AMD shills pls go, AMD is done
>Polaris 10 isn't even GDDR5X
>smaller die size = less transistors
>less transistors = less performance
>1070 can beat a 980 Ti
>Polaris 10 is aiming for "390X" performance
Dead on Arrival
>double the performance of a titan x
no goy, it's sextuple, trust me, I swear on muh six trillion
>AMD has good DX 12 Perf
>Dx12 is win10 only
AMD cuck detected
How's that 7970 treating you?
never forget
made me laugh when i grabbed it
Forgive my ignorance, but what's the source on 1080 not having DX12?
>Even if Pascal comes out without any DX12 support it will mean nothing, because Nvidia will simply push devs into not using DX12 at all.
That's a good thing
there isn't any source. There's proof of games running Vulkan on the new cards which is essentially the same as dx12.
you're just hearing ayymdrone memes
>Nvidia will simply push devs into not using DX12 at all
now that is yes
AMD retards saying nvidia will have problems with DX12 with their GTX1080 since the GTX980 TI doesn't perform well with DX12, as opposed to AMD Fury X or what ever they have.
+Nvidia didn't mention it's directX performance at all yesterday, but LinusTechTipps guy asked them about it later.
just watch this @4:56min
Search curvyberlin on facebook. You are welcome.
Does AMD have something to compete with Cuda?
Can AMD into Hyperthreading GPU?
That's essentially what async compute is
How will the release of Polaris and Pascal affect 1080p 60 hz gaming? The 1070 and 1080 seem overkill for those purposes. Perhaps in a reduction in prices for the 970 and 390?
1070 and 1080 are for 4K gaming. 1070 for medium end, 1080 for "high" end
into the trash it goes
doesn't anyone think the model numbers are fucking stupid?
>GPU made for 4K
>is named 1080
there is no way nvidia will fuck this up
they can't be that stupid
well it's not like I depend on them
notice also, no DX12 games in their "relative meme graph"
not memeing, but is there even a DX12 game that has any sort of major name recognition?
>New asynchronous compute advances improve efficiency and gaming performance.
They'll probably call the new Titan the "Titan 4K" or something like that.
they already showed it running the full vulkan api. vulkan = dx12
I'll wait until 3rd party benchmarks are out to make any kind of judgement. I need a new card this year so I hope it's as good as their marketing.
Vulkan will be the last nail in the coffin for Microsoft.
Only 9 days to go till we see first benchmarks.
If you're an autistic faggot
>Nvidia is shit and AMD is less shit
I mean, he's not wrong.
Nvidia dominates top end, but to say they have better price/performance across the board is pretty retarded.
Too true. You guys need to get out of your bubbles more often.
I don't understand Nvidia. It's like they spent their entire R&D budget in marketing.
>wccf tech
literally neogaf tier
Isn't the 7970 still considered a damn capable card for its age, or am I out of the loop?
>I'm not so desperate as to do this thing I am actively describing and assuring you I am not doing and would never do, cross my heart and hope to die.
Source for this?
It is but 1070 will be something on level with Quadro K6000, lower power consumption - so no only you get gaming improvements but you can also use it for professional rendering and 3d works.
>DirectX 12
proprietary ms-only garbage
vulkan is the future
don't forget the reaction