That's a 1080p desktop, next to a 1080p video, on a 5k screen.
Post yours
That's a 1080p desktop, next to a 1080p video, on a 5k screen
Hope those placebopixels were worth it.
> (OP)
>Hope those placebopixels were worth it.
Op could be wealthy.
>Placebo pixels
If I really wanted I could do this, and my computer is still completely usable and readable.
>not unserstanding the concept of DPI
>rendering everything at a scale of 100%
>using a magnifier
is gross a lot
The OP image is standard "retina" mode. The second image is easy to use from a normal viewing distance and it doesn't look very blurry.
Both are high PPI.
penguindrum top taste
Hi desktop thread.
I'm really high
hey i like the fonts in your music and i think you should take out some of the underlines in your browser
>you should take out some of the underlines in your browser
That's actually not a bad idea.
Honestly i'd but that 5k crapmac just for the display, for once the price it's not bad
I wish I was high
me too.
i really wish i could finish that album because my label can't wait for me so long.
also i wish i could hug you.
does that resolution serve a purpose or just addicted to it like people
You forgot to link tu ftubuntu's post.
And you forgot to link to OP's post.
i don't want to link him anymore, maybe it bothers him so
I do 7680x1440. I literally can't post my desktop on Sup Forums.
Didn't he say he like your replies in the last thread (or the one before that)? Or did I read that wrong?
without a quotelnik I think the second one still makes sens because its kind of just implied he's talking about the OP
why not?
He obviously can't into file compression.
don't reply to my posts
and what if i do??
I could have sworn there was a resolution limitation. Perhaps in the past?
Good to know.
Why have you turned OS X into every generic shitty Linux distro?
where is the real desktop thread?
it's currently 10000x10000 iirc, also, non-webm is now 4M filesize
This is the real one, it is just hidden in plain view, so that the mods don't autosage it again.
Just because
yeah i tried to post a webm of both my screens (which are a lot small than that) and it failed me because of the resoluton limit or something, maybe it's 2560xsomething for webms thats what i recall and then higher for images
yeah but i'm gay
I know. But if he likes the replies, why stop with them?
>Not doing 7680x4320
Later today, if this thread is still up, I'll post my "Windows" desktop
is this i3?
no it's awesome mw
i just don't want to bother him anymore idk i love him
thanks senpai
openbox probably.
How are you bothering him, if he outright says he likes it?
A lot of archlinux devs watch anime so you're using a weeb distro.
They're both fine you retard, it scales well with the size of the monitor.
the only option when you don't have enough space for triple monitor.
I did
You're not!
im in the process of moving to either crux or a BSD, to be honest.
5k iMac? I've been coveting that model ever since I got an rMBP
Bloody hell Miles, stop hitting on Alice
I'm not though? She's my friend.
So FtUbuntu is really gay?
My weed isn't very good though.
1. enable retina mode
2. use quicktime
I thought these threads were banned now
Also, ricing is the mark of a NEET
dark mode master race
Man On The Moon II was awful
what's with all of the nigger music? you're probably a white kid from the suburban US
"good morning master
>1. enable retina mode
Look at the titlebars. I am.
>use quicktime
Quicktime can't remove judder.
That's too bad, I had some really good stuff last weekend.
And I'm not. Maybe platoniclly, I find it endearing. Like The Velvet Underground's Some Kinda Love.
Matt is gay though. He's trying to snatch you.
i'm not...
that's really good to know, i guess
I'm really wondering if I'm losing touch with reality...
itunes is utter shit, but damn does it look nice
Yes. It's wroth it if you can live without $2000.
Why do people hate iTunes so much? It's great for music playing. I guess it's terrible for everything else though.
You guess?
That's okay, I am too
when I used to use it, it took forever to fucking load up, slow, took up a lot more space than a music player should, and just had a few other miscellaneous quirks I didn't like but I can't remember what they were exactly, oh and managing my music library was an utter pain on it
ah fuck it i love you
i'm out for a while
No, it's actually his best album to date. When he was more hip-hop than this shit he's been putting out lately
I like hip-hop and you're probably an autist who never leaves his basement and has an exceptionally hard time interacting with anyone in real life
pape please
Nui a cute with cute nails!
>windows user detected
Never lags on OS X and does what it's supposed to do great, play music!
shit can I have all those Nui pictures, I'm obsessed with that character
no rice for me
i thought mods banned "post your desktop" shit
Productivity factor: -1
I use that workspace to shitpost and listen to music and it's perfect for that.
in the mailbox
"good morning master"
Oh, I forgot to pixelate that.
That's my boyfriend.
and thats all you ever do with it anyways
So I see, the only use of 5k is to post your weeb wallpaper on Sup Forums.
By the way, how do you remove the window borders on mpv?
Nice fucking tacky taste.
Can the 17 year old's please leave?
>projecting this hard
Whatever you say, my friend.
I also watch anime on it. I force a color profile that allows my anime to be in a wide gamut as well, which looks amazing.
Put that in your config.
what the hell are you running that has 8K resolution? did i miss an apple update?
5k iMac can downsample 8k high PPI to 5k. Even with the downsampling it's sharper than a normal PPI monitor.
You can tell it's a jpg
you probably listen to metal or anime songs dweeb
Even with simple wallpapers my screenshots are too big to be posted in PNG.