Hey guys, I know you have to deal with a lot of retarded people on here, and I'm just another one of those people...

Hey guys, I know you have to deal with a lot of retarded people on here, and I'm just another one of those people. But I have a quick question I'm hoping one of you could answer.

I want to upgrade my processor soon, but I don't know too much about replacing parts. So would an AMD FX-9590 fit into the same slots as my current (really shitty) amd athlon ii x2 250?

Thanks in advance, and sorry if my question is as retarded as I think it is. Retarded doggo only relevant as to how I feel when it comes to these things.

Your better off buying an i5 processor than paying for an inferior fx 9590


Check what socket your motherboard supports and then check the socket type for the new CPU

Oh, okay, I'll look into that. And it'll fit into the same slots as my AMD?

50 cent has been deposited to you're Intel marketing account


Enjoy your inferior IPC


Fx6300 or 8320 are the best value fx chips, and will both offer a massive upgrade.

Check your motherboards manufacturer site for compatibility, the socket is the same but you might need a bios update.

You don't need Intel, on dx12 AMD can still hold it's own.

Oh great, thank you! I'll look into those right now. I appreciate your help.

You'll regret it OP, trust me I was all for AMD processors until I bought an Intel


Nice Cherry picked game

Intel fag plz fuck off

buy a new cheap motherboard released this year, profit from latest features and a socket that allows you to use inlel processors, i3 - 6100 is a good one.

So I see you have no argument, I'm not the one that's tricking OP into buying outdated architecture for your own personal reason

Best part is your mobo should be compatible, but double check first, so it'll be an even cheaper upgrade than switching to Intel.

Yeah I picked a dx12 game to demonstrate how the FX processor will perform in potential upcoming titles? Is that a problem?

I3 6100 is a good chip, but an fx6300 offers similar performance and can be had for much cheaper since he won't need new ram and mobo.

But he'd have an upgrade path

He already has one.

Why bother mentioning upgrade paths if when the time to use them comes you're going to try to convince him to ignore it.

give it back jamal

if serious, you DO NOT have a motherboard that can handle a 9590 even if it could technically work in that socket.

get cpuz, find out your motherboards code name, google the code name and see what the manufacture supports for it.

thats the best you can put into your computer.

you may have to replace power supply, as i don't know what you use