VS2015 adds telemetry calls to every binary now.
VS2015 adds telemetry calls to every binary now
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so are there any calls to winsock or winhttp in there?
post feet
It probably gets sent through windows and not the binary, the binary just collects the info
No fucking clue. It's an undocumented API.
If the binary call telemetry library, it's up to the library to implement winsock or winhttp, not the binary itself.
so which dll does it import the telemetry functions from?
>microcucks will defend this
>not posting relevant disassembled function
Get out of here with your fake shit and IDA pro meme.
>Even a Hello World on Windows contains botnet.
>Compiling anything in Visual Studio
>VSHub running in the background, sending your build data to Microsoft server.
No wonder Microsoft are running out of disk space lately.
You should have listened
>not editing your own binaries before compiling
You get what you deserve desu
>editing your own binaries before compiling
u wot
>using an outdated os
>not using a hex editor
babbys first assembly?
what are you a normie?
the hell are you nerds talkiing about
It's official.
Ditch Botnetsoft
waiting for op to respond
VCRUNTIME140.dll (Visual Studio 2015's DLL)
Not in the executable. I'll check the dll.
So, VCRuntime140.dll does not seem to connect to any dll that goes online.
That doesn't make it much better though, it may write data to a log file, which gets sent.
I find it hillarious that the people shitting on Windows ITT are posting from distros running systemd or fucking OSX
Privacy is fucking dead
You run process hacker or just do it with ollydbg and see what other api calls it makes. I would check it myself but my internet too slow to download newest visual studio.
>telemetry means botnet/spyware
Nice meme
// Telemetry
// Telemetry: Invoked when the exe/dll are invoked. There are two different
// implementations in telemetry.cpp and telemetrydefault.cpp. Because GetModuleFileName
// is not available for Store apps, we return an empty string in telemetrydefault.cpp
// when invoked by store apps. For the desktop in telemetry.cpp, it returns the name
// of the module which invokes main/dll. This method is also responsible for firing the
// events associated with Tracelogging. This will help with runtime telemetry for analysis.
void __cdecl __telemetry_main_invoke_trigger(const HINSTANCE instance);
// Telemetry: Invoked when the exe/dll are shutdown. There are two different
// implementations in telemetry.cpp and telemetrydefault.cpp. This method is
// responsible for firing the events associated with Tracelogging. This will
// help with runtime telemetry for analysis.
void __cdecl __telemetry_main_return_trigger(const HINSTANCE instance);
people really are being retarded now
If you're running in debug, maybe this?
Whats so bad about systemD other than its horrible logo?
>not using cygwin with gcc
all good ide's do this
see intellij
use msys2
comes with mingw64 where you can install clang, gcc, etc.
so if you don't participate, microsoft will take your source code?
yeah i mostly use cygwin because im too lazy to move stuff over to another POSIX environment, but msys works too
systemd violates the user's privacy? Please bring that up as a separate thread.
mingw is trash, do more than fizz buzz and you'd know
What debugger/disassembler is that?
ida pro (aka uberkike shit)
can you use ida pro on ida pro
you have my blessing
systemd is free software, it is a lot more readable than the bash scripts people used to use.
I have not seen an implementation of it where it phones home.
Systemd might make of a more common attack surface for all gnu/linux distros and something new people have to learn, but it isn't malicious
that's illegal
>uses non-free compiler
>surprised that it's evil
Oh no, what will Microsoft do to me?
Kinda reminds me of North Korea tagging files on the filesystem.
100% botnet
Are you one of Artificial academy's coders?
I'm reporting this post to the FBI.
I would but boku no drivers
u fucking wot m8
Lolidev in the Sup Forumsouse.
literally what's wrong with you dude.
Well, the American government already helped me with that by providing statistics for urine flow rate of lolis.
Is the source available?
On a private repo. last June's sourcecode is still up along with a windows build if you want me to link it.
>implying I don't like 3D lolis more than 2D lolis
Post the link senpai.
do it
>tfw this faggot got us all on a list
why do I even come here anymore.
>programming a full functional software to feed pedophilia
just kill yourself, stop releasing carbondioxide and wasting our oxygen
>charcoal black nig lolis
But I'm just doing my job to help prevent child abuse. Without a satisfactory alternative, pedophiles might be tempted to act out in real life. The sooner we have VR child sex simulators, the better!
It's okay, their gene pool has some genes that lower intelligence and increase promiscuity.
Considering most Visual Studio users are Indians, it's not the worst idea to monitor them.
Yeah, it's like a high-score list when you die, gif related.
Is it only with precompiled headers or also blank projects?
you are the hero internet needs
good luck lad
Sup Forums - Degeneracy
you don't have to include anything even int main (){} gets it
I got no telemetry calls in the ASM output on VS 2015 desu senpai.
Windows 8.1.
gimp has improved as I can tell
>I compile without checking compilation options
Try to compile in release for a start.
Richard Stallman is a delusional retard, fuck him. I'll continue to use windows and not use his shitty communist OS.
>I enjoy being a slave. My master provides me with food and shelter!
>I enjoy being free. I'd rather starve to death in a desert while reading a 12 mile long manual page on how to open a bottle of water!
>bashing communism
>not enjoying being free
>implying they give you an option
Dude there are so many compile options on Microsoft compilers, even Microsoft doesn't know half of it.
At some point there was even an option to exploit a flaw in the executable signature and pass it as genuine Microsoft software.
Sup Forums isn't about facts it's about opinions
>using Visual Studio for C++
>tfw he stole my idea
Fixed it up for gcc/Linux. Works with gcc 6.1.1.
Also supplied a CMakeLists.txt that additionally turns on a bunch of warnings, but no -Werror because I can't be fucked to clear all warnings atm. Only tested with gmake & gcc. You might need to use dos2unix on those text-files for them to properly load.
Based C++14 making lolis real
Your code is beautiful
It's for debugging.
What's wrong with systemd other than that it's buggy and forcing its massive cock down linux distro maintainers throats?
posted from my OpenRC system
it could go through some undocumented nt syscall that does all the communicating
>posting from puppy
Systemd isn't botnet. It's bad in other ways, but in no way it violates user privacy.
Telemetry is a good thing.
Will you publish this code in the future?
I think it will make a huge advance in the loli engineering field.
you are my role model