/mkg/ mechanical keyboards general

GMK edition

>Where to buy:
>Buyer's template for the unenlightened:

Further reading: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Mechanical_keyboards

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll have to get one of those otg cables so I can shitpost from my phone

130 USD
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Dont care.
>Form factor
Prefer full sized, but TKL is fine
Dont care.
>Previous/current keyboards
Never had a mechanical keyboard before. Want to get in on the meme.


I'm poor
I just wanna be Cherry MX Blue master race
Is this good enough, I'm a simple man,don't even play video games, just type papers and listen to kanye.

Filco or a Ducky.

Or a switch tester so you can assert yourself that browns suck.

>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Cherry MX Red
ISO uk with left shift that is easily replaceable with standard caps
>Form factor
Full size
Yeah, wouldn't mind RGB maybe
>Previous/current keyboards
CM Storm Vengeance (hate it)

Need it for gaming and typing essays for college.


>he fell for the 60% keyboard meme

is that rain on your keyboard?


My first keyboard was browns and I bought blues immediately after feeling them.

multiple times
top tier memes

yeah, it was raining slightly that day
it's michigan
non stop rain for 3 months a year

>non stop rain for 3 months a year
That must suck

>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Cherrry MX Blue
ISO (Spanish)
>Form factor
Full size.
Don't care.
>Previous/current keyboards
Logitech G15.

why don't you niggers do your own homework?

Cuz nigga stole ma homeworks.

wew 5 more days until my shitty used brown board comes in the mail and i decide whether to switch boards or switch caps

Where the fuck can I get some nice PBT keycaps that don't cost more than my fucking keyboard itself ( CM Quickfire Rapid - $70)



its like the first google result for "pbt keycaps"
they're just taihao caps

>qb !!Q0mnDP4Xfjl




buckling spring master race

Hey bros, got a question for you. I'm a sw engineer and I was given a choice for a shitty lenovo or a new mbp so I took the mbp.

I want to get a mechanical keyboard to use with it, but I can barely find any that support the mac layout. I've thought about just rebinding keys but it's a huge pain in the ass with osx.

TL;DR: Are there any decent mechanical kbds available with mac layout?



he said mechanical

It's sad how the market has been demanding that they make a SSK/TKL rendition, and all they do is promise it for over two years and not deliver. I mean it can't possibly be that hard. They're sitting on so much potential profit.

they literally do it to stop others from doing so

i just bought Corsair Strafe brown switch today.
did i fuck up?

Caps Lock as Command

>brown switch


>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
US or DE
>Form factor
>Previous/current keyboards
Das Professional 4 and Razer Blackwidow. Tired of how loud blues are. Want to try a nice red, but I really like easy volume controls (the wheel on the das is perfect) and USB passthrough so I can unplug my mouse easily. Solveable with a USB hub, but it's a nice feature anyway.

i asked for blue but they said they got none. so that's that

>mfw plebs don't use clears

>plebs don't use feelios

dumb tripfag cancer


fuck the mx brown haters, i prefer browns a million times over blues

you should try gateron browns
you would probably like them a lot

Someone posted this board a few threads ago and I was curious what brand it was.


I also want to know

dont talk ever to me again, dumb tripfag.

That would literally be my dream

However i understand it could have devastating effect on the land around me and ultimately become an inconvenience

yes indeed you did, shit keyboard and shit switch

every time you say 'dumb tripfag' i have to imagine you're like 12 years old

intelligent tripuser

Looking for keycaps for my Leopold FC660. Will wasd keyboards do?

They have rebranded Tai-Hao and Vortex PBT keycaps now, so sure.

The so called tactile category of switches is very "non offensive". There is no click that can annoy anyone. In addition it still provides feedback through touch so you don't get a feeling of insecurity when you press your keys.

Browns are supposed to be the basic tactile switch. However, browns aren't very good at being tactile. They literally feel as if someone put little pieces of dirt inside reds. Clears and tactile grays use a very different mechanism to fix this.
Browns are instead stuck with the very early and half-assed solution Cherry came up with after receiving complaints from a handful of companies. It was not expected to be so popular - that's part of the reason why they chose brown as the color for it.
So you end up with a very boring switch that just barely fulfills its purpose of being a tactile but silent alternative. It won't be unusable by any means, but it also doesn't have the potential to be amazing.

I understand that your local shop might not have anything other than browns, blues or reds, but realize that you're typing on a compromise. There are technologically superior alternatives out there. Don't be surprised when people with access happen to prefer them.

then what's the best, if not blues?

>average mechanaical keyboard 50+ USD
Is this a complete bullshit or real deal?

nigga, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

probably chink switches and that bottom row is a trainwreck.

It's a chink board with fake of fake of fake switches. does it say what kind of switches it has?

>Clears and tactile grays use a very different mechanism to fix this
yeah, a bigger bump
what massively different technology

zealios best tactile switch.

literally who

>they don't make their own switches


Clears and tactile greys use the same mould for their stems.

no shit?
the difference is the spring weight

I assumed you meant the physical bump.

There is no universal "best" switch. Everything has pros and cons.

People love bashing reds but if you, like most people, bottom out almost every time then why add extra resistance on the way there?
People love bashing browns but if you, like most people, just want an easily available keyboard that you'll be comfortable with then why bother getting an entirely new hobby just to chase the idea of the perfect keyboard?
People love bashing topre but if you, like most people, don't actually look at the inside of your keyboard then why simply dismiss something just because it's a rubber dome when it shares a lot of qualities with something like cherries.
People love bashing chink cherry copies but if you, like most people, actually won't notice much difference and don't feel like spending the money... etc.

Go find out what _your_ best switch is, user.

Alright, got this motherfucker working. Turns out that the controller pin wasn't making proper contact with the trace, so I ran a jumper. When the keys worked as I held them down and wiggled around, it was because I was slightly bending the PCB into making contact with the loose controller pin.

Shit photo of the inside as well. The jumper wire is barely visible as it's green.

Honestly though, this keyboard isn't great. While the white SKCM Alps are better than MX blues, there are a few problems:

- Home and end are quite hard to get to. You have to have num lock off and the pad lock on (Fn+F10), at which point you can use 7 and J for home and end. Then you can toggle pad off again to type normally. Momentary layers would be better for this sort of thing.
- As a right-thumb user of the spacebar, my right hand naturally shifts itself over to the left by one key so that I can use the space, but this means my touchtyping is fucked.
- The plastic plate, plastic case, and thin caps lead to a rather hollow typing sound.
- The arrow layout is wonky. I could probably get used to it, but why should I?

That said, I have a specific application for which I can make use of this board, so all is cool in my books. Also, it's super cute.

reminds me of keycool 84 layout but way worse

I wait for SSK

They wont get a cent from me until SSK

Yeah, solid board at a great price. You can always replace the keycaps when you can't stand the shitty ABS anymore.

I come back to these threads every now and then to be reminded as to how huge of cucks those are that buy the HHKB2

its so worth it just for the asshurt comments like this

hey just a heads up, your butthurt is showing. just giving a heads up

>i-i'm not mad!
>y-your mad!
yeah ok buddy

>stop making fun of my overpriced keyboard! its totally all on you and not on me! I need to justify my purchase every time I post on here!

OK I get it, do what you must but stop pretending to be something you are not.

>tripfag showing his analpain and spamming not just cuckold memes but also anime homosexual memes

no, i will not 'penetrate you raw'

not him but, while I enjoy the awesome feeling of topre, it pales in comparison to the comfy feeling of people getting mad about it.

>tfw you will never be such a good troll that just typing on your keybaord for any purpose in any way is enough to anger people on the internet

I'm thinking about getting a Ducky Zero because the only features I use on my current, discontinued keyboard (Sidewinder X4) are the volume control/mute and built in calculator button. Anyone here have experience with that particular board?

Also, any particular recommended wrist wrests? I assume they're all largely the same, but I'd like to be sure.


yeah, it's overpriced, the case is entirely ABS
and i spent an extra $100 for the silenced version, which is just foam padding under the keycaps

i entirely bought it just to shitpost
im not even using either of the two i bought

cuck is such a low tier insult, only popular with children in the last year

It's not an insult, it's an honest appraisal of your lack of masculinity

>having enough money to make fun purchases makes you less of a man

o-ok user. if you say so.

Yes, I DO say so. Afterall, nothing is more pathetic and worthless than a tripfag on an anonymous imageboard.

you're so insecure you have to attack other people's masculinity on the internet
you have to convince yourself of it to make up for your own disabilities

it's really kind of sad isn't it

its funny because I havent posted in response but your response to that user just further proves his point. Its one of those things where you blame someone else when clearly your insecurity is shining so bright its blinding everyone on here.

If it wasn't true it wouldn't bother you so much, xir cuckington.

well me and my trip will go elsewhere then.

thnx bb ;)

MFW I'll never get an answer.

I'm here for you family

I used to have blues and now I have browns. I prefer the browns mostly because I live with my girlfriend in a share house, and blues would be far too obnoxious. At my old place you can hear my blues literally from across the house, I have a typewriter and blues are as loud as that. Comparing the browns to the blues the blues to feel nicer, but not by much, and cushy feeling of browns are nice. Also not only are browns more functionally appropriate, but I actually prefer the sound that they make.

Some user gave me this last thread

not sure what the board is, I mean, come on it's a regular board.

what's upper left?

do you really think i'm upset?

you'll have to wait until that user comes back
i've never seen that board before

no name foam and foil. feels terrible, but was free and I liked the layout. just use it as a keyholder.

you're clearly upset

>just use it as a keyholder.
pretty smart. i'm still searching for the sexiest tkl

About to buy realforce topre. My first mechanical keyboard.

I fell for a meme, didn't I?

man if i was really upset i would just be screaming at you for being poor

i'm not the one namecalling
it really doesn't make sense to be so upset at people for buying things

not if you legitimately like it, which you probably will

yeah but you keep responding