/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:



Best GNU/+Linux distro for Networking?

did you mean GNU/sage?

kek, busyboxfag is on the loose again:

You are aware that announcing reports is against the rules?

They basially all work the same.

how to print md5 sums of a file

apropos md5sum

md5sum > nigger.txt

i have a .md5sum file
what do? just cat it and compare with my eyes?

archlinux.org down for anyone else?

compare the first and last digits of the md5sum file with the md5 of the file in question

Nope is up for me check your DNS settings.

use the -c switch to read them from a file and check them

Works on my machine :D

Are you having problems friend? Let me guess, you're an Ubuntu user aren't you XD


I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/LInux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>it's a loonix fag gets a thread in when the gahnoo fags let their guard down episode


>It's a rerun

md5sum -c FILE.md5

just make sure the md5 file and the file you're comparing is in the same directory.

Who would win in a fist-fight between Linus and Richard?

Worked! thanx very much guys

uh oh

Richard's fatass would just fall on top of Linus crushing him immediately.

Why the FUCK do people use that trash. If you want to be bleading edge just install Arch ffs


>right click save as
>file manager autosaves as manjaro3.jpg

Are they just forgetting to pay for a new cert or is the CA just lazy I don't understand how this keeps fucking happening.


Would Bulgarian Fighting just be curb stomping the downed opponent until he explodes?

top kek

or as I like to call it downforeveryone+orjustme.com

isup() {
curl -s isup.me/"$1" | grep -q "It's just you." \
&& printf "yep\n" || printf "nope\n"

Using this unironically

how do I use this

is this a .sh scritp?

Nah. I've a file with shitloads of functions I just wrote for learning.

zsh function it looks like

linus has a short temper and will explode at the first interjection

You save it into your ~/.bashrc, restart terminal and just type isup stallman.org

>restart terminal
source ~/.bashrc

>source ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc


you have no idea what those values actually do


Effective hash size: 8 bits.

So I'm having trouble installing Mint 17.3 alongside Windows 7.

I used to do it all the time with ease. First I'd install Windows, and then when I install Mint, there was always the option "Install LM alongside Windows 7." And boom, simple as that.

But now it's not sensing Windows anymore. Probably because I'm using a different Windows copy.

So by using the "do something else" option in the LM install menu, I tried to make the LM partition myself but I dun goofed somehow. I followed all of the steps carefully, made the root, home, and swap partitions, but now I can't access Windows. The boot menu that usually comes up isn't there, it just goes straight to Mint. Also I think I messed up the memory somehow because it's so slow.

So I'm trying to put Ubuntu on this Vaio. It's from 2000, and a quarter of the screen doesn't work. Also, it overheats from idling, and trying to explore the files.
Anyway, how do I delete windows after installing it? Is the automatic installer supposed to take 45 minutes? What are some word / excel type programs for ubuntu?

Can you give the output of fdisk -l (or gdisk -l if you use GPT) for whichever disk you have Windows and LM on?

You should also check your GRUB menu timeout in /etc/default/grub and make sure it is enabled and non-zero, and then run update-grub to rebuild the GRUB menus.

You're going to want to put xubuntu or preferably lubuntu. Would also recommend maxing out the ram for it if you're serious since the cost wouldn't be that much. I had a 1999 PC I could only get working with puppy. C2D thinkpads have fallen so hard, would recommend that over this since the entire cost is less than $60 now

>What are some word / excel type programs for ubuntu?

Fuck I'm actually not using that hard drive right now. I just took it out. I was just wondering if this is a common problem

>how do I delete windows after installing it?
You might like gparted, it's graphical.

Or if you can stay on here for about 10 minutes I can switch them out real quick and show the fdisk. Cool?

You just flash a Ubuntu iso to a removable media and set your BIOS to boot from that media.

Also You can use MS Office in Ubuntu with wine.

I think I fucked it up. It said that it couldn't format the disk because it was in use, then said something about not being able to inform a kernel, then it said to restart it. So I turned it off and on, and now it just shows the Vaio startup image and won't even let me access the BIOS.
[spoiler]We were going to drop this off at a thrift store anyway. Oops.[/spoiler]

I do remember my experience with linux on very little to no ram. The PC I had in question from 1999 was 64 and everything but puppy would kernel panic / crash and even puppy would KP half the time and if it didn't it was maxxing out the memory and grinding away into swap 100% of the time. Upped it to 128 and got away with puppy being usable. Again C2D stuff is still usable as long as you don't need HD video and gaymes, best use case scenario is outfitting your family with C2D laptops which are $60 a pop and could basically handle and distro you want and be relatively secure so you stop getting annoying phone calls.

I need to contact AMD about their drivers for GNU/Linux. But, the contact form does not shows up. Can someone please open up the form and see if it loads?


>wants to live a life he can be proud of
>lives like a paranoid hobo

Me from
Here's the Gparted screenshot if this helps. . Was having trouble with the fdisk command

Oops here.

So what have you guys been using lately? I've been switching between Gentoo and FreeBSD lately.

Is that your only disk? If so, you dun goofed.

I know. What did I do? Give it do me straight doc I can take it.

You were supposed to shrink the Windows partition(s) and allocate your GNU/Linux partitions along side Windows, and install Grub (or whatever boot loader you use.)


Your windows partition is ded and gone. Restore from backup.

I did shrink the Windows partition first. That's what's confusing me. Before the LM install I went into disk management and shrinked it by half

I'm just gonna do another fresh install of Windows and try again. Didn't lose anything. I'm just trying to figure out what I did wrong. Here's what I did:

1) Shrunk Windows in disk management.
2) In LM, In the "free space", I installed the "/" partition, then "/home", then the swap.

Was I supposed to do something specific after that?

OK, so there isn't an official FOSS (Facebook) Messenger client for GNU/Linux (Ubuntu), right?
I'm using now an unofficial client.

I haven't ever messed with LM but GRUB is generally ok about detecting other operating systems and creating correct entries.

However, I know that fdisk and gdisk will both recognize proper NTFS partitions, and your screenshot shows nada, so it's effectively hosed. This may not entirely be your fault though - I've had mixed experiences with the ntfsprogs programs which are used behind the scenes to resize the NTFS partitions. They are supposed to be safe, but I've hosed some critical Windows files in my time doing perfectly legal operations.

Anyway, what I would do if I were you is this:

1) Install Windows however you like; either all free space or into a smaller partition, but Windows tends to like all free space, so do that

2) Boot into a live Linux environment that has access the ntfsprogs. You can check this by opening a terminal and checking, eg, "man 8 ntfsprogs" and see if you get anything. You should get a man page listing all of them and synopses of each.

3) Do the ol' quick and dirty "ls -l /dev/sd?" and see what disks show. Say you get:

/dev/sda ...
/dev/sdb ...

Then follow it up with the ol' "fdisk -l /dev/sd[ab]" and get the disk listings of each. Odds are one is your flash drive (if you are using one) and one is your hard drive. You should be able to tell from the capacities in the listings. Assume your drive is /dev/sda for now.

The fdisk -l /dev/sda output should then show several partitions, including at least one huge type "8e" (if I recall right) NTFS/exFAT partition, which is Windows. Note which one it is, like /dev/sda2.

4) Now time for either Gparted (graphical resize and repartition tool) or ntfsresize and fdisk (terminal). Since you are in this thread, I think you need to be told two things:

- repartitioning and resizing are two different things, and confusing them is dangerous

- tools that do both at once can be dangerous too if used incorrectly, like Gparted, old versions of parted (new parted won't let ...

I've used Linux for a while but mainly server administration and very rarely have I ever used Linux in a desktop environment.

I'm getting a new laptop and I want to try dual booting Linux and Windows; is there any good guide/tutorial to this available? I know the OP has some resources but I'm sure you fine Sup Forumsentlemen have some better experience/knowledge.


>have some better experience/knowledge
our good wisdom is in the OP you didn't read

... you).

Partitioning is dividing up a disk and settings the boundaries for a filesystem to follow (on disk); resizing is adjusting the filesystem's boundaries to match (in filesystem).

If it any point the partition's boundaries are INSIDE the filesystem's boundaries, you are in a very dangerous state. Luckily, most filesystems force you to unmount them first to do this, so no writing or reading will occur. Keep that in mind.

Now, let's assume you want to use Gparted. It will first shrink the filesystem (along with doing some sanity checks), and then shrink the partition to match, being safe. The other way would be dangerous.

With ntfsresize, you'll have to read the man page as I don't remember it (not with comp right now), resize the filesystem down smaller, and then redo the boundaries of the partition with fdisk to match (or be slightly larger to be safe).

If that all works, you should be able to reboot into Windows and if you open the File Explorer (press Win+E) to see your disk, you should see that Windows has shrunken to the new size. Reboot again back to live environment and install to free space.

Lastly, after the install finishes, run update-grub from a terminal at least once to see if it "sees" Windows. From what I remember, update-grub will print on stdout any operating systems it finds as it goes along checking superblocks.

Good luck, too. It's been a long time since I've worked with a multi-boot system. For work, it's strictly one or the other and I would highly recommend using a VM over dual booting as it's non-destructive and allows unlimited experimentation with rollback (snapshots). Use a VM until you are absolutely comfortable or, alternatively, install Linux and then install VirtualBox in Linux and run Windows that way natively with KVM.

arch wiki


Would that work? Pidgin and XMPP are FOSS from what I know, but I don't use them ever.

What the hell would an official FOSS facebook messenger client be? Have you ever known facebook to do anything in a FOSS way? Quite a few messengers can use the facebook protocol including bitlbee and pidgin.

I'm just wanting to be sure.

For a better Linux laptop experience, choose one that is known for having very good hardware compatibility, otherwise, it will be hell.

Is it better than my current client?

I appreciate the feedback. Screenshotted all of this and I'll post my results. I haven't used a VM before but I like the dual-boot system because I have my tasks for Linux and tasks on Windows, but maybe I'll try a VM sometime. Can you still save files in a VM?

This is out of date, Facebook dropped the XMPP protocol years ago.

OH NO!!!
I will drop Facebook then!

Yes. A VM is an entire computer running natively on your current operating system.

You boot it, install things, manipulate data, shut it down, whatever you want. It's data is persistent - the virtual disks are portable and hold all the operating system and user data, just like real disks.

It's not at all like a live Linux distro on a thumb drive or DVD. The code executes at native speed. The only overhead is from the hypervisor, which is minimal.

To give you a better idea, hypervisor software in enterprise, like I normally deal with, costs thousands of dollars and is massively important. Windows HyperV, ESXi, Xen, etc are all used enormously to repurpose and multipurpose hardware.

From a management point of view, you can have a single better server running three virtual servers each with sandboxed resources, so what's not to love? You can even cluster the VMs for high-availability and replication for zero downtime between VM upgrades. They are effectively real computers.

What like Ubuntu?

I was talking about the choice of laptop, not the choice of distro.

Are there advantages in more 'advanced' distros, like Gentoo, Debian, Arch, Fedora, etc, in comparison with 'beginners' distros, such as Ubuntu and Mint for a guy that is not a developer of any kind/CS student?
I know this may be asked quite often, but I am just looking for a good, stable, lightweight and comfy desktop distro, and I am willing to learn, for instance, Gentoo. Recomendations?

Also, what do I need to know to git gud on GNU? I mean for installation and those Terminal commands etc. (I mean what should I study? Shell? Linux Kernel?) Thanks

>Are there advantages in more 'advanced' distros,
Yes, they allow you to make the distro exactly what you want, it has nothing to do with being a developer or student. This is speaking more towards gentoo than the others you mention. It allows you to have probably the fastest and most lightweight distro possible, perfectly optimized for your hardware.

Pick a baby distro at first, get comfortable with the command line (i.e. GNU Bash and common system utilities) and configuring your applications, then eventually you will have some idea of what distro you might like and switch to it (or perhaps you'll decide to stick with the one you chose and just customize it to your liking, which you can do for the most part with any distro)

Happy hacking

Thanks for the kind and answers friends

hi /fglt/

Got an x260, threw Mint on it, loving it. Only issue is, when I unplug the charging cable, the acpitz-virtual-0 temp1 jumps from 50C to ~65C and the fan kicks to high.

It's killing my battery, any suggestions on where to start looking for answers? Thanks

install tlp

So I have 2 hard drives and I want to keep windows on 1 and install ubuntu on the 2nd. I tried to do this using install alongside it does install the files on the 2nd hdd but then it has to restart to complete the install but nothing happens any ideas. Is it GRUB or something. Also is there any problems accessing and editing files in the windows hdd with linux and vice a versa

How could I generate a list of all possible 5 letter combination in vim?

>install tlp
Did so, the default config doesn't seem to work well with my setup. I'm now running hot constantly

I'm reading over documentation now, any tips?

Hello. I've downloaded Telegram for my Linux, but I can't install, every time I want to open it, I need to go to the folder where it is and double-click the executable.
Am I doing something wrong?

You could use the keyboard.

Yeah let me just type those 11 million words