What does Sup Forums think of Opera's new inbuilt VPN?

What does Sup Forums think of Opera's new inbuilt VPN?

>What does Sup Forums think of Opera's new inbuilt VPN?
Sup Forums only talks about consumerism

I wouldn't trust them


no shit, no one trusts anything around here

It'st just a proxy. Big deal.

It's not an actual VPN. It's just a HTTP Proxy


I don't care, I have my own private VPN server on a gigabit line.


you know the old saying
"if you aren't paying for it you're the product"
this is either run by the NSA for mass data gathering, or your shit is being sold to the highest bidder.

free chinese vpn. make sure to use it on all your websites, goyim.

Is there a web-based torrent client that can be abused?

What does that mean?

Its ok I got it

i tried it and it's legit except it leaks webrtc so it's useless.

>free vpn
>by chinese owned company
hahah holy shit

Free is better than nothing, and it's relatively faster than other free VPN, this was clearly made so you can watch videos and browse blocked sites, if you want more privacy, buy a VPN.

I couldn't give less of a shit about anything Chropera does.

Has opera brought back tab stacking and customization yet?

Chropera's got no tab stacks, no vertical tabs, no mail client, no practically everything that makes Opera great.

How can I trust you?

>Free is better than nothing
No it's not. You're the product here, I wouldn't use their proxy/vpn/tunnel or whatever even if I got money for it.

>inbuilt VPN?
How do they pay for it?

>You're the product here
it's fucking nothing

Are you paying for using Sup Forums? Are you paying for using YouTube? Opera is clearly doing this because they want more marketshare, and then getting revenues with the searches, just like Firefox.

>You're the product
no one cares about you, you're just another user on the internet. stop being so paranoid or stop browsing illegal shit, at least this way someone's interested in you.

>Are you paying for using Sup Forums?
Sure am. Either through ads, Sup Forums pass or by being active I contribute to the community™, thus furthering its business model.

chad pls

I use Opera but I don't understand the point. I just dig having a decent fitting style and not the chrome thing that doesn't even fit anywhere. Also built in ad blocker that seems to work just fine. It even shows this thing on any website you choose where it makes a speed comparison between a site with ads and without them.

But this VPN thing? Nah.

>"if you aren't paying for it you're the product"
hehe, pic related


Used to use opera before Chrome. Seemed more lightweight but the mini app for iOS is shit. Back button freezes before the page reloads and it has a goofy shit extreme zoom when you miss clicking on a link, the whole screen zooms to like 5x a normal screen view.

>it has a goofy shit extreme zoom when you miss clicking on a link, the whole screen zooms to like 5x a normal screen view.
That's one of the best features any touchscreen browser has ever had

Have you tried Opera Coast?

Best browser iOS has

They own the company already, and you can pay to get a "real VPN" (i.e. not only used in Opera, but PC-wide, and with more countries).

I guess their strategy is to attract more people to Opera by offering a free, easy-to-use VPN. It's quite useful for Youtube and other websites with country restrictions.

download opera-dev.
looks breddy gud.
demo 4 a couple sessions.
set up bookmarks, prefs etc.
crashy mccrashface.
apt-get purge

>Using a developer edition
>More unstable than a beta


Only the dev version had vpn then.
Like 2 weeks ago.