/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Whatcuck's Pretty _____ Edition

(OP image.png →someimage.com/d7BGZV9)

Old thread: >Comfy Rules:
Whatcuck's show yourself or back to Weebs r/trackers >>>/what.cd/
ratiocucks New to /ptg/? Have an enquiry? Consult the wiki before asking redundant questions
Or update it yourself if you have a problem with it. Then check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: opentrackers.org/whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup
another more recent sauz (updated in feburary or may)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>tracker staff are known to browse and post in these threads - think twice before offering to trade, buy or sell invites and accounts here
>the same goes for publicly offering or accepting invites - even if staffers aren't watching, an user may still report you
>around 60% of posters here chat shit - don't make any claims about sites based on "something you read here once" (this especially applies if a poster has a name/trip attached)
^thats some gay shit

Other urls found in this thread:


Getting fanatic on Teh is fucking impossible

First for TSH sucks and at least tehcrap doesn't have an hnr policy

holy shit, this image! come on guys this is fucked up

Most of my emp ratios - the 2.444 is after re-adding it to gain 2x upload (I already had a few gigs on it anyway), and the 0.000s are ones I've just downloaded. My upload speed is around 0.6mbps
Tell me why this isn't the easiest (decent) ratio tracker again
nigga u gay

i'm finding hard to have an avg seed size of 50gb, fuck me

>fucked up
how so? as in he made 20k posts. yeah that's pretty fucked up. if you thinking its fcuked up for other other reasons


>Getting fanatic on Teh is fucking impossible

And pointless.

Why would anybody use TehC?

Oh no some of the most relaxed staff will know a contributing user goes here
what do I do now?

why else would i think? look at his ratio! 7 years! oh fuckin god

He probably thinks he can get ahd from there

I though AHD recruited from there.
I have TSH, GFT, BeyondHD, MTV, Teh, MySpleen and a few other shitty trackers (ipt, freshon ecc), what's the best way to get on AHD>PTP?

How would one go about getting into empornium?
Also is it feasible to join a pt with only 1 mbs up?

>he doesn't have a BTN account
>he doesn't have an HDBits account
>he wants to watch Game of Thrones but doesn't have a tracker for it.

TSH is a BTN episode mirror.

You can literally use TSH for new episodes instead of BTN and HDB.

>what's the best way to get on AHD>PTP?

For your trackers, you can't.

>You can literally use TSH for new episodes instead of BTN and HDB.
But I have a BTN account, user.

Yeah maybe because got is the most fucking mainstream show ever

assuming you've been on What for 6 months, just make PU
which you could do in a couple hours

>Watching Game of Thrones

>Also is it feasible to join a pt with only 1 mbs up?

Yes, some people have less than that.

So AHD doesn't recruit on Teh? Guess l should do the what interview o maybe wait for AB recruitments

>because got is the most fucking mainstream show ever

TSH mirrors all of BTN's new episodes of every show.

why do people still respond to this?

why is /ptg/ the most easily-baited yet repetitive bait general? are there really that many users from outside of Sup Forums / Sup Forums?

Because it's true.

TSH is a BTN mirror.

I haven't really bothered with pt's since i didn't torrent that much, and what i needed could be found on plebtrackers. So i haven't been a part of any pt community, and most of what i need is still accessible through publictrackers.
What's PU mean?


What encodes of Skins are available on BTN? I can't find good ones anywhere.

power user?

Everything from HDTV to Bluray.

>77 files
>25 files
>22 files
Shut up drizzy. just coz u can't btn or make music don't mean you should start promoting TSH. I believe you're right about one thing: TSH probably has more files than BTN cause rars.

power user class
25gb and 5 torrents uploaded, 1.05+ ratio or something

TSH is all you need for TV.

BTN is great, but for those who don't want to put in the time, TSH is a good alternative.

ab recruits from tehc
>Actor or higher userclass
>6 months old account
>At least 10 uploads

so better get what

I got invite from an user ;v)

Is AB the only private tracker with a decent forum? IDC is goat



>inb4 comfy doge user

Does ptp want 6 months on wcd or just elite?

shut up, runod

>not him/them/ifag
I got invited by a master a month ago, literally days before the hdd failure. /purenough/ btn>no rars

when they gonna compensate me for my luck?

You do realize the year only has 12 months, right? Fucking idiot, if you're gonna shitpost at least try to get it right.

Thanks! If you screen also the unseeded ones it would be awesome

Oh. The thread that got me banned. archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/thread/S53577387

and the based thread before it where user receives btn invitearchive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/post/S53560595

>/golden days of /ptg//

How? Random? Lucky you

I'll try and get into what then. This seems like a giant autistic circlejerk though. The whole appeal of torrents used to be that they were accessible to everyone. *sigh*

See second link It was a UKfag that received the invite fyi

Simple, through AB.

someone sounds a little bit entitled
how many torrents have you uploaded yourself?

>The whole appeal of torrents used to be that they were accessible to everyone
if only that could work user

kek what
>Grab every upload
Also this
Why don't you retards take the wcd interview and move on from there?

>The whole appeal of torrents used to be that they were accessible to everyone. *sigh*

Sounds like somebody needs to grow up and realize that what you want creates a problem where nobody wants to seed anymore.

Or you know , just let people know you're not a cunt and you can have everything you ever wanted except a gf

Not him, but trackers are a bit too tight on rules. They could easily expand their userbase by 50% and still have everyone seed religiously, there are plenty of autists on this world.

>there are plenty of autists on this world
heavily outnumbered by huehuehues and curryniggers

>Not him, but trackers are a bit too tight on rules.

No, they're not. They are exactly why they remain a successful and valuable resource. You just have a problem because you have an anti-authoritarian bias. You're probably a liberal or other progressive.

Which would be filtered out within a month of expanding the userbase.
No. Thanks for trying to make me a psycho profile but no, you suck at it. Go on, resume your anime.

ignore the what.cuck here just use pornbay PU forum

>Power User - Has uploaded atleast 25GB, has a ratio >= 1.05, has been a member for 4 weeks

>Implying everyone need to be creators
If we could all just go ahead and upload all the stuff ourselves we wouldn't need the bloody torrents, now would we?
What if i'm poor as fuck and torrent because i cant afford to buy the stuff i'm after?
I'll uphold a seeding ratio, sure. But having to constantly spit out your own content seems like completely missing the point as to why people torrent.

aw that's nice
Do you know what uploading is? If you actually care about a medium and are into it you will come across rare/obscure shit on other places and if you're not a fucking cunt like yourself who clearly has no interest in cinema , literature or music then you'll just naturally upload that to other trackers to allow others to enjoy it.
You do not need to suck off George Lucas to leak the force awakens (he's tried HFO and it didn't work so actually you would have to) you just need to actually care about piracy aka you have to want to share the wealth like I said.
I see people on PTP bitching all the time that they can't find shit to upload when they don't give a fuck anyway about cinema.
You can join a tracker like CG and find some hidden gems and upload them or go on forums and find a dope album someone is giving away because it's their first release or w/e and upload that.
It's not hard

such sexy comfy rules OP...

You sound like a massive pretentious cunt.
Yet i'll reply. If i read your post right, there are 2 glaring holes in your arguments.
1) I'll need stuff from other trackers (which i'm not part of, and which is also retarded because of point no. 2)
2) If the stuff is that easily accessible, then why on earth do other people need me to give that to them, if it's so easy to get it

Actually i'm curious. Are there any dead torrents on any of your trackers?

i searched, probably like a retard, because i couldn't find how the bp works in pornbay. can anyone help me?

>Are there any dead torrents on any of your trackers?
No. And if it happens, I'll ask a reseed. Simple

>1) I'll need stuff from other trackers (which i'm not part of, and which is also retarded because of point no. 2)
Wrong! People in other communities give away cool shit all the time but you wouldn't know that due to having no interests of your own. The CG thing was just an example of being a part of a niche community and spreading that wealth to a larger community
>2) If the stuff is that easily accessible, then why on earth do other people need me to give that to them, if it's so easy to get it
It's not overly easily but once again if you cared you'd just come across stuff to upload naturally.
Why are you so angry that you don't have a passion or interest for anything?
Do you want me to rec you some good books , albums and movies?
Also yeah probs a few dead torrents due to some people just not wanting to be a part of piracy and numerous other reasons but that can't be helped now can it?

Join emp

not old enough on wcd and just saw the screenshot posted by user (boards.Sup Forums.org/g/thread/54463676#p54464418), so i'll try to use pornbay to do it

i'm a retard, linked wrong. but you got the idea

I didn't even know emp was hard to get into
I joined when it was open registration and I hardly even use it desu

>having no interests of your own
It's true. It's actually a thing i struggle with, it's pretty sad living when you have no passion.

Sure, recommend me some stuff. It cant hurt.
Imo dead torrents are a sign of a too low userbase, if they are completely dead that is.

>pretty sad living when you have no passion
Read The Moviegoer
Watch The Last Picture Show
Listen to youtube.com/watch?v=oup-m8Hxx4Y
You should be able to relate to these and they're all /patrician/

it's not that hard, you just need time. i envy you guys who could join when it was open

i'm a cuck because i don't have an inferior tracker to emp?

I'm noting all the IPs from here that register on PB, I'll contact staff and have all of you banned for abusing a tracker just to get into others, disgusting.


I'll watch the movie then.

You'll enjoy it for sure , it's fucking incredible

I was gonna upload the behind the scenes vids from this release but i'm too lazy to convert the audio to AAC so if you want them sweet snatches go right ahead, mega.nz/#F!9MhnVYZT!upxCHxJOHnn7KTo9AfcbCg

Umm it's piss easy. I'm Director and I didn't even try.

>tfw dogeanon didn't post yet

How much would I have to seed on HDB to get up to 1K bp a day minimum?

Not that user, it clearly is easy as fuck, it just takes time to build up the seeding average. Regardless...
>actually seeding stuff on TehC

Like 500gb

I'm seeding 450gb and only getting 40bp a day

I didn't mean to vote for this request dammit, I don't know how to undo this.

>actually thinking it's the same person each time

the fuck are you seeding? im seeding like 200gb for ~700bp

How is this compared to pornolab?

Fuck I don't even know man
See if you can make heads or tails out of this
>inb4 marked

derpta, please fuck off. I'm tired of reporting you every week for you posting your profile

312c try say he's better than me
Tell that man shut up
Mention my name in your PMs
Oi rudeboy, shut up
How can you be better than me?
Shut up
Best in the p2p scene?
Tell my man shut up
Couple cucks said I'm on a backup tracker
Encoder for HDB, I'm a backup tracker?
If that makes me a backup tracker
BTN and PTP, backup tracker
What.cd and AB, - backup tracker
Man wanna chat about backup tracker
Big guy like me with a seedbox
I'm a big guy, how the fuck can I backup-?
Seeders comes everywhere I go
I can't run when my ratio show
Walk in the site with all of my torrents
Swarm's done, everybody go home
Apart from the upload, you lot stay
Walk in the site, all the curries say hey
Tell a big guy like I'm C to the A
There's no dead torrents, we don't play
Yeah, I'm the best, I'm so cocky
I've got a server like that boy Drizzy
I seed trends, them man copy
They catch curries, I catch comfy
They can't seed, I seed permy
Got about 25 TBs in my posse
They drink curry, I drink Buffy
I get seedy, they get worried
If you got a B-A-N, bring it out
Most of the real seeders live in /ptg/
If you wanna do me something, I'm about
I'm not a leecher, I'm just about
But you see my man over there with the weebs?
Dare one of you man try get loud
All of /ptg/ move so foul
I might seed but I ain't sold out
Nowadays all of my boxes maxed out
Seedbox.eu, yeah blud, sold out
When we roll in, they roll out
I'm so /ptg/, I'm so /pure/

Not derpta
Wanted to hate this but couldn't help laffin

do you know of any shell script that transcodes flacs to opus files

I wouldn't even waste my buffer to hear that, why do you think I would want to read it?

Upload in the clients like there ain't no drought
Cucks don't talk like he's got no mouth
I wanna make my mum so proud
Like "yo Mum, here's my server, watch now"
All of my ex cucks stalking me hard
Talk to my ratio, don't talk to my palm
Had four HDs and I bought a new one
Little 5TB that I bought for my new site
I permaseed, it's a walk in the park
I take care when I see my accounts
These cucks wanna talk about ghostleeching?
You ain't even a user in cabal
Ratiocucks, blud, leave me alone
Me and your torrents, we seed at my home
Kill a whole swarm of curries on my own
Kill a whole swarm of curries for the throne
Look, I was out hungry, so damn hungry
Man tried seed then leave me with 0 upload
Now these curries, they need me to grow
1 seedbox and a TB to go
I'm a big guy, fuck a tracker war
Man were upset about the IRC drama
Yeah, I was gassed at the IRC drama
Why? Cause I ain't seen that shit before
Duh, all of you cucks sound so bitter
Shut down EMP, shut down Twitter
Shoutout Drizzy, shoutout Aldy
Best my age, yeah blud, look
If you don't seed me, shame on you
If you try leech me, shame on you
Can I order ratiowatch for a curry?
He wants to poo with me? Better get a loo
Anyone else wanna make that move?
Anyone else wanna pay their dues?
Top seedbox, yeah, my speed so smooth
Ratiocucks wanna take my upload, check it
Don't even seed too much, you're a leecher
Dem man still go hit and run on a tracker
See me turn from a user to a Master
DB9 account and a cabal tracker
Told /ptg/ get the torrents in order
Man in the website putting in orders
Top seedbox, speed clear like water
Smooth on this ting, start locking up trackers
AoM on the web, I want that one
Who's got BTN and HDB? Let's go watch some

idk. maybe your seed time isnt high enough. mine is over a year.

>posted 51 seconds ago
>comments about how he read the whole thing
Yeah, I found the samefag

Yeah that's probs it. Fuck I need to get a ratio of 1 before BTN opens but i'm like 100gb behind reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I read fast and I know the song

>Choose the Right Puppy for You S01E01 720p HDTV x264-TASTETV

Could I get in trouble for downloading AHD rips and seeding them on PTP?

No, it's just cross-seeding.