Owners of 980 ti's and titan x's, how do you feel knowing your gpu is slower than the next $350 "1070" card?

owners of 980 ti's and titan x's, how do you feel knowing your gpu is slower than the next $350 "1070" card?


your resell values are terrible. $250 tops for cards that went for $650 - $1,000.

>i can relate, i currently have a 980 ti

>Skipped 980
>Wasn't a problem at all because nothing except one game (W3) has justified the purchase in the last 3 years

Waitbros won

Been in this game since the FX days. I expect my card to be 1/2 as fast as the next gen at 90% of the cost.
Luckily, NZ is half a year behind the curve and the 980ti strix I have are still 1.1k.

How do i know if my computer can upgrade to the 1080?

got the GTX 78 in 2013. still have 1080p display and no games go below 60fps anyways. Not upset :^)

I live in Japan and it takes them forever to react to anything. I could go sell my 980 Ti this week for a high price but I won't because it will be months until the good 1080's are in shops and I'm still not convinced it will do that much better than the 980 Ti in non-VR games.

Don't own Nvidia, but these cards were top of the line for over a year, where have you seen that? In hardware generations past GPUs used to become obsolete practically every six months.

>Old cards perform worse than new cards

Jesus fucking christ is this your first rodeo

you are delusional.

and besides, msrp gonna be 379 - that's closer to 400 than to 350.

I'm in the same boat.

Been using my 760 and skipped the upgrade to the 970 and instead been saving up for 1080.

My 760's been good to me these past months but now it's time to retire.

>mfw 5770
>mfw it just werks
>mfw upgrading to a fury 2 when it comes out

It's out. It costs $1500 and performs about the same as a $600 1080.

it can retard (except if you live in 3d world country and us AGP gpu)

>willingly buying a microstuttering housefire meme gpu

single powerful gpu >>>> underclocked dual gpu garbage like the pro duo

I mean the next gen fury, obviously

lol... i just built a computer with a 980 for my friend earlier today...

A decent 980Ti will be performing just below a 1080, if not the same. At most it's a 20% improvement over the 980Ti, but that's pushing it. However, since the power requirement is lower for the 1080 and the potential for good OC is there for the 1080, 980Ti prices will drop but not too hard. Expect them to be around $400 as they still outperform the 1070.

>b-but muh better than titan X

Pretty much all non-referrence 980Ti's perform 20-30% better than a titan X.

Anyone with a 980Ti is best off keeping their card and waiting for a 1080Ti unless you absolutely need that 10-20% increase. 980Ti's are going to flood the market soon but there won't be hardly any 1080's, and we still need to wait for other companies to make their own version.

>3.5 hundred dollars

tfw fell for 970 meme
tfw prob fall for whatever meme comes with the 1070

Can memes be transferred down generations?

I doubt AMD will do a high end card again. They just can't get it right. No, their place is in middle-low end, in laptops, and gaming consoles.

I'm fine with it, I got my 980ti for $320. No harm, no foul.

call him in a month and tell him it's time to upgrade

well nvidia's asian jew ceo claimed the 1080 in normal gaming situations it will be about 20 - 30% tops faster than a stock 980 ti.

considering its hard to pick up a stock 980 ti these days and most are factory overclocked to be around 10%ish faster than stock, a 1080 will be roughly 10 - 15ish% faster.

what i find interesting is there claim that the 1070 will be faster. if the low end is 20% for the 1080, then that would put the 980 ti on par with the 1070. 30% for the high end? 10% faster than a stock 980 ti. only way the 1070 can be all around faster is if the gap between the 1070 and the 1080 is 15% or lower. its been awhile since we had such a small gap like that. 970 vs 980 was 20%. 780 vs 780 ti was 20%.

My gpu is pci, can I upgrade?

But the 980 wasn't a good buy even before this announcement....

>tfw going to upgrade from GTX 670 to GTX Batman

Only just went from 1.5mbps shitternet to 100mbps fibre a month ago
This year is like I'm travelling through time


That's what I don't get either. Who would buy a 1080 for $600 when you can have two 1070's for $750 and absolutely demolish it? The only reason to get the 1080 is if you want two of those too.

Keep in mind they're talking about the reference 980Ti, and they're trying to push hard that the 1080 is going to be so much better.

They're just baiting people into these cards so they can drop better version next year.

>amd makes cards that directly compete with nvidia
>"amd's place is making gpu's for shitboxes"

Why do they have to release the 1070 a month after the 1080? Why not release them at the same time? Was it like this for the 970 and 980 too?

No one would pay the extra for the 1080.

>Received my 980ti from newegg two days ago.
>Sent it back to newegg for a refund today

No restocking fee, full refund. Glad I did it after seeing the event. The 1080 releases way earlier than I thought it would.


I feel like I get to play games on ultra till this shit is actually released, then I can upgrade because I've got what we in the industry call "a job"

275gtx here, what should i buy? I can still play games on medium.

You saying it's smarter to just wait for the 1070 then? I've been holding out an upgrade for since October.

when's AMD going to releas new GPU's. If they release before NVIDIA, I'll buy theirs.

My post was meant for long-time 980Ti owners. No reason for them to upgrade yet unless they're the type of person who always get that new cellphone every year.

If you were in the EVGA upgrade program though, go for it.

dude, you should wait for AMD.

he can get a 1080 through step up for $100

Basically what happened with the Titan X and the 980 Ti. But at least the 1070 doesn't perform better than the 1080. Nobody got fucked as hard as Titan X buyers.

I remember people selling their original Titans for 300€ a few years ago. Then their prices skyrocketed and are still crazy high because of muh FP64.

Yea but sli is gay

If only i knew what it was like to be poor and not be able to afford the things i want in life.


Can I upgrade from my S3 to a gtx 1080?

>Pretty much all non-referrence 980Ti's perform 20-30% better than a titan X.
>he thinks this is true
>he thinks a factory-second out performs a full chip

you will, once your parents die

funny story about that. friend selected, purchased, and dropped off parts and came back later when i was doing the finishing touches.

i installed the drivers from the cd that came with the card and after i did the update it showed a promo for the 1080 and my friend got cheesed.

My parents are already dead and i'm married, I doubt you could say the same, a person that lives with his grandmother.


I have my 980Ti clocked at 1830Mhz so yeah, it's pretty close.

probably, depends on your power supply I guess. But you could upgrade power supply too if its too weak.

normie, reeee, get out, etc.

>plays games

Are you mentally retarded? This thread is about technology, it's for people who are interested in technology and not for retards who look to find out their PC specs. Fuck off and google your shit.

man i bought my 980 ti last month.... and its a gigabyte.

if its truly a 10% difference between a 980 ti and a 1080 then i'm fine with that. that's nothing. shit even 20% is nothing considering that's the difference between the 980 and 970 and it never made a difference.

just annoying with resell value considering how much these cards cost. cpu's are great investments. core duo series lasted ages and the i series have been lasting even longer. seemed like gpu's where going down the same path. i remember selling my 670 for $270 back in 2014 with the 7xx series in full force and i only paid $340 for it in mid 2013.

but with nvidia launching a 1070 card for $350 alleged to be faster than the 980 ti... even a 10% destroys their resell value. in my area i'm looking at $200 - $250.

My board looks similar to pic related, which slot does it go in?

I'm sure my 250w power supply is enough, I upgraded it recently

virgin, autism, please stop, etc.

>OCed 980ti is worse than a stock 1080

So you over clock the 1080 and get absolutely mad gainz.

I also have sex and my son isn't black and is mine.

DNA is a wonderful thing, can't be too careful.

In the one where the old GPU was idiot.

if you wanted to make me jealous, you've succeeded

Stop spoonfeeding idiots.

Will the 1070 be the new 8800 or 560? Should I wait for Ti? But we won't even know if 1070 will get a Ti version, similar to 970.

The 1070 isn't faster than the Ti, just the Titan X. An OC on the Ti puts it at near 1080 levels.



I still have a 590

is it the new 14nm card series?

So, is it true they offer reference cards for that price? No word on "partners"? Meaning they don't have enough of that gddr5x around or yields are low?

I'll always love you.

It's a new die so it's gonna be several months before they really get going. Until then expect a couple partner cards and a lot of bad cards.

1830 memory? My strix is 1800 from the box.

welcome to 2008
call me when you have gigabit connection

yeah my gigabyte is 1800mhz memory out of box too. also boosts to 1.42ghz core on its own.

thing heats up my case though. my ram dimms have sensors and they go up 12c when my 980 ti is under load with all the heat rising up.

so, classic paper launch?
good to know, it will get to my region probably in august at best

I'm in Australia so 2008 is still futuristic to me

welcome to 2012
call me when you have terabit connection

>new cards destroying old cards sold for nearly twice the price

you dont see that everyday

Wait for benchmarks of both is what I'd do.

The connector looks different

Please put a 1080 in this.

nice meme

>mfw this stupid fuck thinks games companies are staffed by children.
>mfw this faggot thinks a flight sim like DCS is made for kids.
>mfw I have worked for 4 game dev/publishers...only kids seen were brought in by co-workers to spend the day at the office because it was often like Disneyland to them.
>mfw when you are a hero to kids because you work at a game company.

You are in that really bad age obviously where you think you have to ACT like an adult in order to actually be one huh?

Sad...you'll soon learn. hopefully.

huh, i had one, why were they like that again? can't remember why CPU need to be an extension card

I like talking about GPUs more than playing games on them.

one of my friends wants me to work at a gaming company he works at but I like working where I do (outside of the economy, that is).

how would it compare to working at a hospital?

Board partner cards for the 900 series were quite quick weren't they? Some even at launches?

here you go bro, save the picture for later reference

Vidya companies pay their people peanuts and work them to the bone from what I've read of them whining on the internet. You have to do it for the love of the game, man.

what's the wattage? This is important

I've been gamer myself whole life. Now in my 30ies its just too broing for me (even online games like Dota)

Like 180. Single 8-pin connector was shown in one slide.

i was literally shopping to buy a 980ti today.

thank fuck i dodged a bullet.

I can make shit up too, user.

Overclocked Ducks lay 10% larger eggs than Geese.

Where did you learn that?

900 series launch wasn't this kind of foundersclusterfuck either and went normally

people that got in those companies for salary say that

here, is correct to point. Depends on your role. But generally in the dev world, game dev's can pay less because it is kinda like being in the 'entertainment industry'(showbiz) in some peoples minds and if they are gamer background types..it is their Valhalla env so to speak. So yeah, they will take less to be in that world and you bet their are crunch modes that can make you work crazy hours but a lot of them make up for it with perks and an env unlike most places you can find.
I started at Sierra On-line back in the day. Most fun place to work ever. Would get off at 4:30...stay at office fucking around with everyone till 11 and then go home..come back in the morning and repeat..some damn good time partying at work after hours.

I don't know..maybe it is the same at hospitals.

I currently have no GPU and I yearn for 1080p/1440p Ultra settings

Wut do?