Best debian-based distro?

Is there a debian-based distro with sane defaults + nice DM + works out of the box ?

I like debian because muh freedomz, but I don't feel like choosing a display manager from scratch and spending hours configuring it with themes and shit.


Its worth it.
If you want to evade oobango and bulgarian mint.
And you can pick your DE during install,and later just theme it.
Drivers can be a bitch on some machines though


Yes, it's called Debian.

It's called Ubuntu

#!++ is based on debian. it is "made easy" and it runs on a customized openbox desktop. I like it a lot and would recommand it

Use bunsen labs instead. Actually just use ubuntu, debian is trash for desktop.

xfce4 fag reporting in.

with debian you get to pick what desktop you want after stage 2 debootstrap. read their wiki and install the right meta package.

Just use gentoo as recommended by Sup Forums users.


Is Debian pronounced as "Dee-bian", "Deh-bian", or "Day-bian"?

>"Using" gentoo
You don't use gentoo. You install it. It is a full time job, like raising children.

second. it was named after his wife/gf deborah or some shit

Huh, that makes me glad I don't use it.

>The official pronunciation of Debian is 'deb ee n'. The name comes from the names of the creator of Debian, Ian Murdock, and his wife, Debra.
>deb ee n

Say it like you're saying "Deb" and "Ian" as two separate words.

debian or ubuntu imo

I enjo Xubuntu or minimal. gnome 3 is legit too if not on toaster. or minimal with cinnamon.

Sure sad I prefer ubuntu over debian. I just enjoy the support repos andinstallers more. Sometimes being proffesional helps

>Huh, that makes me glad I don't use it.


>he doesn't understand cron jobs

the fuck do cron-jobs have to do with this?

For desktop and laptop use, I like Peppermint OS.

why on earth would you recommend Ubuntu? its a botnet like Windows..

eff dot org /deeplinks/2012/10/privacy-ubuntu-1210-amazon-ads-and-data-leaks

Get new memes.

>asks for meme
>gets delivered

Not on 16.04

You must have a lot of trust in Ubuntu.. Exactly how do you know they aren't spying? That's just it you don't know. Should consider something less mainstream as Ubuntu.

WindowMaker LiveCD.


>I like debian because muh freedomz

kali, if you've got a fucking job

xfce + mint

really isn't fucking hard..

>tfw using elememetary os
Can I upgrade this shit to Ubanto 16.04 or something without having to install a new distro?

Linux Mint.


Debian or Ubuntu for a Wordpress vps?

Does Debian really allow painless upgrades?

Debera literally pushed Ian into commiting suicide
How can you use this blood stained OS?

Trisquel can be improved immeasurably if you install google chrome on it

sudo apt-get update-gentoo && sudo apt-get upgrade-gentoo