I'm looking to buy a new (non-iPod) MP3 player, but man.... seems these are dying out...

I'm looking to buy a new (non-iPod) MP3 player, but man.... seems these are dying out? I'm not seeing many reputable brands of MP3 players out there, and I'm skeptical (since off-brands used to die on me out of nowhere all the time).

Anyone have any recommendations for good MP3 players? Can be MP4, whatever - as long as I can hook it up to my PC, transfer music hassle/program-free, and it handles the music files fine, I'll take suggestions!!

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A smartphone
Or a feature phone for battery life

Why non ipod? I bought a used 5.5 gen and is a bliss with rockbox.

If you're American I'd reccomend buying one of those $10-$20 prepaid Android phones from LG or Motorola or something.. or even a Windows Phone. You don't have to buy them with any minutes and they make excellent MP3 players and honestly these cheap Qualcomm SoC DACs are actually pretty good compared to your run of the mill MP3 player.

I doubt they have enough volume, a dedicated DAP would be better.

do you need a screen?

if not...AGPTek G02S

if so...Ruizu X02

High enough volume for what? My Note 4 (Which has below average volume compared to most Smartphone) Hurts my ears at max volume even with my 300Ohm Senns.

>I doubt they have enough volume
They do

>a dedicated DAP would be better.
No it wouldn't. With a cheap android phone you get a good enough DAC, ability to play Opus files, big battery, and expandable storage.

OR you could use your android phone like a normal human being. Just a suggestion though.

SanDisk Zip was my shit in 2011 before I got a smartphone

I'm not a fan of having to use a program to transfer music.

Phone's too big for just wanting an MP3 player.

I don't need a screen, BUT I just bought 2 AGPT 16Gbs and one just died out of nowhere, kinda hesitant on that brand now.

Has SanDIsk gotten any better? I've had poretable USB drives, MP3 players, and memory cards die on me from that company.

>I'm not a fan of having to use a program to transfer music.
Rockbox makes it so you don't even need itunes installed to add music

Sansa Clip+ w/Rockbox

>what is Cowon
>what is FIIO


Why non-iPod? The iPod Classic is the best music player there is.

Nice try shill

Why shut down the best options?

Go fuck yourself


I've also had Zunes die on me. Kinda don't trust Zunes.

If this is true, might go this route.

What is Rockbox? Easy to use? Free?

Rockbox is a free alternative OS for PMPs. Really your best choices are rockboxing iPods

For the record though you don't even need iTunes for the stock firmware

>Apple's hate--boner for MS killed the best MP3 player ever

sansa clip+ with micro sd card and rockbox.

literally the best player i've ever had. that includes numerous ipod classics.

>non iPod
>best MP3 player ever
Nice try, troll

Xduoo x3 + Rockbox


>it's Apple so it's shit
Spotted the edgy twelve year old

>actually defends apple products
That would be you

Shouldn't you be in bed? You've got middleschool in the morning

Apple shill pls go and stay go.

>shilling discontinued products
Sure thing bud

I used to have one of those sansa mp3 players just like that and I have so many fond memories of it for some reason. I fuckin loved that thing.

If you listen to music 2/3 hours tops during the day, how much does the average android/windows phone's battery last?

I just bought a another clip+ but I'm not sure I will next time I need one, they're getting a bit pricey.

The new FiiO M3 looks promising but there were a few things which made it seem not quite ready when I was looking in to it (no gapless playback and some other things like that).

I will probably just buy a smart phone next time and set up mpd to stream to it from my computer.

>best anything

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Depends on SoC. Generally though assuming your android phone has a 3,000 mAh battery you can expect about 3 days (72 hours) or more of MP3 playback with the screen off and phone on airplane mode.

Galaxy S4 for example has a 2,600 mAh battery capacity and a music playback time of up to 62 hours. This is again assuming the screen is off and phone on airplane mode for the duration of music playback.

This insane battery life is why MP3 players have been abandoned by most of the world.

>edgy 12 year old
>valid opinion

>defending Apple
>on Sup Forums
I think you're lost.
might be more up your alley

>defending iTrash
edgy 12 year old detected

Sony doesn't make any more mp3 players?

>le Apple is gay maymay
You're only strengthening my point.

No, that's you, you silly shit.

first gen Sansa fuze were great, find em on ebay. Audiophiles raved about the audio jack being the best. I loved it. Don't know about the newer models.

FiiO X1, does more than just mp3 too. headphone.com/products/fiio-x1-player

Hey op I don't know if you're still here but I was in your situation too

Got a Nexus 5 with not enough room for music, what do?

Got a used black berry bold for 25 bucks, put in micro SD card with plenty of room

Plays music excellently, super convenient pause/play button, amazing battery life. I turn off all communications because don't need.

I'm currently in the process of passing it out though, going to build a music streaming service to play from Nexus.

Recently got an used clip zip. 22h15 playtime. Pretty good for a tiny player with 300mAh battery.

Still do. But they're either crap (E, B) or expensive (A, ZX)

>Recently got an used clip zip. 22h15 playtime. Pretty good for a tiny player with 300mAh battery.
BS. Most it would last is 16 hours if you rarely used the screen.

To be fair, it was with Rockbox.

22:13:50, 80030, 000%, 00:16, 3318, -, -, -
22:14:50, 80090, 000%, 00:16, 3308, -, -, -
--Battery bench ended, reason: power off--

Sony walkman nw-25, anyone?

It has those much needed physical buttons. Can't use my phone because I don't want to have to take the fucker out of my pocket every 5s or try to use the touch screen - makes you look like you're playing with yourself if you don't whip it out.

Had a sansa clip+ op, rockboxed etc., nice little device before it inexplicably bricked itself.
Can't recommend.

What the fuck does that mean?

How long was the player playing music, what music format, and what volume level?

I seriously doubt a clip zip could continuously play 320k MP3s for 22 hours at 50% volume let alone 16 hours.

Playing for the whole 22h15 before it shut down.
Music is a 10-track ogg vorbis album. -42dB (50%) with 16Ohm headphones.

I used to have a sensa in college and I'm feeling genuine nostalgia seeing one.

Also the Sony Walkman are good, and they're made of metal.


Ruizu X02 works fine for me. It's cheap, small, and plays everything I throw at it.

Used an ipod nano, until the audio jack got damaged. Now it only plays musicthrough one channel

just use a phone desu senpai


Sansa Clip+ Sup Forums approved

nice quints
just keep your blackberry if it works well for you, why do you need to play music through your phone?

I had one of these, great a lot of the time but they're SO FUCKING SLOW when skipping tracks, and the rebuilding library thing or whatever it did every time you added new songs was terrible. After a few hundred it could take literally 15 minutes or more to build.

OP if you can find a nice 120GB Zune 2nd Gen those things are God tier.

Fuck off with this terrible advice. I want a dedicated mp3 player with a good battery life. I don't want a big mp3 player with a fragile screen that has to be recharged every day.

Whatever you get, make sure you have physical buttons. It's annoying having to take your mp3player/phone out of your pocket every time you want to do something so simple as skip a track.

I have a sansa clip and a z3c. Since I relatively frequently go on long trips by plane/bus/train I really needed to get a dedicated player.

Pretty poor battery life though.

Alot of wp phones have shitttttloads of hiss

>Can't use my phone because I don't want to have to take the fucker out of my pocket every 5s or try to use the touch screen - makes you look like you're playing with yourself if you don't whip it out.

Most headphones take care of that for you. I've used Sony earbuds and two generations of apple earbuds that have one or more buttons at the microphone piece of the cord to control volume and song navigation.

Grab the microphone at your jawline, one press = pause. two presses = skip song. three consecutive presses = backward. There's pretty much no excuse not to use your phone as an mp3 player these days.

>tfw used clip +/zip's go for over $60 and every new version has been shittier than the last

Anyone have experience with the Idealist 1813? I'm deciding between that, the Xduoo X2, AGPtEK B03, and Colorfly C3.

Looks like a good place to ask - do you guys know any non ancient aaa powered mp3 player, this is crucial requirement here. sd slor would be nice but aaa batteries are essential

Oh my god just use your phone family member. see

>I've used Sony earbuds and two generations of apple earbuds
>There's pretty much no excuse not to use your phone as an mp3 player these days.
What if you don't have and use dogshit earbuds that come preattached to a shitty remote?

>do you guys know any non ancient aaa powered mp3 player
Shit I think the last one I can even remember was a Creative MuVo or some shit. Maybe not event that.

Perhaps search the web for chinkshit mpfwee players. Might have more luck in the 3rd world market.

I already knew about muvo or zen nano but I thought there are some other options, noname chinkshit aside. thx anyway

>not streaming music

>any year
>needing an Internet connection to play music

try some of the early sansa line
you might be able to get something that takes a battery, has a card slot and is able to run rockbox

>any century
>not listening to music straight from the bard himself