Post the commit message of your most recent commit.
Post the commit message of your most recent commit.
I don't use Github because they support SJW faggotry and are backed by the Jewry.
You think git is github? Get the fuck out
vo_opengl: add optional hook points
These are "sequence points" where the image could be rendered out to an
FBO, hooked, and re-loaded if any such hook exists. This is perfect for
things like the current user shaders system, as well as optional effects
like unsharp masking.
Note that since we have to pick *some* FBO to store the optionally
hooked texture, we just store it in an array indexed by an increasing
counter. Since we only ever store as many as MAX_TEXTURE_HOOKS + all
internal hook points entries, this is guaranteed to be enough space.
This commit also removes some of the now unused FBOs.
>IO: OBJ: Fix loading indices
no body because im lazy
>Modified the Levenberg-Marquardt fit plot generation so that the entire curve fits in the plot. The y limit was changed from the highest value in the input data to the highest value on the curve (i.e. the value at optimal parameters).
Just some tweaking.
Fixed FPS inconstancy in menu and playback. FPS now plays at the expected speed, and frame positions are interpolated as floats instead of ints ensuring smooth playback when using requestAnimationFrame, either natively or using the polyfill.
>ending with a period
>too long
u a fucking puff?
>past tense
0/10 would not hire
Is There a programming board? Tired of sharing space with gamers
no, /prog/ is dead.
But these things occurred in the past. Are you retarded?
yes but commits should be in the present tense
should fit into a sentence like "If merged, this commit will..."
Who the fuck told you that?
look at the commit log for linux
Git documentation.
This is wrong however.
The message should be imperative, while many non-imperative sentences could also fit in the "If merged, this commit will..."
> think i fixed it
All of my commits are like this
>work you piece of shit
Add turret tracking
The turret now tracks the player around the map, rotating to keep them
in line-of-sight. Takes the arctangent of the difference between the
player's position and the turret's. Converts that from radians into
degrees, and then subtracts 90 from that to appropriately align it.
Given an x-distance and a y-distance on a cartesian plane, we can take
the inverse of the result of dividing y ÷ x (the tangent measurement),
which gives us the angle from the baseline.
Project just hit the 20 function mark so I had to get some ctags up in this bitch
He thinks git == github...
>Not adding tags to your global gitignore
>Polluting a project-specific gitignore with temp files from the tools you happen to use
Switch to ESLint
APID-70, APID-71
JSCS and JSHint have been replaced by ESLint in the lint pipeline. Any
settings in .eslintrc files in repositories using the test package will
override the (empty) defaults in this test package settings. The only
choice made by the test package is to use the airbnb-base rules.
This is a breaking change (as pipelines that passed the old code quality
checks probably won't pass now), and the version has been bumped to
2.0.0 to reflect this.
>Explaining basic trigonometry like you're writing a tutorial for 16 year olds
>Putting operational documentation into the git commit message instead of a comment
I find it helpful to document how I came to use a particular method. Sorry that approach doesn't work for you bud.
* debd51f (HEAD, origin/master, master, dev) Formatting changes
Why don't you write it in the fucking code?
Nobody is going to read git commit messages.
>says "SJW" unironically
>assumes git is github
This is an 18+ board
It's a personal project, I can do what I want
>>>Polluting a project-specific gitignore with temp files from the tools you happen to use
That's kinda the point aint it?
>>>Not adding tags to your global gitignore
I don't have a global gitignore, dont need one yet. But I do have a script to tailor a project's gitignore
You're that guy who doesn't put .*.sw? in his project's .gitignore, aren't you?
Fuck you dood
>Changed the default license mask back.
>XBLA games should be unlocked now.
Why is git so conceptually difficult to understand?
Using git for basic shit is easy, git push, git stash git pull, git merge, etc.
But as soon as you wanna do something more difficult, like editing the commit message of a push from 5 commits ago, you have to google it, every single time.
HEAD~5 is 5 commit ago
Now do the rest
I read my git commit messages when I'm reviewing my code, that's what it's there for.
Is git "conceptually difficult to understand," though?
In the end, the commit log is just a directed acyclic graph. Each commit/file/whatever is stored by its SHA-1, and commits point to the SHA-1 of the previous commit. Hence, when you change the commit message of a commit 5 commits back, you change its SHA-1, so you have to walk forward, changing the SHA-1 to which every subsequent commit points, modifying their SHA-1s in the process.
But yeah, git's interface is pretty opaque sometimes.
>Is git "conceptually difficult to understand," though?
>In the end, the commit log is just a directed acyclic graph.
Merge branch 'release/0.2.8'
updated to react 15
It only references the JIRA ticket associated and its title. Then it's pushed onto Crucible for a code review, and lastly the guy in charge of CI integrates it and pushes it to the official repo.
It's time you drop your shitty practices OP.
M make.conf
M make.conf.backup
A package.use/electron
A package.use/libgit2
Leave off him! He could have put that final full stop inside the parenthesis
Only thing that goes into gitignore is generated files that come out of your build process. (e.g. ‘build’ dir)
Everything else (e.g. swap files from your editors) goes into your own gitignore.
If adding them there is somehow too hard for you to do, my projects don't need your shitty code.
> big update
Yeah my commits suck.
More work on display, trying to organize everything
- Feels good man.
Added border around window and full date
That's it.
>D-5853: Now users are forbidden to write to the log table
fuck jira and CI taking the same time that they used to save
>yfw Linus himself disagrees
>181867731d I just don't know anymore
>no swap files present
I only see generated build output produced by the Makefile in that gitignore
Okay, and the one .kdev4 because what the fuck, KDE
Reverted changes and fired Jamal for fucking up the code.
That's racist.
How the fuck is that racist? He is a fucking white dude.
happens to cover vim swap files, which start with a period.
I apologize for baiting you here -- I think your rule actually makes a lot of sense. Having a line ignoring swap files is just more convenient for those who haven't configured a global .gitignore (like me before I read your post). But yeah, if you can't take 3 seconds to create a file in your homedir, what the fuck are you doing contributing to a free software project?
Plus, you're not alone. Django makes the same recommendation, for instance:
># If you need to exclude files such as those generated by an IDE, use
# $GIT_DIR/info/exclude or the core.excludesFile configuration variable as
# described in
Yeah or just ~/.gitignore
ef424b1 Updated comments
adds handling of location time fractions, fixes #2
"fixed stuff"
>fix pt 1/2
>fix pt 2/3
>fix pt 3/4
Use stackview for layout in `NowOnView`
Minor updates to a boxing app.
>he fell for the backtick meme
user, did you remember to squash your commits before merging?
`Fix Observable types when saving to database`
not particularly interesting
>nothing to commit
I usually just put in a few emojis. Just ones that happen to catch my eye.
He forgot to add
>committing the smiley with the caret nose
I don't even know what I changed in that commit.
Probably didn't when I committed it either.
Hello webdevfag.
>directed acyclic graph
DAG != tree
where the fuck did you learn CS? go get your money back
they're pretty similar though
>semantics equals skill
>not understanding the fundamental difference
>this is somehow about semantics
>"muh semantics"
What a pajeet says when exposed to a concept he knows nothing about.
Added placeholder Cocoa event handling code
Fuck that jazz. We use it at work, it's better than nothing, but it could be so much better. We half-jokingly talk about rolling our own OSS issue tracker.
>One day I will learn to symlink properly.
One day...
confirmed for never having worked on a project for an actual business with other developers.
Some projects designate the tools you are supposed to use, especially e.g. company projects.
Probably not IDE-specific, but lots of secondary linting and testing stuff, for example.
ain't it ln -s ?
>git = Github
Fuck off and kill yourself.
misc.c: fork & execv in webSearch() instead of calling system().
>calling system()
jesus christ how horrifying
Triangulated terrain. Finally. Also played a little with materials, probs wants redoing. Physics point moved into Util point. Util geometry cleaned up some. Created ArrayToys. Created PointSets (digitised valuemaps, I guess).
I think it's the other way around
Yeah, I know.
The code that called system() was pretty old and I didn't know any better.
It was only recently I remembered it and changed it.
A few routing fixes
I've been trying to make my tiny web framework more me friendly and all of the fun stuff I add always ends up having more caveats than I initially thought. That's just kind of a given when you're using a scripting language though
Add wmutils-core.
This is the average poster on here and the same essence of the post can be translated to basically every topic. Opinions like this circulate around here and elsewhere on the internet.
user, those should probably have been different commits.
Bump version
Not him, but I just write code and commit what I did at the end of the day.
Is this wrong? should I commit for every logical change?