why does android pretend to be linux based when its entirely proprietary based per phone and every version purposely requires higher hardware resources to prevent you from ever getting more than maybe 2 versions before the phone is just barely below the minimum (most likely RAM) requirements?
Why does android pretend to be linux based when its entirely proprietary based per phone and every version purposely...
white little girls are fucking ugly
Who are these disgusting midgets with fat bellies and short arms?
You'll change your mind once your penis is pushing against their tight anus.
Are you blind or are you gay? The one on the right is super bangable.
Agree but I want to lick the start of the left ones tits.
what's your fucking problem?
they're kids
Not dressed like that they're not
what's your fucking problem?
they're kids
>being this new
m8 go back to plebbit.
Fuck off, retard.
I hope you all get raped at jail
The text-book definition of a newfag is exactly someone like you, who thinks being "hardcore" and saying "shocking" things related to pedophilia an murder are what Sup Forums is all about
You know, internet hate machine! we're so badass! they can't stop us! we're crazy and we know it!!! #FuckThePolite amirite lolzzzz
I'm saging this thread with all my hate because of you.. seriously fuck you... GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS BOARD
You're probably no older than the girls in the picture, you fucking cunt
Naw, eat shit. Fag.
nice moral based democratic justice you got there, typing words on a message board is now aggravated assault?
Kill yourself pedo
>every version purposely requires higher hardware resources to prevent you from ever getting more than maybe 2 versions before the phone is just barely below the minimum (most likely RAM) requirements?
That's factually incorrect.
Newer versions of Android run better and are generally less resource intensive than older versions.
You're just taking manufacturer ROMs as standard, and they pile shit in that slows it down.
Also, it has a Linux kernel and that is all that matters.
I only pretend to be a pedo to get reddit mad.
the base android versions require incrimentally more hardware requirements, the RAM is almost always the most impacted
literally every app that lets you test your phone vs the base android version requirements shows this
my quad core CPU is 75% overly efficient to run even 6.0, its a native 4.4 phone
the GPU is also almost equally as efficient, the RAM meanwhile is just shy of 5.1, much less 6.0
>some bullshit app telling you some bullshit data
That's nice.
Anyone who still gets triggered by posts like is definitely new.
I prefer 2D 2bh
everything on your monitor is 2D, bernie supporter
2D representations of 3D objects.
The girls in OP are very pretty. The one on the right is cute af.
No, she's disgusting.
niglets are worse
You must be gay then.
>Why does Android pretend to be Linux based?
It is based on Linux
name any other linux based OS that can only run on 1 specific CPU model number or GPU that isnt android/chrom os shit
Linux based does not mean it's Linux.
It means it's based on Linux.
Go take some English lessons, please.
Hey there user, my name actually is Brandon Smith and I live in Plainville, Connecticut, United States of America, and I just wanted to say that you are an absolute cock-inhaling faggot of a human being who should go and shitfuck himself up the dickhole for having such genuinely retarded opinions. It literally seems to me that you may actually legitimately be a mentally handicapped person whose handler has accidentally allowed to access a computer. My recommendation is that you go out to your nearest freeway at your earliest convenience and insert yourself into the traffic such that motorists are forced to either swerve or splatter your being upon the hoods and windshields of their cars, traumatizing all those within them as you do, so that these sorts of inane and stupid shit thoughts that seem to just spew out of your anus of a mouth will never be seen on this board again. Alternatively, go to your resident barbecue and turn the grill on to its highest heat, then place your hands into the flames until they are roasted into unrecognizable stumpy, blackened appendages that will require years of treatment and therapy to heal into scarred lumps which will require a lifetime of medication to relieve the constant and permanent pain from nerve damage, in order to prevent yourself from ever typing such a dumb sentence ever again.
>announcing sage
>he thinks animated drawings aren't 2D representations of 3D objects
Okay so Mckenzie Zeigler is the girl on the left... what is the name of the girl on the right?
Fucking newfag not noticing that this pasta is old as fuck, you're the cancer that's killing Sup Forums by posting without lurking.
ok well then fuck me for not recognizing every obscure copypasta that's ever been made
Android uses Linux kernel, does not pretend to be Linux based.
You're trying to apply desktop OS thinking to a smartphone OS. It's really not feasible to have a generic Android image that'll work on any phone, they have to be device specific.
"Linux-based" does not mean "like my Ubuntu (or whatever) CD that I can use to install on this Dell laptop or that desktop I built or that server over there". Android uses the Linux kernel. Therefore it's Linux-based.
Obviously to gain marketshare. Since almost all major oems are onboard, google has already started taking control away with gms.
>an app that compares minimum specs to phone specs is Bullshit because it works
Okay kid, nice meme
such an early release..
>the one on the right
I'd love to teach her so many things...
Except the sources are released and consequent versions of Android use less ram.
Except the sources are released and consequent versions of Android use less ram.
my lg g2 from 2013 running marshmallow says hi
>Linux can't run closed source software.
This is the damage Stallman does to dumb kids.
Stallman would prefer it. You know linux-libre, yes?
Someone's fucking them. It's someone younger than us but they are definitely getting the d.
What he's referring to as Linux is actually GNU+Linux. I think that may be where the confusion lies.
lol, what a gay
If intel has a contract to use linux. android phones use intel microchips...
Fuck off, chink
this is the only user to get it so far
and stalman would roll in his grave over how non-free "as in freedom" android is
even if you have a nexus, you're still confined to the software provided as-is with each one having a TOS to agree to just to install it and hardcoded shitware that cant be uninstalled....easily (installing a custom rom isnt easy)
Too bad you can't stick your dick in less-dimensionals.
>why does android pretend to be linux based
It uses the Linux kernel you fucking retard, what are you even talking about, "pretending?"
trying hard much bro.
go back to your mama newfag.
oooooh, can't fight back so say himself is pretending ohhhhhhhh
>what is the Linux kernel
God if you fuck wits keep posting here/g/ is going to lose everyone it was created to benefit
My Galaxy Tab 2 from 2012 running CM13 too
>it has a Linux kernel and that is all that matters
So if I take Windows 10, replace NT with the Linux kernel and keep everything else exactly as it is (forced updates, proprietary software, app store, telemetry and so on), you'll say Windows 10 is good now? Is the kernel all that matters, you literal fucking retard?
>me on the right
>g/ is going to lose everyone it was created to benefit
That happened years ago.
The Sup Forums crowd is self-selecting and this always descends to the lowest common denominator.
Haven't you noticed that the stated intention, a tech discussion board, is totally ignored?
Android doesn't pretend to be linux-based, it IS linux based, and it is not proprietary. Only software that runs on top of Android is. AOSP is an entire, functional smartphone OS; used as the basis for pretty much every custom ROM and OEM ROM, which is why every OEM has a fork of AOSP with tweaks for each device. The proprietary parts of Android are exactly like the proprietary parts of every Linux distribution out there, and are as follows:
-Third-party software
-Device Drivers
Everything else is Open Source.
you can take Ubuntu and easily run some terminal codes and change anything you want and not have anything running in the background if you choose
you cant do that with android
even "custom ROMs" are just preconfiled closed sources with that stuff disabled by default
Ubuntu isnt linux thu
That's a highly padded training bra. No tits there, not even starter tits.
Have your (you)
you are some special kind of retard, aren't you ?
Who are these semen demons?
>ITT pedophiles