Save Firefox

Google, Netflix, and Microsoft (i.e. The botnet) are trying to cuck us again.

Other urls found in this thread:

>We need more Firefoxes.

>We need more browsers that treat their users, rather than publishers, as their customers. It's the natural cycle of concentration-disruption-renewal that has kept the Web vibrant for nearly 20 years (eons, in web-years).

No we dont we just need one good one

Competition is a good thing. Remember how shit Firefox was before chrome?

Been using Firefox since the start and I still don't understand all the rants.

Works on my machine™

I'm guessing it's just loud autists who can't handle small changes.

Browsers with big caches(i.e. have been used for a long time) run poorly on slow hard drives, so people get annoyed.
RAM management has been back and forth between FF and chrome in past years.
I don't know all the reasoning, but it's something in that direction.

you dumb fucking nigger this means the web is going proprietary you asshat.
what this actually means is the stupid SJW node.js fucking hipsters are going to take over and we're no longer going to be able to Ctrl+U (i.e. view source). We're just going to see obfuscated "web assembly" and a new era of proprietary ransomware is going to rein.
You dumb fucking pajeet, get off my fucking board, you don't care about the web before you were able to stream your nonsense media accounts and worthless tv shows with overpaid hollywood kikes.
We don't need EME. We need a free and open web. this is what it is about

This exists. It's called Palemoon and its currently working towards moving to FF38ESR under the name Tycho. PM current code is currently founded on certain ideals pushed by their developers but Tycho is a move towards the needs of modern users, as they require it. Not media companies.

One good one would be nice. Several good ones is even better, especially one that emphasizes privacy.

It's fucked anyways since the SJWs cucked the old CEO out. They've been shoving stupid bullshit into it and removing good features for years now.

I'd support saving firefox if there was anything left at Mozilla worth saving. As it is the browser is just dying a slow, agonizing death. Put it out of its misery already.

(posted from Firefox)

guys we should all use our hacker powers and hack them until they make firefox great again

>I didnt actually read the article

You mean how good Firefox was before chrome?

>article uses a clickbait title
>is upset when the contents have pretty much nothing to do with its clickbait title
Nah, fuck that, this thread is now about bitching about Firefox

open source designers

ITT no one reads the article and assumes it is about Firefox.

It's not. It's about EME.

fuck SJWfox

You know I'd almost help them but sjw sympathizers shouldn't be put in charge of marketing and business of a product that's meant for everyone to use. I feel little sympathy for Mozilla because of their sjw support. I look forward to opera surpassing them as the second best browser to use.

Didn't Mozilla add support for the DRM shit like over a year ago? Why would they make an article about this now?



It is SUPPOSED to look disgusting because that's what this is.

Disgusting, filthy, ugly…

>running proprietary software is okay but viewing proprietary websites is not
Everybody who defends the open web should logically also be using free software.

So why are so many of you using Windows?

Read the fucking article

kys freetard

you know, nothing is stopping you hippies from writing your own protocols and applications.

Publishers have every right to lock down their content. If you weren't so full of shit you'd provide alternative content that didn't suck.

You must be at least 18 years old or older to use Sup Forums user.

Because I chose to.
Don't take my choices away.

They already exist

>dmca riddled web standards
Hollywood seriously needs to fuck off with this shit.

Firefox is already dead. Notice how you can't download or access HTML5 youtube videos anymore?

I did and still don't care about Firefox anymore. Last version I used was 3.6.

This content standard is totally appalling but companies like Google will not get bent over by shills in the media companies they have always aimed to replace.

>you can't download or access HTML5 youtube videos anymore?
you must be doing something wrong

a 1080p60 video?

If it's 720p you're using a legacy stream

>Remember how shit Firefox was before chrome?

It's just as shit now.

You can choose to not use proprietary websites.

Centralization until innovation sags. Decentralization until utility dies and a clear winner emerges.

>Notice how you can't download or access HTML5 youtube videos anymore?
Nope, because I'm not stupid enough to use a web browser to play youtube videos.

yes. 1080p60 works fine, as does 4k60. downloading with youtube center works as well.

>a 1080p60 video?

not only that, but 2160p60 works as well

watching a video in 1080p60 != downloading it

pic related

i guess you're right, downloading the hq video doesn't work anymore. but there's always youtube-dl



original claim was html5 were inaccessible anymore