Is there an app that logs how much time I spend every day...
>on my computer
>on each website
>using each application
Is there an app that logs how much time I spend every day
Windows 10
A watch, or alternatively a calendar.
why isn't it free? has literally no one made a free one yet? wtf
>desktop app, logs what app processes
>browser app, logs what websites visited
>mobile app, does the above but on mobile
Its free with subscription features
I can make you a free one if you pay me.
Sorry, I don't answer racists.
Actually this.
Came here just to post this
>Is there an app
>on my computer
Get the fuck out and don't come back.
Yes. It's an applicable program a.k.a an application a.k.a an app
Your point?
seems useless imo.
there's rarely a time when im NOT on the computer aside from doing basic things.
I need an app that tracks how many post I have on Sup Forums
dumb tripfag cancer
Average of 1 to infinity?