Why don't you leave the basement? You could go out, visit a night club and have a good time?

Why don't you leave the basement? You could go out, visit a night club and have a good time?

South Louisiana houses don't have basements, dumbass.

I could go out, I could visit a night club, but I wouldn't have a good time.


I went to a concert last night and today I watched the new captain America. now I'm just comfy posting on my phone till I pass out

this. It would be boring as fuck and full of normies

i bet they don't even encrypt their phones

Why are you still a virgin?

>i bet they don't even encrypt their phones
nice meme, fuck off back to where you came from

I live in an apartment with my girlfriend and my 3 year old son.
I work at IBM for 80k a year and didn't graduate high school.
Why would i go to some bullshit club where basic women "live love laugh" into a cavalcade of cocks?

ur a meme

This guy nailed it.

>I live in an apartment with my girlfriend and my 3 year old son.
I think you meant "her 3 year old son"


>lives in a rented, shitty apartment

You're doing in wrong, kid.

Naw, mine. Knocked up a chick on a one nighter. We get along well but no interest romantically. I'm not saying i wouldn't bang her again, huge tits!

Sure, like i want to be a mortgage fag.
Owning a house in the city is a money pit, and I'm not going to stay in this place long enough to make it worth owning a house.
This was i can dump my money into travel and cars and whatnot.

34 years old. Never been fully drunk, just buzzed a couple of times.

My kidneys are so efficient that I was on a no water fast for a test and 16hrs later I'm still pissing like normal. Actually had to go in the middle of a colonoscopy. Filed the bottle and they looked at me like I've been drinking water. My kidneys should last me until I'm 130 no problems assuming nothing else goes.


>Putrid smell of pretentious perfume and sweat
>300% cost to alcohol and drinks
>All the women believe they're gods gift to man because they're at the night club
>shit music
>If you attempt to get women, the other men will subvert or attack you
>Need Taxi money to get home
>They're in the CBD
>Police will hound you as you attempt to get home
>Risk of spiked drinks
>Lines for the bar are huge
>All of your possessions are at risk of being damaged or stolen

>paying rent when you could own
>throwing money away
what are you retarded or something?

From when i would hit up the night clubs when i was younger, it was exactly like this.
Banged two chicks, they were starfish even though they talked a big game.

>and my 3 year old son
Yeah, right. Anyway, kill yourself.

>go outside
>niggers everywhere
>shady looking nig asks me for a dollar

Have more fun spewing memes anyways.

>can't afford mortgage
>wasted downpayment money on "cars and whatnot"

I expected better from Sup Forums.

>I don't know the cost of keeping a house in good shape
>I'm 24 and still live in my parent basement.


/biz/ says unless you can buy the house in cash, always rent.
