Sup Forums humor thread

Sup Forums humor thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw you see a proprietary cuck




there's a ylyl everyday in Sup Forums
did you get tired of bananas OP?
go back to Sup Forums please

somebody should start posting makis to rid of this ylyl cancer
id rather a desktop thread than this

>ylyls are cancer
>post maki to cure cancer
>cancer to cure cancer

It doesn't work that way.

this is you.

hint: not the black dude.

>b-b-black people can't use muh gahnoo because muh fee-fees

>implying maki is cancer
Leave this board

>Post derivative shit post that is exactly the same as the 60 other shit posts made that day
>The same shitpost templates have been here for well over a decade
Sup Forums is the joke.

maki maki give me the faki

Microsoft is a state a mind. Micro is the vibe. Soft is the idea.

Be what you want! Just dont get caught up in the wrong idea.



Fresh oc right here

>Desktop faggotry gets banned
>Yet this Sup Forums tier shit is allowed


The genie you. Make it what you want!

Gates has gone on a massive killing spree! So he hired Melinda to defend him. Dont stay lonely. There's many others you know?

What the fuck am I even looking at?


what's the joke


>Desktop faggotry gets banned


that wasn't the implication you retard...

Bill Gates brought out an os called Me! Lol. Hijacked the planes and got investigated for it...then stuck his tongue back out at govt with an os called Xp. Got sued many times and came out so clean he brought out an os called infinity...8


what are the 5 cute facts about her again?

Heard Bill Gates has been working on time travel. Supposedly he's been charging his washington groupies $250,000 upfront for the antioxidants and mineral depletion. And in the back end they pay him with their lives.

>Hunchback of Notre Phone
>I place my mouse in defense mode
>What could possible go wrong

So far we measure lifetimed in melindas now. We swear by microsoft. We're upto melinda number 3.

Is Medina housing a terrorist?

maki is fucking shit and is one of the reasons why this board sucks. anime is for kids, faggot.

Reminder that this website is literally made for the discussion of anime and if you don't like that then you should get

>b-but this website started with an anime board, so EVERYTHING has to be anime!

Fuck off, fag.

Maybe you should post somewhere else if you hate anime that much.

Yeah, exactly. I don't side with maki fags often but you need to get the fuck out

Maybe you should post from a mental asylum if you like prepubescent girls that much.


i want to fug illya

Great argument. Honestly, bravo.


>implying your "argument" is better

thomfu is not for normalfag shitposting


>implying radiohead isn't normie
>implying amnesiac isn't their "best" album
why does everyone on Sup Forums have atrocious taste, i swear to god

Haven't said it isn't well known.
Please give recommendations instead of bitching on muh taste


b-but.. those are 4..

>i suck janny's cock
ayy lmao

fuck off furfag




Stale memes.

haha, it's like the peel is his clothes.

These are the three biggest reasons I'm ashamed to be a mac user. I want to do linux instead but the last time I tired it I managed to break the KDE5 UI just by trying to fix the keyboard



openSUSE + GNOME or Cinnamon is the way to go famalam

Sup Forums


Dude on the right kinda looks like aphex twin


generally not usable

fuck off commie cuck

Apparently linux means lincoln sucks.

i remember there was an unedited version of this


You are going to get a shit load of suggestions, I would suggest MATE. Shit just works IMO.

Cause he is


Oh fuck it's real

Support Bernie Sanders for President of the US. | Support the US Green Party.

Although If I did vote, it'd probably be for Trump because it'll be hilarious

/r/ smug manga bitch saying
>Windows is a 32 bit extension for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.



>implying it isn't In Rainbows

Pyramid song can't carry an entire album you fuck

The hump on the phone case isn't that bad tho

> Overt weeb-shitposting, avatar fagging and "desktop art" that has nothing to do with technology gets banned
> On-topic humor is allowed

You faggots just get off on doing what people don't want you to do and pretending to be victims when called out on it, don't you? This has nothing to do with desktops anymore. You have to have the forbidden fruit or you'll keep this shitstorm going until we give it to you just to make you shut up.

Hello millenial. Electing a candidate ironically just because "it'd be hilarious" is extremely stupid and selfish. Pull your iPhone out of your ass and use it to read some political literature.

voting for trump is like buying from microsoft
the solutions are gonna be shitty, unethical, and mostly broken but they'll kinda work

voting for bernie is like getting linux
the solutions seem technically elegant, but in practice fall to shit when someone that won't spend more than 5 minutes on the computer

voting for hillary is like buying from apple
an absolutely retarded decision that has no benefit, but sure looks shiny and different

Hillary is just a no, and Bernie's policies would completely screw over the economy

>Being this politically illerate yet having an "opinion".

Yeah just don't vote then.

>15 dollar minimum wage will fix everything!

How does one get Nouveau to do that? I've never seen it misbehave. Shouldn't he just use the prop driver if he's willing to shell out for the associated hardware

> buy nvdia
> refuse to use nvdia software but OK with a physical beacon in my home

Idk man...


I didn't present a political stance, I'm saying you're politically illiterate. You don't know politics and you're still emitting more opinions. Please stop.

I agree HP laptops are cancer, I use one and it looks ugly, performs like shit and bios is locked down to the point I cant' edit basic settings or clear error logs.

>not wanting to witness (let alone incite) the second American Civil War
Millennials wanna blast more shit to pieces than just their high school classmates

>Let's eat grandpa

desktop threads are literally the same two desktops, anyway


Not who you replied to but I'd rather buy Microsoft than fucking Apple

My tier list is Bern>Trump>Shillary

Vote in a non-establishment candidate and maybe some crazy shit will happen. Better than a paid shill for the banks like Clinton.

pls no. I hate hillary, but there are worse things than the status quo. Societal regression is not the way

kek so right

Does anyone have the comparison of youtube stance on names before and after g+


I really really like your comment.

Can i save it?

Lain is better

Voting doesn't matter. It never has. Never will. Care about your country? Don't vote. Care about laws that affect you? Don't give a shit. All people who say shit like "what are you thinking, you should vote. Every vote matters. You can make a difference." are in so much denial it's sad. To think that anything you ever do in your short life would ever matter. As soon as you die alone you'll be forgotten. The sun will engulf this planet and the human race will have committed suicide far before that happens. Bleak unending nothingness is all that waits. So why the fuck would anyone vote?