No mods on g again?

No mods on g again?

It's like they never learn.

He's a big guy


>you'll never satisfy a woman like a BBC can

Why live?

you mean split in two?

for money

You do know that's painful, right?

I'm below average and I still have to go slow or else I hurt my gf.

Just like there's different sizes for penis, there's different sizes for vagina

They shoulda made me a janitor!

I woulda deleted this shit

She's being nice to you about it because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings, secretly she's laughing inside.

that's a fucking huge penis

No, I can seriously feel how tight she is. She can barely take 2 fingers, my dick is like 2.5 fingers thick.

Out of all boards you choose to raid this ass crack of internet with less than 100 people around.

this is no different to the 20 frog posts, request threads, tech sup and Sup Forums threads here anyway

And what about the thousands upon thousands of amateur videos of girls losing their minds on BBC?

Funny how white guys always post this kind of reassurance post, yet white women always say that size matters when they're really being honest.

>It d-doesn't get to me, h-honest!

why do nigs always wear their shoes during sex?

Size in inches?

Every girl is different dude.
I go from "can barely fit and painful" to "it's like fucking a wind tunnel".

Cmon Shaq they can run away after stealing the TV.

>sees a nigger wearing shoes while fucking
>why do all niggers wear shoes
Is this really how a racist's mind works?

that's sock

The difference is that while her pussy will be stretched out to accommodate large objects. Your penis will remain the same size.

~13cm long, ~3-4cm thick.

So about 5 inches long and 1.2 inches thick. Slightly below average, isn't it?

No, it's a common stereotype by now. Older videos, before teh BBC meme, always featured black men wearing timberlands and white socks

Yes that's right around average.

They wear shoes in most of the cuck scenes I've watched too.

Do you not ever feel that you owe it to your girlfriend to let her experience a real man once in a while?

You sure? I've never looked it up but a mate said average was 5.5 inches long.

You must be really boring if she'd rather watch BBC.

What's the girth in centimeters? Is your girlfriend white?