ITT: we do things that wincucks/macucks can't do

ITT: we do things that wincucks/macucks can't do

I'll start
>being able to use dots in the filename

Other urls found in this thread:


But you can use dots in W10, the fuck are you on about

You can do that on Windows XP, retard.

prove it

There are many symbols you can't use but dots aren't one of them.

You can't use /\:*" and |

>compile the kernel from source

lel, i can use dots and im on Win 10. Another meme linux """""advantage"""" busted


>only linux is free as in freedom

ITT: we do things that linux fags can't do

I'll start
>talk to girls

At least post some actual advantages

i haven't used win/mac for many years so i don't know what they can/can't do anymore


Don't kid yourself you beta faggot. You browse Sup Forums.

So how do you use wildcards on this?

this. OP is a fag

>Linux fag
>calling others beta

>needing 3DPD

reddit is down or something?

Uh ?

But you can. He'll if you use MS Word to export to pdf it names it as ***.docx.pdf

Both windows and OS X can do this

fuck you

Make an obvious bait thread and get replies.

well, most things are possible somehow on win/mac..just not as straightforward..

You don't.


You can use dots on OS X

Useless symbols in a filename are an advantage? wew

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

You don't, lincucks is designed to fuck the entire system over silly mistakes like this. People complain Windows holds your hand too much but a system that lets you kill your computer over apparently silly mistakes is shit and not worth using, one should NOT need a degree in operating systems to use his computet safely. This is the reason why lincucks will never be popular among normal people, you know the kind of people that have jobs and social lifes? Yeah those, lincucks wont understand though. IIRC there was even a lincucks/efi bug that killed motherboards not so long ago.

Protect virginity with animu waifus. Waste hours to make the OS actually work. Spend more time for shitposting since it's all you can do without professional software. Preach about open sores.

>file becomes lost forever

>not a thrillseeker

>IIRC there was even a lincucks/efi bug that killed motherboards not so long ago
kek that was Windows

Underrated post

\ ?