What's wrong with systemd?

What's wrong with systemd?

Does not include an Office suite

It has this bug that causes a lot of systemd-related shitposts to print to Sup Forums.

The main thing wrong with systemd is that it allows computers to start up much more quickly. This is undesireable for may reasons far too complex to enumerate. Next it simplifies the boot process, again this is so shit but for too many reasons to enumerate. Thirdly it was written by very intelligent people who far exceed the abilities of the mediocrity they are surrounded by: Undesireable for obvious reasons. So, in conclusion it is obvious why systemd is shit if you read about it.


Top Kek


People didn't like it being forced on them
The condescending attitude of the systemd maintainers

It works and it was developed by a corporation, ignoring the fact that every worthwhile thing in the Linux world was achieved due to some evil faceless corporation.

How is it being forced ?


What's wrong with systemd?
It works great. Hopefully that will get patched in a future release.

it's a meme

It's a bloated NSA honeypot


It's long been done and dusted. Years ago. They didn't want to wait for organic adoption, so they went about it their own way, a more hostile and undemocratic way.

>What's wrong with systemd?

Idk, i like it but a common complaint i hear is that it tries to be the operating system. I think this is mostly autistic semantics though. Similar to the free vs non-free software crowd like Debian does

Who ? Independent distro maintainers ?
I highly doubt anyone forced anything to you and last I checked "choice" is still one of the main attractions of Linux.

Too little too late. Linux innovation grinned to a halt a dozen years ago and it's just not good enough anymore compared to modern OSes. systemd is a just a band-aid at this point.

The only distro that matters.

I'd say the opposite is actually true. This year I have been able to switch to Linux for more than 6 months and stay productive. I now treat my Windows partition as I would a console (which ironically is what Microsoft wants out of Windows 10).

Up until now Linux was too rough around the edges for me to use in a production environment and not have it crap out randomly.

Red Hat/Fedora?

Do you get your news solely from Sup Forums ?

first post best post

op here, i don't even know what systemd is

In the late 90s you could use linux as your main workstation for most dev-related work without any issue. Now outside of the cheapest-tier hosting for pajeet-powered outsourced crud monkey coding it's basically useless. So you really have it backwards.

It's the only option for most major distros (not Gentoo). It's impossible to change without great difficulty. Other projects have been joined into systemd and some stuff relies on it.

You're still not being forced to do anything and alternatives exist.

I am being forced to use it if I want to use any major distribution (aside from Gentoo).

>if I want

>How is it being forced ?
can you not feel the poettering cock being thrust down your throat?

It's not being forced if I consciously chose to chug it down by picking a systemd distro.

You guys have a very gnu sense of freedom and choice.

who is this south pacific ponytail puller?

Nothing, I quite enjoy using the systemd operating system.


Not UNIX compliant.

I don't get it, Linux should not be POSIX compliant as well. It's a monolithic kernel

People would rather be forced to use sysvinit, it seems.

The truth is that most people who say they dont like it are bullshitters that wouldnt know their arse from their elbow. They bleat on and on and on endlessly repeating long dogmatic speeches about how systemd fucks this up and systemd fucks that up. The bottom dollar though is that they just dont like change, especially if that change proves to them how dumb they are. Mostly the people who dont like it are the ones who suddenly had their crappy boot scripts and other shitty programs suddenly replaced by something better. NOW THAT DID MAKE THEM LOOK DUMB!


This is mostly speculation but from my own research I got the impression that Red Hat tried to gain control over the kernel source but Linus being Linus was like "fuck off I don't care about your crap", so instead Red Hat sneakily created systemd under the guise of an init system to wrap around the kernel allowing it to gain some traction in directing how userspace application develop, and conversely, having major distribution dependent on it would allow it to exert some pressure for steering the direction of kernel development.

I would also wager it is intentionally made nearly impossible to fork by having a shitty unmaintainable codebase blob despite being open source in order to prevent Red Hat from losing control over it.

>it's open source
>but it's not real open source
>it's an improvement
>but it's not a real improvement

(cont from )
So the problem with systemd is that is was never intended to be good software that actually solves problems in an elegant and correct way, it is a piece of stealth political corporate software that simply needed to be good enough at one or two things that non-technical end users can see (muh startup times) so that it could be pushed aggressively for adoption.

Systemd itself isn't bad

But the way it is growing and more packages depending on it is really bad.

1. It becomes a honeypot for security breaches

2. If somehow it crashes with a bug the whole Linux system crashes as well

Now, one of the good things about GNU/Linux is the amount of replaceable options. If something gets hit by a 0-day or a critical bug you can always replace it until it gets fixed. The ever growing systemd dependencies is actually bad

Red Hat please stop your nonsense. Don't listen to your prajeet devs

this. 95% of the people complaining probably have no idea how an init system works and what makes a good or a bad one. But they don't need to, because it's not what they are complaining about (let's ignore that there are also people knowledgable about init systems complaining about the way systemd does init). The problem most people see with systemd is pic related, it accumulates and ships countless projects it has no business fiddling with, probably for purely political reasons (if it made meaningful sense from a technical standpoint it probably would have happened long ago). This supposedly pure userspace program has incorporated and now ships a bootloader, ffs.

>Up until now Linux was too rough around the edges for me to use in a production environment and not have it crap out randomly.

I think distributions are rougher around the edges now than they were 10-15 years ago. I enjoyed using RedHat 9 and Fedora Core, they were easy to use, and did what you'd expect from a modern system. Games were native ports using an opengl engine instead of cheap ports using a directx-wrapper. GNOME and other desktop environments used to be good.

he has a very punchable face

And that bootloader works great just like every other component. Just embrace it already, you're living in the age of systemd's reign

monolithic IS unix

The best way to compromise the security of a system is to force a component that isn't easily changed.
That's what systemd is.

That's what linux is.

I can bet my ass you can't change anything in the kernel or the GNU coreutils. I doubt it has stopped you from using them though.

Trusting Linux is a thing of trusting 1 man.
Trusting systemd is a thing of trusting a field of retards.
Quite a difference.

Yeah, those were the times. In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

>Trusting Linux is a thing of trusting 1 man.
Are you just shitposting or are you really that clueless about linux?

linux is written by a field of retards; no difference

You're retarded

I don't use systemd the same reason i don't use Windows 10.
I don't trust the people behind either.

>muh tinfoil

No. I am dickposting. I thought you systemd users would understand.

Linus no longer reviews all the code that goes into the kernel.

Speak whatever you want. Won't change a thing.
Did you also call people tinfoils before Snowden happened?
You must have felt like an idiot afterwards. Mainly because you are one.

>Using tinfoil to insult someone complaining about Windows 10


>I can't read

It's a problem with Linux as well, but we don't all have a solid alternative yet.

That's systemd users for you.
Or rather, that's RedHat employees for you, since there are a few of them posting on Sup Forums which has been confirmed.
You can smell the excrement off of them from a thousand miles away.

Not only that, but the bundled wallpapers were better too. That picture of the sky with birds in it that came with RedHat 9 was awesome.

>Did you also call
>You must have felt
no, stop projecting

>I'm so dumb I can't even use a search engine

You didn't feel like an idiot after you were proven wrong?
Well, i guess that makes sense. Someone who is mentally retarded can not grow a self-awareness to fix that problem.

>someone made fun of me
>I bet it's some jewish conspiracy!
Yes, user. We're all shills and want to know what porn you're watching.

>technology illiterate

RedHat employee confirmed.
The most useless job on this planet, that comes with the stench of poo.

Welp Sup Forums, now you know who the ones jewing systemd on Sup Forums are.

>you were proven wrong
I wasn't proven wrong; snowden didn't say anything about systemd

>not spending days setting up my shitpost machine
>technology illiterate

so easy for retards to confirm anything

systemd is basically bringing Windows 10 to the Linux environment.
If i wanted Windows 10, i'd just go install Windows 10.
Fuck off RedHat faggots. And stop scouring through random trash bins on the streets you fucking furryfaggot racoon wannabes.

>reading comprehension too

>I don't have a clue
>I like anime tho

What do you mean? Linux has FOSS alternatives but they aren't a good option for many people.

>i'd just go install Windows 10

>Yes, user. We're all shills and want to know what porn you're watching.
Advertising firms wouldn't mind paying you to want to know what porn i'm watching,
so forgive me for finding you to be an untrustworthy piece of trash.

>muh tinfoil is really thick

>i-i am not a pedophile; i just enjoy watching kids in the playground

>projecting my concerns
we know, user, we know

Oh, so you are a pedo?
Well why didn't you say so sooner?

I don't need systemd.
Next question.

>You don't have a clue
>I do

Time for you to go back to 9gag

>also illiterate

You are an illiterate pedo? Are you from India by any chance?

>the best I can do

>no more bully, pls, you rekt me too hard already

Not a meme contest, underage fucktard. Get the fuck out

You're an underage fucktard and want to get out? Just close the browser window, kid.

You're a dumbass.

The lack of freedom of choice to run any of the major distros except Debian and Gentoo without it.
When something castrates freedom of choice, it is a piece of shit.
Whether it's a piece of shit because the devs are retarded, or because it's by design, is another topic.

Oh? Hit a nerve? You gotta be 18 to be posting here

>the lack of freedom of choice to run Windows XP with Service Pack 2
that's how retarded you sound

You're not 18+? Time to go, famalam!
