are virtual reality goggles really the next wave of gaming, or is this gimicky bullshit like 3d tvs?
Are virtual reality goggles really the next wave of gaming, or is this gimicky bullshit like 3d tvs?
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Next niche wave. They're cool, innovative, and provide a new ecosystem.
But the amount of people willing to pay a premium to look like a retard with a box on his head.... (sure they'll make it better over time)
if it works, VR/AR will be the next wave of a lot of tech
I'd put more money on AR being useful though
Too early to tell. Sales figures over the next year will tell some of the story. The fact that some pretty big companies are involved in their manufacture is telling enough though that they may be around for long enough to catch on if things do in fact get off to a slow start.
They are either the next wave or the one after.
We are getting to the point where it will be getting possible to be able to do it while. It will be immersive. Imagine being able to lift your hand and see a spell shoot out of it.
Wouldn't that be awesome? Of course it will catch on.
Once you try it you'll be immediately be convinced, although quality varies greatly. When it's bad it's still ok.
It depends.
Playing a room scale game that works perfectly with the Vive is like nothing you've played before.
The problem is that you need a lot of space for that. Most people can't just clear out a whole 5 x 5 m room to play VR games. I guess you can get around this by buying an omni treadmill or something, but those things are expensive.
Also, the resolution and FOV of the VR headsets is still very bad. Once we get headsets with two 4K screens and a 160° FOV is when VR will truly become the next step in entertainment.
they said 3D tv is the next big thing last year, this year no one gave a fuck about it.
It's a scam
The userbase will never grow up because you have to wear some stupid huge helmet on your face and look like an asshole at all times.
At most you'll have a niche group of neckbeards who create content in their basement because regular people aren't putting up with aspergers neckbeard shit.
Don't waste your money on these worthless gimmicks
How does it make you look like an asshole?
Because it shows they are richer than you?
It's because people who put on a VR headset all have fun and a good time.
If you're not a grumpy old no-fun-allowed faggot you're an asshole.
What kind of smug faggot straps a screen onto his face in order to disconnect from the real world?
That's precisely what makes you look like an asshole, a recurring need to disconnect from others because you and your vr world are superior.
Buying overpriced and hyped screens that you can strap on your face is not a sign of wealth, but rather of being a consumerist piece of shit.
This is really more a Sup Forums thread, don't you think?
More generally: only some things work well with VR or AR. We are still some way off the tech being mature. Movement is especially not a good thing at the moment.
But some things, like armchair flight simulators (case in point: Elite: Dangerous) are absolutely brilliant in VR - breathtakingly immersive.
I wouldn't consider it suitable for use over several hours, however. Even with E:D, I've found big-ass multi-monitor setup and a head tracker actually works more sustainably.
Outside the gaming field, I'm really having doubts about whether VR has much of a big use case for HCI more generally - I had doubts in the 80s/90s, and even though the tech isn't quite as clunky, it's still kind of useless unless you want to punctuate our dark gritty cyberpunk corporate overlord 1984 future with "cyber" Lawnmower Man file explorer bullshit.
"3D" was more of a useless gimmick. If it ain't got voxels instead of pixels, it ain't 3D. We're a long way off that kind of holography.
Isn't that what literally every hobby is for? Especially Computers?
Computers disconnect heaps of people from reality. And ruins lives.
And other hobby's are (usually) to disconnect from others and to find new people or to just escape from everything
Fucking retard
Until you can fuck your waifu in VR, it will remain absolutely worthless. No one buys that shit for actual games.
Remember when google glass was the next big thing?
You're the king of idiots.
>What kind of smug faggot sticks his nose into a book in order to disconnect from the real world?
>What kind of smug faggot stares into a tv screen in order to disconnect from the real world?
>What kind of smug faggot straps a pair of headphones onto his head in order to disconnect from the real world?
I'd put advertising fucking EVERYWHERE!!
And instead of havving traffic lights I think that it would be cheaper on an order of magnitude to have a message or red screen pop up for when to stop where a red light or stop sign might have been previously.
Virtual desktop seems like it would be really cool in like two years.
VR is hype, AR is way more mass marketable
>What kind of smug faggot straps a screen onto his face in order to disconnect from the real world?
What are people like you even doing on this site?
>Most people can't just clear out a whole 5 x 5 m room to play VR games.
I live in a late 19th century forest shack and have more spare room than that. People are doing something wrong if they live in actual houses and can't conjure up such meager space.
I don't think you are expressing a genuine opinion. Are people who read also being "assholes"? I doubt anyone could actually hold such a belief.
Why don't you try one and decide for yourself.
there already VR porn, tried to find a SFW picrelated
>What kind of smug faggot straps a screen onto his face in order to disconnect from the real world?
>That's precisely what makes you look like an asshole, a recurring need to disconnect from others because you and your vr world are superior.
>Buying overpriced and hyped screens that you can strap on your face is not a sign of wealth, but rather of being a consumerist piece of shit
you spelled "im poor" wrong
How did that work, you have to cross your eyes to look at it?
Perfectly stated.
Also, I would add it depends on how comfortable these things are to wear for long periods of time. No one seems to bother asking this question, but I've passed on superior headphones at a cheaper price simply because my ears were baking in them.
Right now it's just gimmickshit, it's fucking Wii-tier. I feel sorry for anyone who spent $800 on this junk instead of waiting for it to be affordable and have anything worth actually using it for. The best use of it now is to enhance games that can be played without it like Arma, ETS, etc. and that's not worth $800 to most people.
Maybe I'm wearing it wrong, but the Vive does press up against the cheekbones quite hard. I can't use it for more than 2 hours at a time. Its great though, but the amount of content available now is miserable.
You haven't tried it have you?
I have, and there is not a single "VR game" that's fun for more than an hour at most. And some devs have the gall to charge $20 for their "stand in one place and shoot shit" simulators that there are literally a hundred of at this point.
Yeah, you're probably wearing it wrong. I actually have been adjusting it over the course of two weeks, and every time I adjust it gets more comfortable.
You've probably seen this already, but if not:
This might be news to you, but even if you find no current games fun for more than an hour at most, it doesn't mean that no one does.
Unless VR is some sword art online-esque shit, I don't want any of it.
PS: I don't like SaO, Im only using it as an example because people talk about it all the time so I know that they got sucked in a game or something like that.
VR is fucking shit. Can't wait until AR becomes a thing, I would buy a Hololens in a heartbeat if I could take it with me places, and it was sorta cheap, not 800 dollars.
>next wave
It's flopped and will flop again
Augmented reality. He's a Microsoft shill
Hey fucktard, you know if no one adopts the 1st gen, the chances of 2nd and 3rd gen are very much less likely don't you? I mean according to you, everyone should skip this gen, and wait for the next. But how likely do you think that will be if everyone skips the 1st gen? You I am betting have not tried one yet yourself.
The money was no issue for me. Sorry it is for you.
That applies when the profitability of first-gen doesn't matter as much, as in this case.
Oculus has Facebook cash behind it, Vive has Valve.
Pre-orders were already crazy sold-out.
At this point, the more intelligent shoppers will wait, unless they are willing to have a sub-par product sooner.
The resolution is shit at the moment, but once that gets better there will be little reason for using regular monitors as you can have the equivalent of 360 degrees worth of screen realestate when using these. The problem is the resolution is too low for quality text rendering.
I'm just waiting for Linux support. No Linux support, no money.
Meanwhile people like me who are prone to motion sickness are fucked ;_;
5x5m is not necessary for vive, anything around 3x2.5m or larger is fine
>What kind of smug faggot straps a screen onto his hand in order to disconnect from the real world?
>That's precisely what makes you look like an asshole, a recurring need to disconnect from others because you and your facebook world are superior.
>Buying overpriced and hyped phones that you can hold on your palm is not a sign of wealth, but rather of being a consumerist piece of shit.
so all it is is a screen really close to your face?
Doesn't seem that innovative.
VR will only be VR when you can strap it into your brain and play like .hack style sitting down without moving.
Fuck yeah dude
Then just gotta get some game support!
Any day now!
[spoiler]Any fucking day now[/spoiler]
>concerned about what I look like while gaming
Do you know what you look look like gaming on a PC?
I just got a Galaxy s7e, so I'll probably buy the gear VR soon and start developing something.
I just want a nice environment to explore and clear my mind
not until plug in my back.
you viral marketing fuckers
I tried vive, it was awesome. no sickness, pretty much no delay, great.
I don't see it will make into average consumer market with all those cables though. When it gets wireless, it will be a lot more convenient.
I will surely buy one if there will be enough games to justify it.
>VR will only be VR when you can strap it into your brain and play like .hack style sitting down without moving.
better if it will be Accel World style
It is also a head tracker with wii like controllers. At least vive is, you can move around and interact with stuff.
In its current form VR will attract far less people than the industry believes. I predict that in the next year investors will get very disappointed with the economic performance of VR and then they will drop it once again and you won't hear much from it after that. After some more years, someone will dig it up once again and create a new hype around it. This time maybe the technology will have matured enough to attract more people, who knows.
I'm pretty sure that typical "Gimmicky technology that sounds pretty cool, but is still pretty tiring to use"-cycle will make another turn though. Next round it will probably look less retarded to wear one of those things.
these niggas ...
totally cool tech. Yep.
Someone is paying people to shill against VR, but I have no idea who or why.
VR is just a gimmicky way of saying
Immersed vision
Plebians need full eye covers to envision a reality superior to the physical realm.
It's okay I guess, it has applications for teaching and simulation.
But of course neckbeard Sup Forumsirgins will abuse it like any other fag.
Think it would be more popular if it was good.
Wires, scuba-goggle FOV, screen door, lack of API (or rather too many), limited games, wii-tier graphic games...
Not bad for gen 1 though, actually if they support more games might get the OSVR since it's cheap and to try it out (porn?).
Autism goggles.
fat people look bad doing anything. Trust me, I know. I'm fat.
the real joke here are two things.
1. he's got a second shake/coffee to the one in his hands, in the table.
2. look at the window
>mfw vr
You're right.
If it was a visibly muscular, well-groomed/dressed young man, it wouldn't look near as autistic.
Or a chick with big tits.
No, it would. It's just funnier this way.
check your sarcasm-detector
> Oh man, I totally tricked you!!!
I wasn't being sarcastic.
It would be more socially acceptable if the individual was attractive or famous, or had any other major form of social currency, like being rich.
If it was Bill Gates chilling with two milkshakes, enjoying some POV Miku porn, your average user would praise him.
and yeah, not sure why you'd do it in public anyway? I guess so people talk to you? ask about it? if they can try it?
If i get one, I will shut my door (and not just because porn)
as always, have dr dre, lebron, or johnny depp wear them and people might care.
What if you're attending the nearby conference for your industry and you have 2 hours to kill?
It would be inconvenient to go back to the hotel, and this cafe is the only decent place to chill and get decent food and drink.
Generation 1 has already proven VR will be successful and it is a "10/10 medium" for content, games and storytelling, blah blah.
Here's the current story from an everyday user of Vive (owned for 1 month) and past owner of CV1 Rift (sold it after 3 weeks back in april because no motion controls. VR NEEDS motion controls to go "all the way"):
The Vive and the Rift+Touch are the future of gaming, movies, etc. Truly. The devices as they are in gen 1 (fucking gen 1!!) are slim enough, high enough resolution/framerate and provide good enough visual fidelity in their lenses to induce Presence (subconscious acceptance of being in another place). I use Vive daily for multiple hours, in-fact it has become my daily workout. Multiplayer FPS like Hover Junkers and singleplayer experiences like Holopoint and Audioshield keep me coming back.
I've glimpsed the future of all-encompassing, literally all-encompassing RPG games by playing Forgotten Realms and Spell Fighter VR-- in these games you realistically must fight enemies with steel, magic and arrows. You equip items physically onto your body. Highlights include every single scene you've seen from every badass movie.. but you're the Hero. Exploring a darkened dungeon with a torch in hand, lighting candles as you go. I parried arrows with my sword in real-time, no buttons. I bend over backwards to dodge a sword strike and swing my chosen equipment twin blades around me in a chaotic whirlwind to make my foes back up, careful to not exert myself to the max unless needed-- since in these games there is no time to rest and if you become exhausted and stop die.
Elite Dangerous, I've been a space cowboy. Jacking saps for their loot, participating in grand community events. Tricking out my bitching combat fighter. Hauling space weed and landing on strange planets. I did barrel rolls while careening down a seemingly endless canyon in my surface vehicle and landed safely at the bottom. 1/2
I have a personal movie theater, not only that I can have it with my friends who also have VR headsets..or strangers. Remember AOL chatrooms back in the day? The crazy wild west atmosphere where anything could (and anything would) happen and the internet just didn't SUCK? That is VR right now. The social applications are full of people; who happen to be the best type of content in VR. Be you a socialite, or a shut-in, you will open up and have fun when you virtually sword battle a friend inside of a bar, practice stacking cups with strangers and throwing pumpkins at them to knock them all over, tell stupid jokes, jerk each-other off virtually and countless other mundane shit that when put into text seems banal and weird but when experienced with this technology is simply magical. Yes, virtually jerking someone else's controller dick off is magical.
I feel as though I have a portal to being a child again-- in the way that a child is able to imagine themselves as whatever they want and then become through play that imagination. Whatever you want. You can be a rockstar, a gun-slinger, live in the future with advanced technology, go back to the past and walk with dinosaurs. The content I have experienced in the past month has honestly blown the past decade of "I've seen some shit" away. Like, I have a whole new world of "I've seen some shit" than you non-VRers can even conceive. I have literal MEMORIES of the most epic things you watch on youtube or on tv and wish you could do. Famous and rich people of times past died without tasting a drop of the perception the Vive/Rift allow you.
Its quite astounding, amazing in the true sense of the word. Everyone I have try it doesn't come out of it until I make them come out of it and their faces hurt from smiling like monkeys hooked up to a dopamine injector. To say VR is not the future and that in 2 or 4 years it will not be ubiquitous is now a pretty uninformed opinion.
This sounds shill as fuck in the context of Sup Forums, but honestly gives me hope for the near-future of VR.
I have one shitty eye that can't always focus, so I plan to try it out somewhere before I purchase.
You must be very autistic to not see how her face is essential for the comedic effect the video has.
I recognize the intent of the comedic effect.
In the same vein, I also have difficultly laughing at something like the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.
i want
Honestly, everything just gets worse when it's social and online and involves other people. When I'm at home by myself I want to do things by myself. If I don't, I go meet other people.
As for the personal movie theater: I prefer to watch movies without wearing a warm box on my head. I actually know for a fact that these things get incredibly uncomfortable when wearing them for >30 minutes. Your head gets sweaty, your ears get red and warm etc. It's just a very annoying feeling.
Yeah, I know it sounds shill, but the only way you can truly elaborate how actually happening VR is right now is to glob it on really thick. Even though I do wax lyrical to people before they try it, I find when they actually do they are still completely surprised by just how good the experience really is and then they ask to come over again to play with it, slightly to my annoyance. Their reactions remind me of the line from that Portal song Still Alive: "Its hard to overstate my satisfaction."
as in porn or games?
protip: there's an answer that will make your posts invalid.
>or something like that.
Nice try faggot you know exactly what happened.
I've had my Vive for a month now, it's been a blast for sure. I've demoed it to probably 40~ people, 'gamers' and non-gamers, and everyone had a good reaction to it. It makes video games accessible to anyone, you don't even have to explain controls or how to work it, it comes like a second nature when you put the headset on.
Problem is at the moment, most of the games are worse than the worst Wii-era wagglan shovelware. Sure, there's some great stuff out there, Budget Cuts being a standout, but there's not much incentive for good developers to get into the field. From what I hear there are 50k Vives in the hands of people right now, that MIGHT double by the end of the year, but compared to the installed base of a console or game ready computers, it's nothing.
The "I don't have enough room" thing is bullshit. You guys must be hoarders. I easily found a 3'x3' space in my living room by simply pushing a table to the side. I have the lighthouses on low footprint contractor poles that stay up, so no setup required after the first time.
Honestly though, I don't pick up the headset that often on a normal day. It may be the lack of a killer app, but I still enjoy the convenience of regular games more in my free time. Maybe I'm just lazy.
Pro-tip, you're wearing it wrong. Saying >I know for a fact lets me know "for a fact" you are an uninformed user. Wearing CV1 rift is "forgot I am wearing this" comfort and the Vive when worn properly is not far behind. I am in decent shape myself so these items in my head is quite like nothing. If you can see kids using them on youtube, I don't see the point in adults crying about 470/550grams on your head for Rift/Vive respectively
You can also do whatever you want, by yourself. You aren't being forced to be social in VR, lol. Private rooms, single-player, ignore function. I don't understand people who when presented with more choices are abhorrent to the possibility because there are some choices they do not like. I was simply trying to convey the fact neckbeards can work on their social skills if they so choose and it is a nearly 1-1 conversation with another human.
I, for one, would much rather watch movies in my own home where I can pause, take a big shit or a piss without missing anything. Bring whatever concessions I want and make the room and seating whatever I want in the comfort of my own home. I quite literally won't go to the movies again. Thanks seeders.
Another faggy gimmick.
Its obviously the porn. You idiots haven't fapped until you have a 1:1 3D porn experience where 3 hot girls fuck and suck your dick while you're laying on your own bed simulating the action with a pocket pucci. But seriously, the games are really fun too. Once a year goes by for more good content to come out the ball will really be rolling.
>so much fucking hype
>nobody talks about it now
Yet another stupid fad, now dead.
I wish all the other stupid fads lately died so easily.
>stupid huge helmet
>aspergers neckbeard shit.
Your reasons are beyond any reproach. The most logical and convincing rebuttal I have read in years, well documented with facts and unbiased.
Upvoted asshole.
What games do you play, mate? Tried Hover Junkers or Audioshield? I love those fuckin games. I'm a big BF4 player though, so I want something more tactical. A single developer ( a black guy at that) is making a FPS multiplayer realism-based game called Onward for Vive/Rift that should be pretty boss. Give him a few months.
Nobody talks about it now because all the people who wanted it got it except for people cucked by Oculus right now. Why talk about my Vive when I'm not prompted to, when I could be using it and letting other people use it instead of just talk about nothing?
>Saying >I know for a fact lets me know "for a fact" you are an uninformed user.
What I really meant is, I had one on my head and that's why I know that in fact it feels uncomfortable after a while. It's not even about the weight, it's about the warmth. It's just what I felt. I thought it would be like wearing headphones, but these things just get warm after a while. It's annoying.
Also, I won't read through the rest of your shill post, but I guess it's the same "I can finally fuck my waifu" bullshit that everyone gets hyped about. Nobody cares.
Audioshield is my most played game at the moment, that one's really great. Hover Junkers didn't really click for me though, it just seems too shallow. I know the devs have promised to roll out more content regularly, but in its current state it's whatever for me.
>this is what the seven people that were dumb enough to pay for that stupid gimmick actually believe
I'm totally sure I rather play a normal game on a console or PC than "Stand and shoot" and "Look at things" on a 800 vr headset
Understandable. I really got into Windlands. Try it out.
>pay for that
>implying I didn't make enough from selling my rift to only have paid 100 dollars total for the Vive
>implying I wasn't paid grossly more for my DK2/DK1/CV1 than what I paid for them
>implying I haven't been being paid to actually play with VR this whole time
derp a derp you're stupid, broke and without vr, shame.