Here we are again, penis rate thread

Here we are again, penis rate thread.

Post your penis and let other anons rate it.

Feel sorry for your balls

Did you know Islam was created by the Pope because Muslims are like dogs to him. Also, Mohamed was a homosexual.

Just saying.

More like jealous


Imagine the stench

the mods are too busy juicing their dicks to delete these threads

How do these fuckers mistake Sup Forums for Sup Forums



We are being raided right now



There are multiple threads like this on Sup Forums, this feels like a raid.

Let's rate this pone instead.


Probably one of Sup Forums's famous shit threads where like "trips decide who we raid etcetc"

nice dick

Actually it's one guy who waits every night for mods to be asleep and post the same pictures/threads.

How long has he been doing this? I don't remember this being a thing.

I don't know, a week?

Past week max.

Since desktop threads were banned