Help me with some PhP resources Sup Forums
Help me with some PhP resources Sup Forums
>wanting to write PHP
0/10 see me after class
stick to java, rajesh
What do you mean user?
PHP was written specifically to be simple to use and accessible to idiots. If you can't manage it, then stop trying and get a head start in your future of burger flipping.
Thank you for such great and encouraging words sir user. Will do.
you can't be serious
80 IQ detected
I actually have a 130 IQ.
I just lack sequential and indirect terse logical syndrome.
PHP is a templating language with an embedded DSL for dynamic content from a database.
I think you have a bright future in retail
Everyone has an IQ of 130 on Sup Forums user. You're just a filthy pleb.
There are probably more indians in php than in java.
Pro-tip: Learn it step-by-step. Don't cram.
I give up on humanity.
Are you serious?
php is legit one of the most forgiving languages that exists, right next to javascript..
if you can't figure it out, give up coding
Don't be so harsh
Start off with a real object oriented language. Learn C++ or Java, build a little Gtk application. You'll never have trouble understanding programming paradigms after that journey. Or if you're new to programming all together , stick on the front end for a little while longer. Javascript is a great place to start, and now is a good time. Javascript will be very different in 4 years.
Well I'll agree with most here that you should start with java or something similar for your first OOP Language. PHP in theory is OO but in reality non relational databases deter you from using the OO features that PHP provides. Which means you will pick up a lot of bad habits if you start with PHP first. But PHP is very handy for server sided applications as it's very quick and easy to use but you need complete knowledge of its security deficiencies. 99% of people who use PHP for the first time will have their website torn to shreds when they go live.
If you can manage learning all of it's flaws then it becomes a very fun programming language to use. It's like, recreational programming.
What are you trying to build? Probably can be done in Java/Spring easily. inb4 i'm pajeet (false)
Im trying to build a musical platform, where new artist can display their new songs and videos.