Is he a virgin?

Is he a virgin?

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Is op a faggot?




he had a gf before

Stallman is masterrace fucker.


seriously, why is he at what appears to be a porn expo groping a pornstar and why is there a big GNU logo at a porn expo

Because he's Stallman

Someone has to fight against proprietary porn.

Because it's shopped.

Ever heard of this thing called Photoshop?

>being this jelly

Nice bait 2/10

He isn't, because he's not a programmer. Programmers, especially good programmers don't have any friends or girlfriends and stay virgin until they die, this is the only way to make it as a programmer.

Fucking plebeian. Someone needs to rm your virgo.


he even admitted he cucked some guy unknowingly

Dumb anime poster

I don't know... Carmack has a wife, and he seems to be doing pretty good.

Linus isn't a good programmer, which is why the year of linux desktop will never come, but he could've become good if he never had sex, so the year of the linux desktop ended up in his cum which he splash into his dumb bitch wife and here we are.
Fuck off trip shitstain.

He's not relevant now, when he was working on the original Doom, he didn't have a bitch, but no Doom is a complete piece of trash.

If you have children or have sex, as a programmer you are dead.

Suppose you marry another programmer in the same field, would that also equal career death?

Yes, any form of intimate relationship is death for your career.

post original or fuck off


I don't know what it's like over there, but we've got Australia's CeBIT and Sexpo in the same building a few weeks apart, and frankly, it's legitimately hard to tell which one you're at.

someone post the pic

End of thread

No, he has nose-sex with plants

>Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

And he had hand sex with a Parrot

>A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked on the hand by his soft belly feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance.

The king of autism is getting more pussy than most of Sup Forums ever will, I'm impressed.

You got played

>had a husband and a girlfriend as well as me

*stops reading*
*looks in shock*
*looks around to see if someone's playing a practical joke*
*still in shock*


You realize "nasal sex" is a joke right and that he means that he enjoys smelling plants?

Impressive bait friend

>which is why the year of linux desktop will never come
No thats because freetards cant into simplicity and common sense when designing an OS, the kernel isnt the problem.

I feel proud admitting I use windows and actively hate on Linux.

owned virgin loser

Smelling dead plants?

No, you can't make a good OS around something that was built by a non-virgin. If Linus stayed a virgin, Linux would probably have get at least 10-20% of the OS market share by now, but it will never happen now that he preferred pussy to writing code.

>Who is Jill Knuth

I've heard of Sexpo, but what the hell is this CeBIT thing?

>year of linux desktop

This has been every year since 2006, only it never happened on neckbeard beige desktops because plebs don't use desktops, they use Android or iOS on phones and OSX on their macbook pros.

>I said, "Could I be an honorary woman?"
>not little girl
Hell's this shit?

When you pick a flower, it dies.
If you ever smell a flower that has been picked, you are having nasal sex with a dead plant.

>Photoshopping a picture of Stallman
>not GIMP

Knuth was a mathematician, not a programmer. Now he's just a senile old fart.

maki has my baby

Didn't he also fuck a girl in the PC lab during his MIT days? I swear there was something on his website about that.

fuck off back to tumblr

Who the fuck is that?

fuck off anime fag

what's with Sup Forums users and jap women? I don't get it

I thought he had a wife and two sons?

Implying stallman would use photoshop, he obviously gimp-ed it

Obviously shopped from stallman original

Actually the kernel is the problem. The source is literally cancer. This is why I'm considering moving to BSD. The source is C done right.

Stop actively hate on the english language pajeet

>asks if a pregnant person is a virgin

let me tell you about the birds and the bees user

He fucked a parrot before and has that closet furry vibe to him, I mean look at that pose.

Lol stallman was a bull, He fucked some faggot windows users wife.

>cucked by stallman


Mark Schmidt Zuckerberg, founder of 9reddonichan.

men can't be pregnant you milkshitter

stallman clearly is.

Fuck off shitlord, men can be pregnant if they want to in the year of sjw 2016


mutants, not men.

It's a dyke bro, she did this to herself to piss off the patriarchy (aka her father) she also got fucked by the feminists just like a man would and has to pay alimony to her/it's ex-wife for the kids "they" had even though the sperm came from a sperm bank and obviously not from the ex-wife dyke.

RMS did some pretty fucked up shit when he was young, how old are you OP?

Fuck off fuck off animefag fag.

oh yeah Hans Reiser also had a wife

>When you pick a flower, it dies.

What is water
What is plant food

Someone post his autistic sexbot fanfic

Probably not. Most people have sex.
Feynman was a womanizer. Even Schrodinger had sex with other peoples wives.

Promoting free hardware, most likely

>Most people have sex.
Most normal people have sex, the ones who are good with computers usually never get it and it's how it should be.

who cares

I thought it was about snorting coke

Stallman sure hasn't.
Green Is My Pepper.

This is actually true.

Is no one going to comment on the fucking power cord around his neck?


Mark Hiroyuki, creator and founder of

He's a degenerate commie.

He is against communism.

He's pro zoo and he likes parrots. I don't mind zoophilia at all, honestly.

This is shopped.

This. In cuck slang, he's a BULL.
In his slang, he's a GNU.

Holy shit! Top kek.

It's probably a joke, since he's expressed his hatred of ties on several occasions. Cord is like a hacker tie or something.

He's making a joke that he doesn't like ties and I agree. Ties are fucking stupid. I roll my sleeves at work too. Fuck formality bullshit.

Of course not. He fucked lots of young kids. He's a fucking pedo.

You wish. Also, you need to be over 18 to post here.

He's literally not. He just thinks that consensual sex with minors is fine.

You don't have to act out on your urges to be a pedo.

You don't belong here. Facebook is ideal place for you


No, it's called a sexual orientation/preference/fetish/disorder.

For example just like you can be heterosexual and a virgin, you can be a pedo without fucking kids.


Ah ok, I was under the impression that a pedo was a person that was convicted of it already. Stupid terminology.

I think you are right. Those primitive life functions like fucking and breeding is what separates intellectual men wanting something more and to intellectually transcend from primitive animal that have dick and shit for brains that only physically resembles human being.
Also are you Terry Davis?

>not a programmer
he wrote emacs ffs