Can someone please recommend me an overall good linux distro that is also good for ricing? I'm not that new to linux so it doesn't have to be that entry level but still can't be too advanced.
My computer is kind of ok, 8gb ram, gtx 750, i5 3330k;
Can someone please recommend me an overall good linux distro that is also good for ricing...
Other urls found in this thread:
Ubuntu or any of its flavos, Ubuntu minimal if you want lightweight.
I can't recommend you as a Linux distro because you aren't one.
>posting just for the sake of doing so, not helping the thread in any way, only occupying space
How surprising.
dumb tripfag cancer
>i5 3330k
This exists?
In shit third world countries it does.
Ubuntu mate is my favorite though.
Also Fedora isn't bad either, but for a newbie I'd say stick to Ubuntu.
There is no 'k' in there.
k was a typo
>good for ricing
It's equally easy to rice any distro.
So go with a decent distro like Ubuntu or fedora, depending on which package manager you like more
you can rice any linux distro you just need to figure out where to edit what you want, if you're a beginner just start with some ubuntu flavor or fedora
install gentoo
>customisable and fresh like arch
>just werks like ubuntu
>has AUR
seriously, it's the best of both worlds
Manjaro seems like a good idea in theory, but blows chunks in practice
Why? It just werks™ for me
Any of them. The ditros without a graphical installer may seem scary but they aren't.
I have used arch for years now and it has just werked for me. I have almost the same specs as you.
what's not customizable in ubuntu ?