That kid who never emptied his recycling bin

>That kid who never emptied his recycling bin

It auto-purges, why would you need to clean it so often?

>that retarded family member who stored his stuff in the Recycling bin and complained why it's gone

>that system administrator who never installed any GNU/Linux distribution

>the retard that saves links on his desktop instead of using bookmarks

I still have a collection of about 100 nudes that a classmate of mine left in the recycle bin when she asked me to fix her laptop.

It was just there. As if she hit delete and thought that it was gone?

Still fap to them.

>that retard mobile poster

>the guy that buys a macbook and installs gentoo / arch on it

Post it now

>that kid who had a recycling bin

>what is fucking ctrl + shift + delete

>Upload them
>Post the link

I would never put any of the nudes I have in the wild. The women in then don't deserve that.

>inb4 white knight

I get it, you're legion


sjw pls kys

>That kid who was so paranoid someone would find his porn habits he uninstalled an reinstalled the browser after every session

well i never knew that but thanks I would always obsess over it for files that weren't even over 10mb


>I still fap to them.
>Claiming any sort of moral superiority.
You're a true millennial .

Friendzone spotted

And now we know you're lying. kys

Me, but nobody uses my laptop so...

Good on you user. Don't listen to these desperate fags. They're the reason women hesitate to take their clothes off, making it harder on the rest of us.

This is why I don't.

Why would I so something that could lead to someone not wanting to send nudes anymore?

I'm not giving them to you to help you desperate fuckers out.