Is AMD finished? How will they compete?

Is AMD finished? How will they compete?

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is the 1080 a flagship card? i only buy flagships

it's the flagship _for now_

They won't, and can't. It's actually a huge problem. The 1070 beats out every AMD offering by a large margin and in almost every category, especially price / perf. Polaris is going to be midrange garbage. Fury X2 is a cop out / completely different market share (Xfire / SLI sucks anyway).

Simple, they won't focus on the high end.

Like always: cut the prices. Not a very hard thing to do, since you don't need a single engineer to accomplish that.

I'd wait for benchmarks before answering that

Oh nice 7.5 gb

The AMDPOORFAGS trolls here on Sup Forums will buy the Poolaris anyway

that won't save 'em from bankruptcy
99% marketshare, here we come

Cutting prices isn't always the best thing too do. In desprit situations yes, and it'll probably one. But AMD minus well hault manufacturing for the cards and rework Polaris than kill their stock and sales to release cards that doesn't come close to Nvidias

You can just look up market shares on steam, it's pretty representative for the gaymur market because face it, 99% of the gaymers in the world have steam installed. And those who don't most probably play emulators on intel HD graphics.

Fun fact, the 3.5 meme is the most used card of the moment.

r9 590x

When is AMD revealing their new card?

I know that the benchmarks will be more reasonable but come on


This. And with their die size of Polaris 10 (the more powerful one) being around 70% the size of NVIDIA's cards it shouldn't be hard to sell them cheaper.


>Now is not the time for flagships. That comes later.


AMD will beat that piece of trash

But dirty jewvidia brainwashes the industry fot goyim to buy like always

AMD guy here

I'm actually worried about their future. Competition with nvidia has really fucked them over. Their best cards are at nvidia price points -- at that price, I might as well buy nvidia.

I might pick up a 1070 or save up for a 1080 unless AMD pulls a miracle out of their asses.

theyll buy it and then blame Nvidia being evil for every single benchmark they lose, then theyll say "but yeah wait until ______!!!!!"

it's the same cycle over and over

By making a slightly worse gpu than the 1080 and charging a few hundred less. As per usual.

didnt AMD beat Nvidia at DX12 games?

when the last shrink happened who won?

>tfw bought a 970 like a month ago

nice gtx 965

Wait for Vega™
Wait for Zen™

that 1070 making a poor fag happy. gonna have to get one of those. dont give a fuck about skylake ddr4 etc. just a normal nice build with that will do

Reminder, this is literally just stock 980ti. The bench is 2.1 Ghz overclocked, which the 980ti OC can already reach. nvidiafags will eat this up

>delaying the 1070 till june so people who can't wait buy the more expensive card

fuckin jews

>buying GPUs in Q2.
Come on now lad.

Polaris needs to be super fucking cheap to even compete.

Whoa, we don't use logic and brains on Sup Forums.

Oh please, you Poolaris trolls were spamming the forums with your shitty Poolaris threads, you'll buy the Poolaris anyway

Yes it is, buy now goyim! Then you buy the TI and beat your filthy, uncut meat twice! Every time you say "budget," another chosen one dies in the holocaust!

Depends on the game, but they're definitely doing better on games like Ashes of the Singularity that were built with DX12 in mind.


As an expecting AMD fan mother, this is mostly bullshit. But I await the tears when the memory controller is still shit.

>GTX 1070 $379
>GTX 1080 $599


1070 might be a value contender, no doubt. I think it is an nvidia power move which may speak well of what is to come with polaris. 980ti fans are getting mighty chapped if I had to guess, and I doubt driver releases are going to treat them much better.

This meme is KILLING me

980ti owners are getting butt raped on forums
No matter how many times we told them to wait for next gen it's hilarious.


Literally 1 month

Polaris 10 better put out 1070 performance at $350 or less. That's the estimate as it is; if i was them i'd drop it to $320

Clock for Clock 980 Ti beats 1080
Just OC your 980 Ti to 1.5ghz easy, stock 1080 is like 5% better at that point

Shit, I'm not even waiting for 10. If I can get a 390x with more OC headroom that runs 10C cooler for $200, I'll be straight. And they've said they're not trying to chase flagship anymore, so it seems increasingly possible when you look at the 1070's incredible price point..

the 490x will roll over 1070 with better tdp, performance and price.. btw im worried because polaris 10 chips are a lot cheaper to produce and pascal will be a big housefire.. I can see all those nvidia kids in my dreams who burn their pc-s down due to pascal... and btw enjoy your 7.5 gb meme

nvidia have too many cool features unrelated to performance such as multi screen surround and 3d support that even if AMD performs similarly they won't be worth considering unless they also spent billions on rnd, which, as a failing company, seems unlikely. They would have to undercut nvidia or go bust.

Buynowfags BTFO

>just compare an oc'd 980ti to a non oc'd 1080 and it's only 5% slower

No shit

$0.02 deposited Pajeet. There are valid arguments in favor of team green, but those aren't it.

I'm seriously hoping for the 490x to not be DOA because I do not want to give up freesync

>multi screen surround and 3d support
Which were invented and first implemended by AMD.
Fuck AMD even invented Shadowplay first

have you watched the stream? the features are pretty new bro

It doesn't matter how good Polaris cards end up being, AMD can't compete with NVIDIA's advertising and legion of YouTube fanboys shilling their shit. As long as Nvidia is considered the "safe" choice, AMD doesn't really stand much of a chance.

Are we all too young to remember 4870/4850 days? AMD had nothing for the GTX280 but was still relevant for almost everyone. If AMD can get their chips in laptops and small desktops they'll be selling vastly more chips than Nvidia.

Point is 1080's hardware isn't very good, full Pascal can fit almost 4K Cuda Codes, 1080 is almost half that

1080 is like if they overclocked a 780 to 1.7 ghz & tried to pawn it off as the 980

A person who uses steam is called a pleb, not a gamer.


New for nvidia.
AMD first made all of those things put their marketing Pajeet sucked balls and most people didn't even know about AMD gpu based gameplay recording and shit.

But in fact AMD had their own shadowplay first.
They probably didn't think anyone would need that so they didn't build it right into the driver and market it right.

They'll compete by actually having drivers for operating systems other than Windows, unlike Nvidia.
It doesn't matter how good a card is if you're using VESA graphics.

amd does all the consoles and will do that in future.

Performance per watt is CRUCIAL for laptops so zen based laptops will be a hit.

You're getting caught up in the flagship, dude. If AMD can provide a better card at ~200-300 dollars, that's what I'm buying new. Honestly, I'll probably just try to snag a 980 or 390 used as they spiral in price. Gladly pay
$120 or some shit to sacrifice the warranty, especially as shit trends upwards from here for a couple years.

>If AMD can provide a better card at ~200-300 dollars, that's what I'm buying new.
AMD will conquer the masses.
Titans are nearly irrelevant to the market.

It's a good 50 to 70% faster than the 980, who gives a shit if it needs a higher clock to do it, what matters in the end is results

2 weeks

>1080 has less transistors than the 980
>But a higher TDP, which the 980 ignored anyway so this is disconcerting
>Also claims twice the gaming performance of a titan x
Yeah, I'm taking these claims with a bag of salt rather than a pinch.

Watch this youtube two parter from this guy

really elucidates on AMD's potential strategy

Basically they've stopped chasing the shrinking enthusiast market and have bigger plans to reshape how graphics will work.

>Fun fact, the 3.5 meme is the most used card of the moment.

that just goes to show that pc gamers are fucking retards

only 5% of pc gamers are actual GAMING ENTHUSIASTS, the other 95% just play at 1080 at reasonable 40-45-50-55+ FPS on high settings

not everybody is on the bleeding edge

It will be the same as always. AMD will perform better with DX12 and terrible with Gimpworks.

AMD are not after the high end anyhow. They make profit on low to mid and mid high GPU's at affordable price points. They are also playing the long haul strategy. Eventually as DX12 becomes more widespread Nvidia will get pushed out unless they change their architecture. Also AMD make more money from consoles etc.

thats the interesting technology from my perspective, its clever, and if their hardware is good when zen releases they will be compelling choices

That's nice and all, too bad it's not FUCKING WORKING.

That accent

>how will they compete
With cheaper cards with smaller cores that use less power and that will eventually become much more powerful than nvidia's new gen for half the cost.

Also they've got contracts with many laptop companies for their next gen because it's simply better, so even though they lose a bit of their share in the higher end, they crush nvidia in the lower end, and they'll use that advantage to make Vega good enough to crush nvidia eventually in the higher end too.

Lower prices? Release a new card?

>new stuff


AMD have to push out Vega.
Even though in on a 980ti, ive been impressed with AMD longevity and dx12 performance.

If they bring out the big guns early, I could easily see myself switching. If for no other reason than to have a card that is futureproofed instead of gimped with driver updates.

I believe its rumored to be paper launched in mid-late june or during e3 or some shit


Please leave. This guys theories have been debunked so many times in these gpu war threads.

Are you suggesting AMD isn't going to release anything new either?

What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums, both companies have a lineup of new cards. With such a die shrink though I wouldn't be surprised if it's thermi all over again for nvidia, but for now it's just best to wait and see what the final product is from both companies.

AMD has said Polaris is aimed at the mainstream, with Vega coming later for the high end

So yeah AMD is not going to have anything that can compete with Nvidia in the $300-$500 price point for quite some time

1070 > Anything Polaris

AMD said they'll be hitting $350 with the top end polaris10, expecting it to hit 1070/980ti performance levels. There will probably be two more skus below that, something decent performing at ~$220 should move a lot of units. But it's not that great considering the r9 290 hit that price before they went eol.

No Idea when I'll upgrade at this rate, maybe if I need something cooler my planned custom mitx sized case.

They aren't new for Nvidia either, they're just a few improvements on their current implementation, passing them off as innovation Apple style

>Known for making competitive graphics cards
>Known for making poorfag-tier CPUs

>AMD decides to drop the ATI brand since it's "not as strong"

> flagship for ~8 months until HBM2 cards come out
> 50% more shader power than Titan X but less bandwidth than that or 980 Ti

yeah, not going for this one

bring out the lower end chips with higher yields to field test the architecture and process, then bring out the big guns when you got shit down.

Yet I'll be buying AMD anyway...despite you're shilling.

if amd is within 20-30% on cards that aren't even their flagship and shit them out for half of what nvidia is... yea, nvidia will hold king for a while, amd will scoop it up and then the 1080ti will happen, by then amds next gpu will be laid out for us to understand the direction they are going, either smaller chips to make an over all bigger card with software picking up the slack seeing it as processing pools, or a hardware based version that does its own hardware pooling and shows it to the os as one card.

people bitch about that ad whatever youtube guy, but everything he has laid out makes sense and is honestly an idea i had a long ass time ago, why not make one smaller thing and have many of them in one system?

given what i now know about the manufacturing processes, we are getting close to there is no way they can make big dies viable, so why not a fuck load of smaller ones, potentially making them as powerful yet cheaper then the big one.

how is amds game recording shit?
any hoops i have do jump through are bullshit i have to install?

i honestly like dxtory with lossless capture but honestly, space is a concern and if amd can do a decent job recording while not hitting the performance much at all, ill take it.

laptop doesnt give a shit about being better, its all about tdp and getting the job done.

personally i use laptops as mobile workstations, not "im going to starbucks for 8 hours then go home" shit, i plug my laptop in whenever there is an outlet because wherever i am that i use a computer, there is an outlet.

ill sacrifice an 8 hour battery with one that lasts 20-40 minutes in use at full blast if it means i get real power.

debunked on Sup Forums... you got someone who matters debunking it?

what he said makes sense, and seeing amd putting 2 16 core cpus on one socket instead of making the 32 core single silicon for cern... it seems like this is the road they will go.

backwards compatibility is an issue, but any future game? why not do it this way? i mean we already have games that will sli/crossfire with amd and nvidia cards and it works, why not make smaller chips and put them in one gpu?

I'll still buy AMD because at least in 2 years my GPU won't be gimped via drivers and they don't push gimmicks.

Why kind of faggot spends $599 on a video card?

Fuck, you can buy an xbox one and a PS4 and get way more value.

Buynowfags btfo. Waitfags have won.

>debunked on Sup Forums... you got someone who matters debunking it?
Are you implying AdoredTV matters? He's an extreme AMD fanboy who because his channel is so low in views probably doesn't even get paid.
>AdoredTV: Nvidia does better in X game
>AdoredTV: AMD does better in X game
It's a fucking joke.

What's the value of Async compute and DX12?

honestly with the 1070s at under 400 dollars, amd is fucked.

ill be getting rid of my amd for one

Or I could buy them all because I'm not poor? Don't forget to add in another $500 or whatever for a vive