

Doesn't exist on Windows 10.

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you gave me a great idea, im gonna make a gwx.apk for those who will miss the popups

I wish I had a sick gaming setup like this, it would solve all my problems in life I bet.

>chmod +x binary

The fuck?

what is it?

Do people like this actually exist?


Waifu material.

Omg it means get Windows 10.exe

did you realize it just now?

Beautiful women in Philippines are selling their bodies so they won't starve but that thing can afford all that.


This is worse than that guy with the room full of Apple products


How would one person justify FOUR gaming keyboards? Australians can justify multiple keyboards for faster shitposting, but the Philippines doesn't have that excuse.

I'm embarrassed to have this mouse pad now.
Thank God I didn't buy those shit beatsĀ©-like razor headphones

I actually owned beats but I smashed the on the dashboard because I didn't want to go to a football game. They then ended up being kicked around the floor at home when dad smashed the rest of it on the ground

I don't get these razards, why do they like it? Especially the awful green razor has on everything which makes it unsuitable for a non gaming environment

This guy is fucking cool. Like wow.

I'm gonna call him the Hell Razer

>hoodie with shorts

lol it's a BR monkey

Not just shorts, but cargo shorts.

I'd also like to point out that not only has he not used the stickers that came with his products, he is displaying this fact almost as a trophy.

This is the kind of person marketers get wet over.

On the door

Doesnt look that br

Why not?