Is there any reason to own a laptop if you don't leave the house?

Is there any reason to own a laptop if you don't leave the house?

Is there any reason to live if you don't leave the house

Yes, portability inside the house, you can use it on bed, couch, table, etc.

But you can enjoy the endless hours of anime and shitposting.

If you live in a 3rd world country like me with random power outages that amount to almost 10 hours a day of no electricity. Your PSU will be fried as often voltage fluctuates and sudden on/off will brick your HDD very quickly.

So you need a laptop that can charge quietly in between outages so you can compute all day. It gets worse in summer as I have no aircon so have to switch off laptop for a while to cool it off.

Desktop PC's here are obsolete, they die so fast during summer.

Maybe get one outage every five years here. Feels good man. But a very boring place.

Just get a UPS.

I don't like carrying my desktop around the house

for shitposting out in the yard

I bought one for school. I don't really use it unless the power goes out or as a backup. Though it is old and 32 bit which has come in handy. Also I put some emulators on it in case I ever get bored.

Why the fuck do reddit fags and normies do this?
How empty inside do you have to be to want to escape like this?
i fucking hate people that are like "I love travelling!!". No you fucking don't, you wanr to escape from your shitty empty life by making "memories" with some sandniggers or whatever
Meanwhile actual normal people just go to the beach or a movie.

What if OP has made his computer area more comfortable than anything?
I have a nice comfy chair that can sway back, and a bed next to me so i can lay out my legs sideways while on the PC, with a slide-out under the table for the keyboard and mouse. And the monitors are on monitor-arms so they can be freely angled to my view-angle.
It's perfect as hell.

Depends on what you would do outside. If browsing the Internet and reading books (and writing shit for school under the assumption that you do calculus and a lot of physics or chemistry), then you are better off with a Tablet with good palm rejection software rather than a Laptop.

wow user, reread what you said and ask yourself how it came to this

It's a bait post user. A reverse-troll. Pretty good one actually. The only thing that could have made it perfect would be if the 1st sentence was left out.
But he betrayed the purpose of that post with the 1st sentence.

A UPS will only provide enough power for a few minutes so that you safely can power off your computer.

Are there any good laptops with screens that are decently readable in direct sunlight?

I've already got a matte screen on my Thinkpad and it's usable but I'm just wondering if there's anything better.

A UPS does more than just provide enough power for 10 or more minutes (depending on the UPS).
It stabilizes the current, and those 10 minutes make sure that any power surge or power-cut doesn't break your shit if it happens too suddenly.

Its always nice to have that option.

Doubt it. He just wants to have an edgy opinion and to be annoyed about things that don't concern hiim.

yeah, i haven't had a desktop computer for 6 or 7 years and can't imagine being tied to being behind my desk anytime i want to use a computer

source: hermit who fell for the meme

Whut? A place I used to work at had a UPS setup with parts from eBay and aliexpress for around 500€ that could keep two servers, three desktops and whatever satellite internet needs alive for 3-5 hours. So there should be a somewhat cheap solution to power a desktop for a few hours.

yes, pic related
>implying I have the physical strength to sit upright for a long period of time

The UPS we get is imported from China is which is dogshit. It does not provide proper voltage and only lasts for 3-5 minutes.

>that fucking guy's face

Or rather so you can turn on the diesel generators.

There's no reason to live anyway, because everyone will die in the end and whatever your you've done during your life will turn into dust together with your body.

this right here.

switching around between bed+laptop and desk+pc in a routine rotation while never leaving your house is the only right way to live.

enjoy your neck pain after 10 minutes

Go away NEET.

Normie pls.

you came to the wrong neighborhood, normieshitter.

>, you can use it on bed, couch, table, etc.
How to fuck up your fan 101

i have very limited living space.

Shitposting while on the can


It's good to own a laptop so I can fap in any room within the house

Both laptops and big box PCs are obsolete.

The only reason you would buy a laptop today was if you were a student or your comany required you to work and travel.

The only reason you would need a big box PC was if you were doing professional work that required you to have a powerful dGPU or a pro gamer.

For everything else there are small-form-factor PCs, NUCs, macminis, 2 in 1s, tablets with x86 CPUs that can handle most of the computing you need at home or at work and can even do gaming on medium settings.

I live with someone who like to play with the breaker box. I find the urge to murder him arrises less often when I'm using a laptop.

yes. it will help sterilize me so i dont have to get a vasectomy.

Sure, unless you stay on one chair in one room all day.

What fan?

Yes. Unless your "house" only has one room.

Nope, Last one i owned was in 2011, I figured out that with all the money i was wasting buying a new laptop every year i could basically build a high powered desktop for the same price or less.

Unless you travel a lot there is no reason to own one.

If only we had something to put under laptop to prevent blocking air intake holes. Like cooling pad or something.

>white people with dreads

>white people
what other people are there?

Nope, it makes no sense since you'll end up spending more and getting permanently weak hardware (ie cpu/gpu).

If you never leave your house then your phablet + desktop pc is the best combo.

dumb tripfag cancer

My company pays for it, I own old shit tower that I install gentoo on the weekends

>hurr durr it doesn't matter cause it's not eternal

Fuck off, take a philosophy course

I love you too user-kun.


Why would I care about ramblings of old senile fuckstains? Having completed a fucking philosophy course doesn't make you smarter you fucking wimin studies cocksucker.

couch is comfy desu senpai

desktop at home, desktop at work, so for me I have literally no reasons to own a laptop

Nope a phablet is. Wanna shitpost/browse the web on the couch? Get a phablet or maybe a tablet PC.

A laptop is too bulky.

nope unless you have a huge house

which I guess you don't

Almost nobody does. 80% of people on earth live on $10 or less a day.

>random power outages that amount to almost 10 hours a day of no electricity
Let me guess... Venezuela?

This right there is literally the worst thing you can do with your time. I found that out way too late. Avoid that.