How does your OS look after it booted? Post it here!, discuss WMs, Distros, GTK Themes And more!!
Screen Display Thread
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>thinks bp was good
nice being a fantanodrone pleb
i haven't even heard it
i also hate fantano, he knows jackshit about music.
Got a boner today, might masturbate later.
Oh yeah? Well that's problematic because I was only here to talk shit! So fuck you, man.
Arch Linux is a joke
Finals tomorrow! Oh gosh...
Why are there 2 of these threads?
couldn't get it installed? don't worry, you'll get it one day :^)
No, I had it installed until one day it decided not to boot because of hardware incompatibility
>started working on doing neat things with my window manager about a week ago
>didn't want to post in the threads until it was cool like Sup Forums's
>the threads are banned now
Oh well.
>hardware incompatibility
that doesn't even make any sense, if it works on one distro you can make it work on all of them
and either way, why would it work one day and not boot the next if it was a hardware compatibility issue? wouldn't it have had the problem from the start?
It's an issue with my wireless card, apparently. I booted it fine and then rebooted it, and then it didn't work. I didn't think it would be possible, but anything is possible with ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)ArchLinuxInc
Pic related but whitout Opera open
Linux is not hardware dependent, so you must have switched to a component that didnt work.
wireless usually works in the installer but you have to manually set it up when you boot your own install, did you even do that? it only takes a minute
I love you
I don't actually know if it's hardware-related, recovery mode isn't working either so I'll have to bootstrap in to figure anything out.
No, I've never even messed with it, just used an ethernet cable since forever.
>Mis sueƱos
> The thrash bin
well that's your problem then, just run wifi-menu
or set up something automatic if you feel like it
n-no homo...
That's not the problem
Is that just themed or what win-version?
Thanks&sorry I should learn to read.
Sent from my iPhone 5s
look at that fine-ass resolution
cool, can you post the wall?
arch linux worked fine for me, did you ever find out what was exactly the problem?
also bae
don't reply to my posts
Sure thing
Good morning
install dpkg
My OS looks like a black screen and it has white text running in lines across it after it first boots
shiro & izuna are best girls
don't reply to her posts
You'd have to have checkboxes instead of radio buttons for that to work
No, it's been like 10 minutes
am i doin it rite
I'll be needing that wallpaper pls...
I downloaded this 2 months ago, & I still haven't finished it...I guess I spend far more time on my Kubuntu partition & fap to loli doujinshi instead.
Nice Nui collection!
Shiro is my 2nd favorite loli. So damn smart -and- cute...I love kuuderes. (not as much as tsunderes though)
>if it works on one distro you can make it work on all of them
This is not always the case unless you compile your own kernel. Which is pointless over just using a different distro where all your shit is already working
you can pet them in vol 2 which is cute
good night Sup Forums
>Nice Nui collection!
ty, she's very cute
ty for this VERY cute picture of yui
nekopara works great with wine btw
Cute, and sadistic. She can rip my heart out any day...
oh shit i love skipping posts
fuck i'm stupid
you should play dramatical murder, far better game, you can even boyfriend a gay hairdresser samurai
Can you become straight and get with cute girls instead?
I second this question.
I wish someone would update this extension
Keeping track of how many reports I did back in the day was awesome, and also I loved the queued reports
>being a tattletale faggot
>>>/1st grade/
hahahaha are you fucking crazy
that's gay then, no thanks
Yes. Wanna see my knives collection?
screenfetch -ED debian
will get get rid of the error so people don't know you're faking using debian.
he can't because he's not on debian, if he was on debian dpkg would already be installed.
I am on Debian what do you know
yeah and I'm on FreeBSD faggot.
If you throw the -E in there it's more believable because it doesn't throw the error making it clear you don't the one thing that comes with debian and debian based no matter what.
not sure why you would pretend to be on debian, probably because you are fucking retarded and lolifag like 90% of everyone itt.
Ohhh I found it.
>0 packages
Hilarious. Got any similar trick so I can fake using Arch?
lol & don't reply to her posts anymore
see how easy it is?
i see how bad your desktop is lmbo
Hey why does screenfetch show beastie on openbsd?
You can get that done in one line with:
screenfetch -sED freebsd
no thanks
makes it even better.
you are seriously dumb, dude
play something thats very cute and good like : imouto paradise
Good luck user
>Imouto Paradise
Now that sounds like a VN I'd want to play. To Nyaa!
Does this game respect my freedoms? At least on the engine side?
Idk, but it works with wine if that helps
linux > windows
watching flying witch at my frines house and that ballances out becuase I watched a horrible horror movie about a witch yesterday
everyone here is shit tier
you're worse
ricing is HARD work.
anime blog: now we're watching the one with the big titty cow trying to marry the guy in the video game
I like your terminal
do not say mean things about ako, shes very cute
+1 she can't help what she was born with
Oh hey it's the desktop thread, you guys are hard to find lately
we've went underground
next we're watching the one with the big naval boats
I went ahead and improved this for you
Are you watching all the episodes aired so far of the show, or only the first episodes?