Will AMD survive Pascal?

Will AMD survive Pascal?

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Is there going to be a livestream like Nvidia did? When is it?


Yes, because there will always be those "special" kinds of people who refuse to buy anything unless it's from an AMERICAN company. Just look at the automotive industry. Just like american cars though, it still won't be competitive.

Will 16 year old Sup Forumsirgins who have no idea what they're talking about ever stop spamming garbage threads like this?

But nvidia is american too.

Well shit. I always assumed it was fucking Korean.

5+ "General" threads at a time not counting the old threads but allah forbid someone decides to ask a real question to get some debate going.

What is with all these Nvidia shills?

>Will AMD survive Pascal?
Why the hell wouldnt they? AMD is releasing new shit to.

Someone's gotta make parts for consoles and apple

I hope not, I want leave the poor people behind going into the future.

One meme conference about new cards and people go crazy. It's marketing, plain and simple. Nvidia has better marketing, doesn't mean amd is immediately bankrupt after one short generation of Cards. They are targeting different market segments.

But Pascal was a huge disappointment

1070 costs as much as the 980 and is 10% faster.
1080 costs as much as the 980 Ti and is 10% faster.

Meanwhile Polaris will give you 2.5 times higher performance per dollar.


Fucking kek

why not, they got mobile parts that kick nvidias current ones ass in power (all that matters mobile) and they are going for the mainstream, where most of the cards are sold with very heavy hitters.

their heavy hitter gpus will be out later this year with hbm2 and they are releasing a monster of a cpu later too, hopefully to regain server ground that they all but lost...

amds future is looking better then ever, even if fanboys are retards.

but like always, everything we currently know is hear say and on paper estimates, we will know once benches come round.

>TRIPLE the perf per watt
>faster than a 980 ti oc

Doesn't matter what AMD does. No matter how much effort at best their products will be 8.7/10s while Intel and Nvidia can just money their way into 9s but with constant marketing nukes and shady dealings to make sure amd keeps it's cucked status.

The 7000 series GPUs were great and only got better. The tahiti chip from the 7970 half a decade later is still kicking ass while the 580 and 680 have kicked the bucket. Doesn't matter tho because of the above, in the end AMD is too resource starved and too market starved to get the resources to invest in competing in the market against the 2 apex.

I think Vega will be fury 2.0, great tech but... Just, not enough.

This is coming from some whos first 3 cards were Nvida and has switched to AMD since 2012.

>1070 costs as much as the 980 and is 10% faster.
>1080 costs as much as the 980 Ti and is 10% faster.

Nice. How accurate is your ass when you pull numbers out of it?

>Dat thickness

They're fabbing on roughly the same processes, why wouldn't they?

Let's see what they've got first.

AMD is on 14nm Pascal is 16nm


People are fucking retarded, both sides have products lined up

All the current consoles run AMD and with the Playstation 4 Neo comming out any potentional lost in revenue from PC component sales will be recovered from the console market.
And that's implying that AMD will even suffer losses.

Unlike Nvidia AMD has fall backs.



potato sauce


What do these bars represent?
Which unit is being measured on the X-axis?
"Performance" can be anything.

>relative performance
fucking great, take my money

seriously are we talking FPS, power usage, frame drops, memory usage what

With so many Poolaris trolls here on Sup Forums, if they don't buy it they're nothing by HYPOCRITES

No. Zen will fail to make a dent against Intel, too.

1080 has less memory bandwidth than 980Ti, and we're supposed to believe that it's miraculously faster from increased shader capacity alone?

Did people forget the outrage that HBM2 cards were slipping until Q1'17?
Do they think that the 1080 is a real flagship?
When did Sup Forums get so gullible?

what's so outrageous about HBM2 in 16Q4 - 17Q1? It's been known for months that the manufacturers still haven't ramped up production enough for the consumer products and are just beginning mass production. Even AMD are pushing back HBM2 cards for 17Q1

arguable, since there hasn't been anything zen-related released/announced yet

I really want Zen to succeed because I am sick of jewtel's insane pricing scheme, but I'm not holding my breath.

No, they better end themselves.
When people will actually stop buying shit like AMD maybe we will have a better world ? Who knows.

I doubt it. AMD is officially fucked

I get what you mean, it's somewhat concerning that AMD have been keeping quiet about Zen for so long. Maybe they're just waiting to get polaris out of the door first

partially true, but servers give a damn about how well a chip runs/power used, along with initial investment. amd could put out a 16core cpu that is the same size die wise as the 8350 and undercut intel by a fuckload while still making more money they they were previously.

then you have the fact that if zen is even close to intel in terms of power (its at least sandybridge, but its preforming "above expectations" which leaves the where it falls up in the air) then intel has no answer for what they are doing for cern, if you need the power, you need it, and money isnt an object.

even if they gained 10% they would wipe all their debt.

now here is the kicker, is amd out for blood?
amd could easily sell their 8 core cpu for around 100-150 if they wanted to, and still pull profit, but they are replacing the 8350 sku with it so we are assuming 350~ msrp and potentially rivaling intel on cost... but think of it this way.

amd is already getting by with what they have, not good, but getting by, and if they get the server and break just a bit over even, profit wise, putting them in a realm where intel cant lower the price to and where they can offer better then amd respectively, how long would intel last?

if i was out for blood, i would sell the desktop a bit over cost, got to make some money (they assume there will be no gain in the home consumer market) and i would aggressively price the server so intel feels the loss, all while pulling profits the like they haven't seen this decade out of intel's wallet.

and because we have a so much of the tech intel uses, they have to play ball and still give us their patents.

i would stab the fucker deep and twist the knife till its a hole big enough for me to fuck, just because of what they did when we had the advantage last time.

this is a power chart, i have no idea what base line one is, but you can equalize it for the 980, and see how efficacy the 1080 is in comparison.

the point is that Polaris and GP104 are really more half-generation improvements from what was expected.

GDDR5X in particular is just a transparent stalling measure for being able to build cheap 256b PCBs that don't get completely stomped by the 384b/512b buses from last generation.

It's very hard for me to see how 1080/1070 will not be massively bandwidth constrained. Polaris 10 will have less compute power but will presumably be cheaper and a more balanced design.

Look how much faster our new 600 dollar card is over this 400 dollar one from the last generation.

based on what driver version?

memory compression? Both amd and nvidia have been talking about it to reduce vram usage and bandwidth requrirements. No idea if gp104 or polaris will actually implement it

They're both adding further compression (and Nvidia seems substantially in the lead here), but that's really only for buffer writes, which are still the minority of RAM accesses.

My suspicion is that the 1080 will only be substantially stronger in benchmarks with very per-pixel computation and not so much texture access, which is more in line with what AMD has been hoping for with GCN the last few generations.

Given their industry influence with TWIMTBP, it's relatively easy for Nvidia to broadly change architecture focus every generation or two and cart out a bunch of new games that seem a lot faster on the new generation cards than would otherwise be the case.

It's just nice that Nvidia and AMD will be prioritizing the same thing (compute) at the same time for once, which will also happen to match what consoles are doing.

wait, why couldn't there be compression on memory reads?

I don't know.

I laugh at all these MAD faggots, who are living in denial.

Denying that Polaris 11 is for lowend market and Polaris 10 is a middle range card, therefore no cards of AMD to counter the GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 until Vegas.

Pathetic desu

What the fuck is that 1x baseline supposed to be??

>middle range card
that's a pricing class, we can't speculate on the performance yet

Yes sure, because MAD are so generous that they will sell high performing cards in the middle ranged price class.

Nigga please

credible argumentation

Nobody said that, maybe they think they can make more money this way

I mean Polaris 10 chips are supposed to be very cheap, since they're small, so they can afford to sell them for a lower price

well the 390/390x did compete with the 980ti in DX12/Vulkan performance

1080/1070 both cost about $50 more than the 980/970 on release

>b-but they are better

no shit, they are newer

why are people going crazy over the price? do you not know how economy works

More like will nvidia survive Polaris

because of Nvidia's marketing campaign, by comparing its performance to the 980ti then comparing the price the plebs look at it and go "WOW what a bargain!"

get a load of this fool

>Nvidia is dedicated to innovation

This is objectively correct. Amd aren't anyone's competition. They're just that annoying kid who thinks he's going to be president one say.

Sounds about right. Nvidia is testing the water in every potential market from mobile to deep learning. Meanwhile amd can't even wipe their own asses.

AMD has been exploring a lot of business venues recently:
- struggling to compete with nVidia
- struggling to compete with Intel
- staying in business

Lolwat? Who's pushing the entire industry forward with Vulkan and DX12? Certainly not Nvidia.

>AMD just rebrands the 390 again
>one year laters it's faster then the 1080

what is opengl near zero driver overhead approach.

Are you this thick? Please, stop posting adoredtv memes.

>Meanwhile Polaris will give you 2.5 times higher performance per dollar.
>faster than a 980 ti oc

people actually believe this.


Will Nvidia survive Polaris forcing heavy price cut on GTX 1070 and 1060?

Yep but im pretty sure they are releasing mid/low tier cards-mainstream cards.

Dunno. We need to wait for reviews.

Vega is AMDs high end. They are coming out later because AMD wants to use HBM2 and it is not available in the necessary volumes yet.

I'm guessing you're just pulling 10% out of your ass because I can't get those numbers with any of the data we currently have.

If you look at nVidia's chart and look at the 1080 Doom vid, we can estimate a minimum of 20%

Probably Yes, 1070 only $350 buckos, 1060 probably less than $250, 1050 around $200, all come with huge VR improvements, which is the market AMD was targeting.

Reminder that the market AMD was targeting is the "lel buy a $200 GPU with a $700 headset" people.

They want to get more people into VR so they are making cheap cards capable of VR, guess what, the GTX 970/290/290X and the rebrands are already VR capable, they want that kind of performance for cheap, lets say $200, which the 1060/1050 would be able to do easily.

AMD is finished, they hindsight was awful as always.

That makes sense, I didn't really look into it.

1070 reference model is $449. How OEMs will price their cards is still unknown. It's very unlikely to be $350 any time soon.

>tfw AMD won't even compete with the 1070
God I hope it does

Samefag detected.

They're still targetting the $350 segment, which means they are expected to hit 1070 performance.

ATI was Canadian.