>ate fresh at Subway
>went home to register Subway rewards card
>filled out form
>click "verify registration" button
>nothing happens
>click click
>mfw I realise registering a Subway rewards card requires nonfree javascript
Ate fresh at Subway
Other urls found in this thread:
Quit making these threads you fat retard
Mods, please delete.
>not allowed to complain about the botnet on Sup Forums
Non-Libre JavaScript is a real problem.
Daily reminder to use LibreJS to block all Non-Libre JavaScript from running. Please GPL your JavaScript scripts.
This isn't complaining and you know it. Here's your one reply, second sage, and last look at this thread. Check out in your spare time. Might interest you.
>Eating at Subway to begin with
That's your problem
>eat fresh
Summoning Exodia.
Sage only works once, hotshot.
>rewards card
You were embarrassed?
That image clearly indicates to me that she was generally flustered
Whoa guys, watch out, we got a Non-Libre JavaScript code user here.
Daily reminder, the botnet wants you to starve.
How can client side javascript be non-free?
You literally get the source code.
Also OP is free to write his own javascript that submits that form. - how hard can it be?
Uh, how could he be fat? He eats at Subway. You really don't pay attention to eating fresh+ healthy
>You literally get the source code
1. The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user; and
I'd be more worried about giving my address to them, really.
top fucking kek
can you explain why for the rest of the world "free" means you do not have to pay for it but for you it means "I want to have everything that is associated with this"
it's like telling friend farmer you will give me not just your tomatoes for free out of good will but also plot of the land you grew it on
Retard detected
This user was really confused as to why slave owners in the American south were complaining about Abraham Lincoln giving them slaves for free.
You can decompress it and it becomes perfectly readable.
It's probably just 2 or 3 lines anyways.
OP is probably just a retard who can't even code.
wait are you comparing abraham lincoln to people against free software negatively?
Great post OP, a point very well made.
I'm calling you a moron. Abraham Lincoln is known for "freeing the slaves," and I made a joke about the ambiguity between free-as-in-freedom and free-as-in-no-cost.
>ignoring point 2
Kill yourself you fucking faggot fuck sperg.
Why would you ever feel the need to modify or redistribute Subway's registration website?
Whoa, calm down there buddy.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
>Why would you ever feel the need to modify or redistribute software that is sent to your computer to be run?
Sick dubs.
But holy fuck. Fuck you two. Just fucking shut the fuck up already and stop fucking defending this faggot manbaby anime-loving fuck OP. He's a fucking big fucking boy now and he can fucking defend his fucking self. Now fuck off.
"Lol I using swear words on innernet I so edgy XD look mom I'm a cool kid on the four chanz!!"
I stopped eating at subway when they changed old 6 stamps system to that subway rewards card thing.
I don't understand how someone could eat fast food so often that they can get loyalty points for eating there.
I eat fast food maybe twice a year and I always feel sick afterwards.
no you're not
but software is a product it can be free only in cost category