So with the new GTX 1080 and 1070 coming out in assuming the 900 series of gpu's price will be dropping and I was wondering if I should buy a second 970 or buy a 1070? Just wanted to get other people's opinions.
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if the 1070 is the same price as a 970 at relase with way more performance, why would you buy the 970?
Sell your 970 now and get a 1070 when it comes out.
Because I already have a 970 so I was thinking it would be better in sli with 2 970s
That's kind of what I was leaning toward
Don't stop people from buying 970's it's the only way I can distinguish retards online.
2 970's in SLi ah ha ha ha ha ha
pro tip: don't ever SLI
or crossfire
it might sound good but it's not, don't do it - you will regret it
The prices will drop, but so will performance.
>buying 970
>buying 1070 when polaris is around in a month
Literally can't get more dumber than this shit.
>waiting for poLOLris
>390x performance for $350 polaris 10
fuck that. sli 1070's on day fucking one.
more like 390x performance at $200
>Polaris 10 = 390X
man where do you shills come from?
It's a 2560 shader chip, the 390X is a 2816 shader chip. Now the geometry discard engine added in Polaris has been stated to increase performance by 16% alone. Assuming no clock speed increases, or any other efficiency increases, the P10 already would outperform the 390X.
And remember, they already have stated theres more efficiency improvements than that, and a prototype had benchmarks leaked at 1200mhz.
I heard it's going to be 390x/980 for $200. They're looking to absolutely dominate budget cards since they know they won't win at the top.
nigga you've already been told to fuck off by someone who had linked a legitimate article saying benchmarks with early clocks would be around 390 performance. fuck outta here with your wccftech rumours.
eurogamer > you
Yeah just do it man. The 970 price will go down ( I thinks it's already falling) cuz the 1070. I'm guessing you got Intel. Just play old games for the next couple weeks and you will fine
What is the difference between the 1080 and 1070?
It's about half the price, is it about half the performance?
Also, anyone know if these new GPUs will require a certain type of motherboard/ CPU??
apparently they were planning on releasing them at $250 and $350. many people speculating about the price on tech forums and some reviewer sites also believed this. they also believed the 1070 would be upwards of $450-$500 but now that we know its going to be just over $350 its put amd slightly on the back foot. i very much doubt anyone predicted the 1070 with faster than titan x performance to be at such a low price point. we'll just have to wait and see how amd adjust their pricing now. if they do end up releasing the top end polaris 10 at around $300 then it'll get killed off by the 1070 because the 1070 will be much more powerful for not much more in cost.
>Half Price Half Perfomance
Nah, It's never that simple. Its roughly a 20-25% Perfomance difference between the two.
The 1070 basically became the sweet spot of Gpu due for its Price/Perfomance (If what Nvidia said it true, I would wait for benchmark first)
No you don't need any special mb Or CPU
Think that's where the $200 tumors come from. Only thing that'd really give a shot to eat up some market share. $250 or 275 is probably more likely, though. I'm not going to be too hasty to green or red here. I'll wait until some side by side benchmarks come out and non reference designs have a wide variety to choose from and reviews. I'm in no rush. Only upgrade every ~4 years for gpu as a poorfag. Any my 2gb 7850 is actually holding up like a champ after a fat dose of OC.
>or buy a 1070
1080 wins by 5fps against a Fury x (16nm vs 28nm). Wait for Polaris atleast, let prices balance out.
>ashes of singularity
Opinion discarded.
Actual benchmarks >>>> synthetic garbage (sponsored by amd). If you base any purchase on these unconfirmed benchmarks you should literally kill yourself.
It's funny how the polaris 10 benchmarks showing the top polaris 10 card being significantly less powerful than the fury x and 980 ti were quickly brushed off like false rumors by amdrones yet this this benchmark is apparently solid fact because everyone's dad works for nvidia now.
Double standards. Either way I'm going with nvidia this gen. I was like many people (and review sites) with my dislike towards the 300 series being a rebrand and so I bought nvidia and I'll be staying with nvidia. Maybe I'll look to amd in 3 years time with the next gen of cards.
You'll see mate, those are the same journos who thought Faraway Islands was real
Nvidia has objectively rebranded more GPU's
hell, where do you think the GTX 8 series went?
Even though everyone hates sli, I'm probably going to run 2 970s in sli
>implying that wouldn't even fucking matter
You AMD fags are so butthurt it's becoming cringy.
I'm a huge fan of nvidia but I've had amd too and they make great cards, no need to hate
I wasn't in the market for a GPU when all the nVidia re-brands were out. I wanted to buy a new GPU at January of last year but, as usual, was told to wait for the next line of AMD cards which I did. They had decent performance till I learnt that they're just overclocked 200 series cards. I had 2 options:
1) Get a cheap 200 series card and overclock it to get pretty much the same level of performance as a 300 series card
2) Buy a GTX series card but have 3.5 GB problems
I ended up getting a GTX series card for piss cheap, which I'm satisfied with. I still am not happy about the re-brand being so much more expensive than the 200 series though. These kind of things stick with me.
Pretty stupid reason when nvidia does even more rebadging.
390 and 390X were generally the same price as the 8gb 290 and 290X
and they weren't /really/ rebrands, there was a base layer respin to take advantage of newer techniques on the process. B1 silicon over the A2 silicon used on the 290X
>be fanboy of any corporation
How're you feeling in your dog-collar?
Let me suggest: It's free as your paycheck for your free promotion of their business.
>buying another 970
it's like you want to get cucked.
it's poolaris.
get your meme right nvidiot.
Kek, I've been using AMD and Nvidia on and off for the past 10 years. That doesn't change the fact that AMD fags are fucking buttfurious right now and I'm just pointing that out.
Who gives a shit if cards are rebrands? If they compete well at the given price point, it doesn't matter. The 900 series was a newer architecture than the r9 300 series, but the 300 series still performed way better in dx12 at every price point. The rebrands proved to be better with newer APIs than the competitor's new cards. Who cares if it's a rebrand if it performs as well as the competition?
oh, i missed this thread. would've posted my question here if I saw it.
i guess i'll link it.
release cards are going to be $450, not $380
Always buy third party unless you absolutely need a blower cooler, which most people don't
Never buy immediately, always wait for benchmarks and investigation, think of how the 970 owners got fucked
No one knows except Nvidia when 3rd party cards will be launched; or even how many 1st party cards will be in stock on release day
>Who gives a shit if cards are rebrands?
I do, is there a problem?
I didn't care about the technology behind it. I just wanted something that will be cheap and last me a few years. I was actually going to pull the trigger on a 390 till I was told by a friend with a 290x that i can get his card for way cheaper (at the time) and it'll perform essentially the newer cards with an overclock. I know both companies pull Jew moves but the fact I was nearly sold a very similar card as a previous 'gen' one for much more didn't play well with me. I had actually been using and AMD card for 8 years before that, even though I was never really interested in playing games till then. I know its probably a non issue for most people but I personally like the best bang for my buck. I'm stingy with my money. I ended up getting a GTX card much cheaper than the retail price of the nVidia and AMD cards which I'm satisfied with anyway.
What card did you get anyways.
Does AMD have anything like Ansel in the pipeline. Otherwise why not get a 1080TI? It'll have Ansel and be out years before AMD comes out with anything else.
Btw super duper hyped for NMS and Ansel.
I don't know why people hate on the 970 when they probably can't even afford a 570. Go buy a console pleb
nVidia GTX 980
It's just a hacked in noclip and pause with some filtering.
Your point? Gon be so based with NMS bro dis gon be good.
Why regret?
the real deal is the multi monitor stuff. i have 2 1080p monitors and im gonna get a 3rd one to pair with the 1080.
This. It's shit.
exactly. You really can't get less performance with 2 cards
I was almost hoping it was a 770 so I could've laughed at you for avoiding a rebrand to buy a rebrand
Vega coming in October. I repeat, Vega coming in October.
1070 =$479
1080 =$699
Make your move
Polaris to dominate 0-$275 market.
Why pay $479 for a gpu when you're probably at 1920x1080. 4k is a meme currently, ESPECIALLY for gaming
I was looking at these cards but they didn't run Witcher 3 very well. The minimum I would have got was either the GTX 970 or AMD 390 but I was presented with a good part-exchange deal for a GTX 980.
Looks cool buuuuut...
Ain't nobody got time for that
>purposely giving the higher price point of the reference card even though vendors have confirmed to be making cards cheaper
yeah, i will make my move. im getting a 1070 or 1080 to play on multi monitors
Yeah the 770 was a 680 rebrand, the only new cards in the 7 series were the top end GK110 based cards (780, 780 Ti) and GM107 (750, 750 Ti)
the 8 series was just a straight rebrand of the entire 7 series 1:1
How you gonna feel when your 4 month old GPU has the old style of VRAM?
Source? I'm actually waiting for Vega
My two 1300MHz overclocked 980 Tis are not concerned about some pleb 1070 and 1080.
Wake me when the 1080 Ti with HBM2 comes out.
I can't find shit on google news. its probably some unknown rumor website that's reporting speculation
Not surprising. HMB2 must be ahead of schedule. Here's a video from March of the maker of HBM2 saying it will be ready by September.
1300 MHz is a pleb overclock desu
October was the original release date before it got pushed back due to packaging issues with HBM2
Maybe it got fixed rapidly?
I can easily get another 2 years out of my 900 series, just because I can upgrade doesn't mean I'm going to
I guess you're just not that into tech.
this guy hit the nail on the head
I just bought a 980ti from evga a month am i fucked?
I thought Vega 10 could be paired with GDDR5/X, just without the interposer. Or was that Pascal I'm thinking about?
It won't cost 480 fucking bucks you retard.
Everyone knew Polaris wasn't going to beat GP104 for months though. I think he's right about Vega being expensive though. It's not going to have any competition in October though so they have to get it out before GP100 beats it. This is good if you are waiting for 1080 Ti (you should be if not going 1070) because Nvidia will undercut AMD's HBM2 card price.
The Founders Edition will.
only the reference one will, but who buys reference shit anyway. they're obviously selling it at that price so they can make a profit with these reference cards compared to just about breaking even with previous gen low priced reference cards. its good and bad pricing at the same time.
the nice evga superclocked, gigabyte g1 gaming, asus strix and msi gaming cards will be way cheaper and probably superior.
those nvidia cards are going to be sold out and you will have to pay overprice to get them. the new fab process makes them more likely to fail and it will take at least some 6 months until basic linux support is there for them. not to mention they're too expensive for 1080p
These cards aren't for you.
980ti should hold you over for years. Don't fall victim to a meme
>believing a blog that was literally banned from attending any future Nvidia event
kek, you can just taste that salt all over the blog. His lies started the whole wood screws meme, when it was stated several times during the press event that Huang was holding a demonstration model, not the actual card.
When will EVGA and such release their cards?
How does that EVGA trade-in program work? Can't you just pay a bit extra for a new card?
Well if EVGA hurries and releases their card i might be able to get it for free through this program.
First board partner to tease their card is Gigabyte and they said "June".
90 days. so i have 60 days for evga to release their card. Since its the same price i should get it for free(ish).
I saw a screencapped convo with an EVGA Pajeet saying the 1080 might not be in Step-up.
lol i just did some searching about that guy and apparently he talks the most shit on his blogs. thanks for the heads up. i would have actually believed the article
Report it as broken to your credit card company. I'm covered for 3 months you fucking hick.
You're missing my point. I was saying that price/performance ratio should be the only thing that matters. If you got a good deal on the 980, that's fine, but the 390x/290x competes well with it at the same regular price point. In this case, you should decide your purchase based on benchmarks in games you play, power consumption, features, etc. If the rebrand comes out on top - and in many cases, AMD cards do - then why would you buy the other card? Because 'muh rebrand'? AMD could afford to rebrand for the 300 series because the 900 series was not much of a step up from the 700 series, allowing the 200 series cards to remain competitive.
I'd wait to decide until there's more data available.
My little brother just asked me to help him build a gaming desktop with a budget of ~$800. If the 1070 lives up to the hype, and if I can find one on sale for ~300, it's definitely worthwhile to use it in the build. I'll have to cheap out on the mobo/cpu, but I'll probably be going with a non-k regardless, it's a purely gaming rig and he won't have much use of an overclocked i7.
On the other hand, the older cards are going to be sold at a much more discounted rate when the new lineups are released, so for all I know, he might end up getting a Fury.
Basically, you should wait until there's more data about the 1070, and even then, wait until they're released to compare the price/performance of the discounted cards vs. the new cards.
>credit card fraud
>inappropriate image mocking disaster victims
You are really a piece of work aren't you.
>if I can find one on sale for ~300
You can not.
Bullshit, they stated that the demos had been running on a GTX 480
Then they showed off a card that had its PCB crudely hacksawed off. The woodscrews were just a side meme.
Sounds like solid advice but if I were you I wouldn't cheap out on processor and motherboard
>it's a purely gaming rig and he won't have much use of an overclocked i7
Games are using CPU more and more these days.
True but all you need for gaming is a good i5. Games won't take advantage of hyper threading
Give ur balls a tug, yuh fuckin Sally
So Polaris 10 is the best Polaris and Vega 11 is the best Vega? I'm so confused, AMD. Also why are they calling Nvidia's big Pascal card GP102 instead of GP100?
I have the feeling that Vega 10 vs 1080 is going to be like Fury X vs 980 Ti. Yeah the AMD card will have HBM but it won't help it much and Nvidia card will overclock like a champ while the AMD will be maxed from the factory.