Desktop runs ubuntu

>desktop runs ubuntu
>laptop runs arch
>try installing something on laptop
>accidentally use apt-get
>try installing something on desktop
>accidentally use pacman

create an alias/function for both managers, share the config on both computers.

you fucking retard

Nice blog post. I know the feel too though. I have one touchscreen pleb laptop with Ubuntu and Unity because touchscreen, but I'm running Arch on everything else.

gentoo is superior

>tfw fedora on desktop, ubuntu on laptop, and arch on server
>tfw dnf, apt, pacman

>run OpenBSD on desktop laptop and servers
Damn it feels good to choose an OS that can fulfil all roles.

Except being useful


stay salty lunix babby

I've been using jewnix for half a year and still don't know any of the package managers by memory other than pacman

Install apt on arch
Install pacman on Ubuntu
rm -rf / both

>Arch on a server

>arch on server

Why would you use anything other than Ubuntu and Debian in the first place?

aur is fucking great though. as long as you have good backups and you have the time to fix stuff when pacman fucks your shit up, there's really no reason not to.

>tfw faggot :'(

>tfw gentoo on desktop, slackware on laptop, lfs on server and fedora on head

>hm what distro is running on this server
>SLES 10.x

zypper is like the worst thing I've ever seen trying to manage packages.


>desktop runs windows 7
>laptop runs windows 7
>try installing something on laptop
>double click on .exe file
>try installing something on desktop
>double click on .exe file

AUR is the best. I run Fedora at work because the friend who got me the job took me aside before i started and told me
>I know the boss said you can install whatever OS you want
>but I swear to God
>if you use some weird ricer distro
>none of us will help you if your shit breaks
>also, if you install a weird ass WM
>none of us will help you

So I installed fedora on my work computer because the rest of the team uses it. It's nice enough, but I die a little on the inside when I have to go through all kinds of hoops to install a niche tool on fedora and I see theres an AUR package for it.

I'm seriously considering dual booting, but I've become the one people go to when they have Linux problems. I don't want to be the guy who tells people, "Well, this wouldnt be a problem if you just used Arch. there's an AUR package for exactly this thing, dohohoho get rekt pleb"

Stockholm syndrome: the distro
>sometimes it goes into a drunken rage and breaks all my stuff
>but that's fine because of aur

What is she doing with her left hand?

An even better question is what is she doing out of her hijab?

Why are you still using deprecated OSes optimized for 10 year old processors?

the people having problems are not the people who actually use Arch, it honestly never gives me issues

And what should I use?

Just you wait


Well yeah -- the only people who stick around with arch are the people who don't experience problems.

>"If you read this you are a faggot"
The fuck?

Why use two different distros

>accidently pacman
>play pacman for 3 hours
>remember you wanted to install ffmpeg.

Every time


on everything