Is this the absolute best android music player?
Is this the absolute best android music player?
What is it
No, best is Phonograph
Is this the absolute worst shill?
Best for android is PowerAmp
Can't be beat
I agree. Phonograph just looks better AND it's free. You don't have to get cucked out of your money just to listen to music that you own already.
Looks like shit and LAGS bad.
Nah. Google Play Music is ages better than that garbage player.
Constantly crashes
Its ugly as shit, lags, and free alternatives have same features
It's sexy
Get a better phone
I use black player on my walkman. It's nice.
Why is there no android music player with a 6+ band parametric equalizer?
Fuck, my $30 Sansa Clip has this functionality
i want to like this because the ui is pretty goddamn slick but it doesn't discover all of my music
some 300 songs that poweramp has are missing in blackplayer even after multiple reinstalls/cache wipes
guess i'm checking out phonograph
How come Apple Music is still the only Android music player that sorts its lists by the "ARTIST_SORT" or "ALBUM_SORT" tag?
Neutron takes the cake. So many more options than any other player.
like what user?
>Can't even recognize King Crimson for the artist picture
Best Android music player?
There is no substitute.
>being this retarded
BlackPlayer gets the artist pics from, and King Crimson took down all of their artist pictures, from any site, or at least
Double trashed
>option to add your own picture is locked behind a paywall
Triple trashed
>what is GoneMAD
This, everything else is shit.
>install this crap
>giant artist biography gimmick greets me everytime I just want to play a fucking album
Nah, dropped.
>parametric eq
Neutron got you covered m8.
>this guy
Phonograph doesn't have those colors on settings.
>not knowing you can change the default screens/tabs
hate this app, i bought the premium version, many many problems
Sometimes when playing a song on BlackPlayer it skips through every song my whole library and finishes. Anyone else experienced this?
Vanilla player
fucking no
also no
gonemad automatically sends data to google. it's a piece of shit without many options too