Whats the point of this key?

whats the point of this key?

Context menu. I love that key. It does the work of right clicking so that you can really accomplish most everything from the keyboard.

For when your mouse breaks and you need to right click.

Right click function

I assume you meant he one on the right, because

what the fuck is "Strg?

I think your keyboard has a botnet malware, you should reformat your keyboard

i know what it does. but why?

It's German for control (Steuerung)

I remapped it to start urxvt
Abbreviations in the language of the keyboard layout also are in use. e.g. the German layout uses Strg as required by the German standard DIN 2137:2012-06.

so you can right click without a mouse

you're asking too much

Because context menus are things that graphical OSes have and the key allows you to work with them. It's the same reason there's a Windows/Super key. Can't you just click the Start button? Sure, but the keyboard can handle it without assuming that you use a mouse.

To make retards like you shitpost on Sup Forums.

Is the concept of keyboard oriented workflow alien to facebook millenials like you?
Neck yourself kid.

everything in that menu can be done using other shortcuts though

Doesn't serve a purpose at a console, just used for a right click.

that's the gassing button

That's silly. Why did they make all of those shortcuts when there's a key to get you to the menu? They should remove all of those shortcuts.

or just remove the menu key. which goes back to the original op question

Ayy gramp tell us about the golden days when you used to phreak and hack the gibson from your neat msdos portable computer.
Those were the days, tbqh, when you had to properly use your brain in order to use a computer.
Music, too: nothing like a proper vinyl recording through a valve amp of some of that sweet 80's rock amirite?

Also tell us more of how you managed to become a self made man in THE SAME EXCACT ECONOMY that there is now, I can't be bothered to learn it for myself. Boy I wish I was born in 1979 like you.

30-somethings are the saddest creatures in existence.

>implying anyone here is that old

You are quite literally retarded.

And how do you left click with the keyboard then? Middle click?

i hit a nerve i see.

tab until what you want is selected then press enter. middle click is rarely used on anything but i see your point


left click, enter key.
middle click, who uses that, just ctrl-click

Why would you remove the better thing? Every item under the context menu has a separate shortcut (if it even has one at all). With the key it's much simpler.

>Where's copy?
Hit menu.
>Where's paste?
Hit menu.
>Where's new?
Hit menu.
>Where are properties?
Hit menu.

The context menu key is far superior.

Good call, though it doesn't quite always work the same as a click

>And how do you left click with the keyboard then?
spacebar and/or enter

>Middle click?
in some software it's f2
i've yet to witness a piece of software which requires middle mouse button and is not mouse oriented at the same time

if its so much better then why does everyone use the individual shortcuts instead of the menu key?

Oh the irony

Somethings don't. Example I can think of are the menus 7zip adds to the context drop down and spelling error checks (inb4 learn english) and I'll admit I don't know some of the shortcuts for the more obscure things like "send to" and "create shortcut".

More like you tickled an anus, but whatever.
I take pleasure in knowing that your daughter will be taking cumshots in the face at parties soon.

Not me. Right from the get-go I said that I love the context menu key. You'd have to ask other people who don't use it for their own reasons.

Oh I neglected to mention another better aspect to the context menu key: requires less dexterity. Rather than having to contort your hand for a multi-key shortcut, you tap once with the right hand and once with the left. No holding down of modifier keys needed.

You mean some things don't have keyboard shortcuts? Well that's even more reason to keep the context menu key. And come to think of it you're right, I don't even know how to create a shortcut other than Ctx > N > S.

you should go back to Sup Forumseddit.
they understand your pain

>hold down ctrl
>press c


>move hand to other end of keyboard
>press menu key
>press arrow keys a bunch of times until you find copy
>press enter

>>move hand to other end of keyboard
Yeah because my right hand isn't already on the right side of the keyboard.

>>press arrow keys
No, you just press C.

>>press enter
Too late, I already finished copying after I hit C.

I remapped it to compose.

c and the menu key are on 2 different sides of the keyboard you still have to use your arm. admit it its easier to just press ctrl+c

this just sounds like you're using a shitty version of sticky keys

Say you are writing something.
You make a typo in the middle of the word.
Instead of getting the mouse and find the word you misspelled or delete the word and write it again, you just go one char back, hit menu key (assuming the suggestion is the first word), and hit enter.
It is so much more convenient than relying on other hotkeys.
It is a lot faster than using the mouse.

>c and the menu key are on 2 different sides of the keyboard
So are my hands.

>admit it its easier to just press ctrl+c
It's easier to tap two keys in sequence than to hold down one key while tapping another with one hand. I guess you could use right Ctrl though.

It's a better version of Sticky Keys. You get a list of actions on-screen and your modifier keys still work in their default fashion.

except ctrl and c are right next to each other. if the menu key was on the left side of the keyboard i would agree with you

>>c and the menu key are on 2 different sides of the keyboard
>So are my hands.
but what if one of your hands are on the mouse?

If you would agree with me on a left menu key then you already understand the reason why it's easier now.

You'd agree with me with a left menu key because then they're both one-handed operations, but tapping in sequence is easier than holding and tapping. But that fact--sequence easier than holding--still applies to a right menu key as well. The use of the right hand doesn't increase difficulty because it's already on the keyboard. Either way I'm moving two fingers, one to tap menu and one to tap C. The advantage is that there's no holding down of keys required. Holding is harder.

>Holding is harder.
not for me

Then someone must have popped the menu key off of my keyboard. After I'm done beating that guy up, I'll right click on my mouse and then tap C with my left hand. This is still easier than holding down control and avoids this entire question of "sides of the keyboard." Leave your hands where they are.

how can you move you mouse when both of your hands are on the keyboard?

muh dik

On Windows it opens a menu

So you can open menus without needing to switch to the mouse

i only use it to quickly correct misspelled words (ctrl+arrows till word, click context menu btn, arrow down, enter)
or when im out of a mouse

>These people are on Sup Forums


For when right click is broken

The bigger question is why the fuck do I have two shift and Win keys? And what is Alt Gr? I've never ever used that key. EVER!

Oh and why the fuck is divide '/' on the numpad when divide should look like this '÷' ?

>And what is Alt Gr?

Used to write these signs on my keyboard:


You Americentric prick.

Ever had your mouse break?

i keep spares

Thanks for clearing my good lad.

>And what is Alt Gr? I've never ever used that key. EVER!
I use it to write symbols and accented letters.

>not modding your layout
I bet you plebs don't even have a unicode snowman key

What do you think? Look at it.
The purpose of the key is to open the right-click menu.

right click when your mouse is busted

>Americans are this stupid

That's plain wrong

>German standard DIN 2137:2012-06.
Wow, actual autism at work

Nothing wrong with having standards, you should try it some time.

Try being disabled in such a way you can't use a mouse but can use a keyboard