Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

>overzealous autistic fan boys
>"you'll learn how Linux REALLY works!" When it's literally just configuring a package manager and letting scripts do the rest
>offers nothing that minimal net installs already offered for other distros don't
>muh bleeding edge packages!! when you can just install directly from the upstream source in any distro
>only reason to use it is the aur, which is full of broken and unmaintained packages and isn't monitored at all, most "packages" are just a bash script to download the package and it's install script from GitHub
>aur is far worse than Open Build Service, which actually lets you package binaries and programs for multiple distros
It's not the worst distro, but there's nothing it offers that makes it worth using over any other distros and it has the worst fucking user base.

i just use manjaro mostly because i like having some things be done for me while also still having to do stuff when shit breaks

Nothing changed since the last time you posted this thread


Arch is my favourite Linux distro and I see nothing wrong with it.

dam you fags really are quick on the draw with that one also I know about that and how bad it is


I remember a few mounts ago where arch broke any raid 0s it found

Arch is shit too

“Now that the dust has settled” should be a banned phrase on Sup Forums

hurr durr arch sucks
>uses botnetu or poo in loo fedora

Those are good options, I personally don't use either since I'm too lazy to switch

>you'll learn how Linux REALLY works
Coming from ubuntu I learnt user groups, initrd hooks, RBAC and Grsecurity, package compilation, parted, mirror ranking, sudoers, cups, kernel boot parameters, systemd, nmcli and the list goes on.
Ubuntu would not teach me all those things because it's a walled garden of pseudo user friendliness

>offers nothing that minimal net installs already offered for other distros don't
Ubuntu mini is fuckton more bloated than Arch minimal installation. Also Arch's installation actually is text mode install that lets you specify kernel boot parameters without giving you autism
>muh bleeding edge packages!! when you can just install directly from the upstream source in any distro
I don't see why would you have to install every single thing off the source because you want up to date package. When people want plasma 5.6, they don't have 3 days at hand
> aur, which is full of broken and unmaintained packages and isn't monitored at all, most "packages" are just a bash script to download the package and it's install script from GitHub
Yes, exactly what you would do if you were NEET. Way more reliable than PPA
>aur is far worse than Open Build Service
I have a different personal opinion

Go fuck yourself NEET faggot

I know to I have a rog laptop for gaming with windows 10, a thinkpad t420 with manjaro for devshit, and a desktop with a 390 and 32 gigs of ram and manjaro


That's not surprising for a small distribution. If Manjaro grows, this won't be as much of a problem.

>Ubuntu would not teach me all those things

They all exist in Ubuntu, retard.

>Also Arch's installation actually is text mode

That doesn't make it more minimal than other net distros.

>I don't see why would you have to install every single thing off the source

Top kek, Arch users are supposed to defend the AUR like it's their wife's son. Didn't you get the memo?

It's pointless, just like all but maybe 3 different Linux distributions.

Use any one of


Well actually it's more like two. Hmm...

unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of discipline. change those things and you can get that BMI down buddy!

>They all exist in Ubuntu
They do, preconfigured, and once it breaks you can suck a bag of dicks idiot
>That doesn't make it more minimal than other net distros
I just said it is more minimal than ubuntu mini.
>inb4 40MB
Bullcrap, it'll download required pacakges off the internet and it's fucking slow as shit

Come back when you know how to make sense, underage Sup Forums spill

>Install linux-grsec
>Realize broadcom won't work with this kernel
>Search the AUR
>There is already a prebuilt binary for broadcom-zen patch
>Install takes less than a few minutes
>mfw cucks will never know the comfy feel of AUR
>mfw gentoo cucks wait until tomorrow because linux-zen hasn't even compiled yet

Reminder that if you are using Gentoo you are either not using Linux exclusively or you literally have nothing else to do with your computer (you are a NEET)

[End of thread]

debian based if def better tan leeding edge people. so much more stab;le and an atual real nice commnuty. arch is fine. just nothing i'd put my main desktop to... or a server...

>They all exist in Ubuntu, retard.
>Oops, something broke!
>I don't even know what this does, let alone how to fix it!

Better call the Ubuntu support number then. The support queue will eventually connect you to an African witch doctor "specialist" who will tell you (in his native tongue, not yours) exactly which weegee sticks you need to shake at the demons inside your machine.

So your only claim is that Arch users are somehow magically smarter than users of other distros? That's not even a tangible positive factor of your distro.

And arch is bloated as fuck, even the devs admit that

Yeah, neither one of made that claim, or even insinuated it.

You claim that somehow things are easier to fix in Arch even when another distro uses the EXACT same things

No, again, no one made that claim. Or anything even remotely resembling it.

Also, checked.

Here, read it This guy claims that just because you don't use arch that you don't know how to fix your system.

And this guy claims that once something breaks it can't be fixed, even though arch uses the same things

Clarify your point if this isn't it

Architect, Arch-anywhere, archlinux ultimate install, archbang

Stop wasting time


Off by one

>This guy claims that just because you don't use arch that you don't know how to fix your system.
No, that claim isn't being made at all. Not even a little.

If anything, it's being stated that at least with Arch, and distros like it, you're being forced to actually learn what's going on while you set things up. This is in opposition to Ubuntu where everything is preconfigured, automated, and hidden as much as it can be. If you don't know what you're doing when something breaks, you're pretty screwed regardless of your distro.

OP it's just another distro, don't make a big deal out of it, for me personally it's just the way it handles dependencies and the AUR, and the fact that it has the Archwiki for every doubt you have (and even people using other distros will rely on it once in a while).

choose whatever makes you happy my friend, if it's PPA's for fucking JDK8 then that's ok.

Vanilla packages are good! Vanilla configuration can be seriously broken or insecure. Is learning from BSD that hard?
Keep it simple! But for the users. The arch way has been, time and time again, used to justify reduced developer effort, not reduced user-end complexity. Is learning from BSD that hard?
The AUR would be a fine idea... if it were treated as ports tree, and if the shitty redundant pkgbuild format were never adopted. AUR helpers for helpers for helpers for an abstraction upon an abstraction upon several abstractions....Woops, yeah, the pkgbuild isn't broken, that's just your AUR helper that you just installed. Here's one that's one day newer! Is learning from BSD that hard?

Void is arch done right.

>software in the repo

Pick one.

It would have software if maintainers would move from arch and the AUR to void, and they would do that if users moved to void.

It's on you to stop using arch, aka RHEL pacman edition, and start using a distro that actually follows arch's own philosophy.

What in the literal fuck did you just type out?

The truth

By the way, nice guts. Very minimal. Would run 9front on/10.

What truth? There isn't ever going to be some major upswing in Void. As of right now, it's just another shit distro that no one outside of a few Sup Forumstards is bothering to use. Users aren't migrating, maintainers aren't migrating.

Maybe that's because arch users don't actually care about being minimal and using simple systems and are actually more interested in showing off, and since arch is well known and still has the bleeding edge super advanced hacker reputation, they have no reason to leave it.

Yeah, that must be it.

Just about everything


The Linux kernel "broke" that.

ITT: arch fags tell everybody how superior their shitty distro is compared to ubuntu.

i know you don't want to hear this, arch faggots, but ubuntu isn't your direct competition. not even fedora is, if you get down to it. debian minimal, slackware, gentoo, void - these are the enemies you're up against. all of them have something that makes them special; debian is stable as fuck, slackware is unix as fuck, gentoo is grassroots as fuck, void is BSD as fuck. arch, on the other hand, is a systemd-using null-identity circlejerk with no specific characteristics other than "we have a text based installer" and "script kiddies make our package repos even remotely usable". that is the point here: you're not special enough to be interesting. anyone using arch could like achieve the same thing by using debian minimal install. hell, even void is more interesting than you are: CI-checked packages, libreSSL, runit for the init system, a proper fucking installer, a proper fucking community.


Just admit you're this faggot and cope with the fact that no one is interested in Void.

i'm not that faggot, i mentioned void as one example of four and went into more detail since it's the distro most similar to arch out of all four examples.

what exactly is your point, since you didn't say anything to refute or support mine whatsoever?


Just stop already you fat, stupid troll. These threads are so tiresome and boring, and so must be your life by now you sad excuse for consciousness.

>Using Manjaro
nice bloat

What is the most hw compatible less-break prone distro ? Debian ?


i get it
the logo is a punk hair style for the fat bastard
t. arch user

>arch kids don't know to configure their minimal kernel that takes only 3 minutes to compile

>>you'll learn how Linux REALLY works
>Coming from ubuntu I learnt user groups, initrd hooks, RBAC and Grsecurity, package compilation, parted, mirror ranking, sudoers, cups, kernel boot parameters, systemd, nmcli and the list goes on.
>Ubuntu would not teach me all those things because it's a walled garden of pseudo user friendliness

So would reading the RHEL books and user guide. Fuck, managing and compiling linux would produce the same products in any linux distro.

>Ubuntu would not teach me all those things because it's a walled garden of pseudo user friendliness


I can no joke remove the complete network stack and ubuntu would not stop me one bit. You're retarded.

Ubuntu does not remove shit. It simply hides the nasty interface from new users. It does not mean advance users are limited in anyway.
>I can enable root user access and disable the main user from using sudo.

From your knowledge ubuntu stops that. LOL

What was your point again? Something, something, Archfags? That's not a point, it's mostly just shitposting.

Sorry no one likes Void.

Ubuntu wouldn't prevent you from removing the network stack you complete retard, but at least with Arch you already have installed them from the scratch once.

Not completely relevant but remember a few months ago when an update caused Ubuntu's network manager to crash on boot? Arch users know how to re build network manager, unlike most ubuntu users who had to kill themselves until the official fix came out

>omg -USE flags
NEET spotted.

my point, in answer to OP's question what went wrong with arch, was that arch is simply not interesting enough as a distro because it has no distinctive feature or philosophy to carry it.

>it's mostly just shitposting
it's called an opinion. you might not like it, but saying "your opinion sucks because i says so" over and over again just makes you look stupid.

>Sorry no one likes Void.
keep trying to ad hominem the shit out of this, dude. then, in a few years, when you get your first pubes and start feeling funny about girls and stuff, you might understand what "presenting a counter opinion in a discussion so both sides can come away with refreshed views" actually means.

>>Use any one of
You forgot Arch. For beginners/Linux newbs.

Outdated as fuck installer. What is the point when antegros and architect exist?

>proper community
Top zozzle

install arch when it still had installer.
holy fuck this is awesome.
hard drive died.
install arch with no installer.
it's hard...but
holy fuck this is awesome.
computer died.
Buy new computer.
Windows 10 is new, so played with that a couple weeks.
too lazy and weather was too nice...install dual boot mint.
it just werks.
4 months go by.
Maybe this fall....

>What is the point when antegros and architect exist?
Maybe you want to recompile your kernel or install openrc or something else that is actually useful

Anyone have that one where the arch cuck says "don't talk to me or my wifes son ever again" with the black manjaro cuck in the background? I need that one, thanks

Also post more arch memes

>using antergos
nice crashes

For possible Arch friends on this thread

What advantages would I get by switching from Debian Sid to Arch?

Would it be a better experience?

So close, yet so far away ...

>It's not the worst distro, but there's nothing it offers that makes it worth using over any other distros and it has the worst fucking user base.


The AUR software repository is actually pretty nice. It's nice to have almost every program you want to install in one repository instead of hunting possibly outdated and abandoned PPAs on Ubuntu.

But I sadly went back to Ubuntu because I hated how long it took to update and install software from the AUR because you have to compile the source instead of install binaries like Ubuntu.

>because I hated how long it took to update and install software from the AUR because you have to compile the source instead of install binaries like Ubuntu
What kind of programs are you grabbing from the AUR? The only notable huge application I can think of that's not in the official repos is Palemoon

How close to upstream are Sid's packages? I've only used Jessie and hated how everything is full of crappy Debian specific "patches" that only invite new bugs.

>what went wrong?

>spend x time to set it up
>everything takes several hours to work
>reboot every so often, DM is working
>someday boot
>DM is not working
>no mouse no keyboard
>can't open a tty
>live usb drive boot (lel)
>uninstall DM, install another one
>reinstall USB drivers just in case
>still doesn't work
>remove this shit
>install ubuntu with i3
>30mn chrono
>it just fuckings werks
that's pretty much it

It's not really the size of the applications it's just that it was a little annoying for me to have to compile the programs again (which can take over 1-2 minutes to do for every program) everytime it was time to update. I know the benefits of this are more space savings and less chance of malware because it's from the source.

I have to admit though when I install programs from Arch's official respitories like extra and community, it feels so much faster compared to installing programs with Ubuntu.

Good thing I'm on the unstable repos, huh

BMI 19, no autism and I have zero friends
You're just mean

Time to buy a gentoo

Top kek gets me everytime

>reinstall USB drivers

God tier font