Guts thread
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
forgot tripcode, fuck
You installed your 212 the wrong way.
/disappointed edition/
My stupid country didnt let my friend send me parts. Apparently they wont import electronics and magnets. Wew.
Life must be hard in Botswana
And once again
sounds like it's time to start planting the seeds of revolution my friend.
7/10, would prefer more lewd anime
8/10 Looks good, shame about the mess of cables at the bottom there though, really sticks out with the white LEDs shining on the white cables might want to get a different case with better cable management at some point, or maybe a PSU shroud or something.
what am i looking at bro?
What CPU? Does the stock cooler do good enough job?
yeah it's a super cheap AMD Athlon 760K
The stock cooler sucks but it works. Same one they package with the fx 6300 and it keeps that cool.
Yeah I agree, mine rarely gets warm let alone hot.
>Apparently they wont import electronics and magnets
How can I improve this build? It seems empty and boring.
He's gonna send it to me via bus.
>inb4 i miss the bus
I too am wondering what this is.
We have the same case and GPU, and frankly I did it better / first.
If your gonna try to claim you did it better you should at least post it...
>How many times you posted this PC¿?¿
Not the same GPU, 8pin vs 6pin.
Also, "better'? kek, if all you want is flashy white in your eyes sure, you have white plastic and even a white sheet on your motherboard.
Mine is cleaner with better cable management.
It would almost make sense if the were holes on the top of the case actually
Ugly and plain af, family. Get aesthetic.
Your mismatched drab white plastic is more aesthetic? maybe if you had actually matched all the white to the same level and made your wires looks cleaner instead of a jumbled mess you could talk. As it is however.... meh
Hell i'd even say that red wire you threw in as an accent color ruins the overall look, would have preferred with a black accent, or pure white.
Why do you homos like LEDs so much? Looks disgusting.
I honestly only have LEDs in mine to illuminate my side panel.
they are
it exhausts on top and doesn't fit in the "right" way
Wish the i7-6950X would just fucking release already.
Consider suicide son.
Cant wait for you to redo your speccy , that 24gb ( broken dimm i know ) and Cpu Multiplier trigger my autism!
Still an awesome build user!
>someone has different taste from me
>better suggest they kill themselves
kek, stay salty buddy. I think you have shit taste, you seem to think messy cables that were expensive make up for your lazyness and lack of attention to detail, I disagree.
Lets let bygones be bygones.
It should be this week or next. Shit will get fixed soon™
The suggestion was in response to your autism, less so your build.
The poo fans ruin it for me f am
That looks like a racecar to me
That's not a race car
They are grat sadly, They came in an less shitty color some time ago but i cannot be bothered to switch for just the stain of them!
You are wrong, family.
took better pictures
race is a social construct
My favorite. I declare thee winner.
Someone say poooo??
An orange sapphire ( 280x/290 ) would have look awesome with that case!!! Nice job anyway user! Nice picture too!
i was gonna get the tri x but i decided against it because none of the other parts are orange just the case is
you fucking know how
i'm tempted to fall for the 1080 meme, but i barely need the power my 390 has
maybe i'll get one just for the reduced power consumption
R9 390 ?
Too lazy to move it to take a proper picture, so I included the case individually.
Here's my autism peace offering
i give you , my guts , whitout the ram lock trigger
just snapped a quick picture , not really satisfied but whatever.
Does anybody have a picture of the guy who has 3x R9 290's in Xfire with a custom loop w/ red tubing and red power cables? He has an Asuka figure next to the case.
And does anybody want to buy GTX 980 SC's from pic related? $350 each.
5th archived guts thread.
not him obviously
sorry about the lighting. just finished leak testing (i had a loop already in this PC but it was really messy so i redid it).
waiting to get cable sleeves in the mail
Are those cathode lights? Pretty cool if you ask me.
yes, id like to have one on the other side of the case near the reservoir but the cables arent long enough and extensions diminish the amount of light they emit. thanks
muh home server
Rebuilt in ITX today. No issues, temps are the fucking same, I was a fool for going ATX in the first place.
Looks good, 8.75/10
I got bored
Glad you like. Here's a new photo.
Dat lambo doe
Every time I see your case I want to order one and build a watercooled mATX build in it. It'd require a bit of modding though. It only has two 120mm front fans, and a 120mm rear, huh?
everything looks sick minus the meme tips sticker.
It has 1 top 120mm and 2 front 120mm fan mounts. I got an 80mm to 120mm adapter so I could fit a CLC.
Any reason why you choosed the 2500k?
I see you already had the 970 so you had newer choice ? How was the amd to intel switch ?
Interesting. It would still make for a cool project.
They're the LTT Editions of the Noctua NF-F12's. I got the black anti-vibration pads, too, so they're all blacked out. By default the stick on the back is some ugly orange-and-black LTT themed sticker, but they came with these more minimalistic alternate ones. So, I put those on in hopes it were a bit better.
Is that a GPU support beam?! Brilliant.
I traded the FX-8320/890FXA-GD65 for my i5-2500K/P8Z77-M Pro.
The switch to Intel was amazing. The 970 stays at a solid 100% usage or 60fps now. Not to mention the fun of Sandybridge overclocking.
I like the case so much, I'll probably end up doing something like that in the future.
Well, the water cooling portion of it was a bitch. I was honestly better off leaving it air cooled. lol
Looks so much better now though! It wasn't worth it??
>1200w PSU
retard detected
It was really hard to do in such a small case. Also, I wish I didn't buy an SFX-L PSU, and just waited for like the Corsair SF600. The temperatures on my CPU under gaming scenarios did go up slightly (55C with watercooling, vs. like 50C before), but my GPU dropped from about 81C to more like 50-55C when gaming. So, it definitely dropped the temperature. It was just a shit ton of work. The quietness of it now is significantly better than before. It was worth it, just a crap ton of work.
>RMA exchange detected
can't seem to find a decent review of the 1200w Dark power pro 10. None of them measure low load level efficiency which most of the time your computer will likely be idle or close to it (browsing the web you will likely be using under 120w)
What review I COULD find was the 650w unit which had a decent review that showed only 72% efficiency at under 10% load. If the 1200w unit is similar, you're wasting a good deal of electricity by using such a high wattage PSU.
As I said, I got it on RMA, I would switch if someone gave me a 850W DPP or Corsair + money or blue/black sleeved cables.
If you are interested I'm in Germany. Still have 4 years warranty.
Otherwise I'm going to put in a custom loop and 1-2 1080Tis next year.
these are all shit you people are embarrassing yourselves
*sheathes uchigatana*
I'm here
You spelled Estoc wrong you fucking huge faggot.
I dont feel embarassed
Just got a 1080 fagots
>falling for the 2x performance of a 980 meme.
That's DP only. Actual gaymen perf is no more than 1.25x.
>sapphire R9
>way too many HDDs
mah nigga
nice clean build, man
I don't
Every day until someone likes it.
What's wrong with it?
amd stock coller remove asap
I don't know, you tell me.
>omg stop having fun