Screen Display Thread

What does your computer screen look like after you log in?

like this

A bit like this.

>4 desktop threads
fuck off

Maybe the mods should stop autosaging them.

Why did you remove WM/DE from screenfetch? So people have to ask?

What's your WM/DE/Themes please. Thank you.

icons on taskbar and folder icons on window don't really go well together they're like two different styles

Fuck you mshkart, I found it myself.



That's windows, senpai.

There's already a thread

That was really good OP!

it clearly says ubuntu

Fuck off, we don't need another one up.

If you hadn't noticed that thread is autosaging. It will be dead soon.

There's probably going to continue to be several at a time until there's a single name they can all go under for searching purposes.

go away invictus



Dumb tripfag


>first post was Jan 29

Just ignore him.

I posted as Cute Tomato before that senpai

Are we banned yet?

Is that supposed to be impressive?

>no shortcuts
>no dash
>no useful functionality of any kind

Is this GNOME 4? I didn't know it was already out.

>w-why are we so despised on Sup Forums

We got ourselves a grade a memer on our hands.

I'm a Sup Forums institution newfag

It would be if it used 500MB of ram

>current song
>impractical, "cutting edge" hipster theme
>no shortcuts or menus, for, you know, using your computer for things other than looking at it




After I have been online a while it looks like this, OP


Hello this is my screen when logging in

There's a site for pepe images, it's called reddit, I think you'd be more comfortable there

It's art

rekt again

>This isn't technology

It's not art, it's working hard on making your computer into an impractical useless piece of shit so you can WOW ANONYMOUS PEOPLE ON IMAGEBOARDS FULL OF RACIST PEDOPHILES WITH A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX WITH HOW PURDY IT LOOKS.



Fuck off to /w/

OK maybe your desktop isn't art

I don't think you "understand it"

Desktops are a way of life, more than they're art.

practicality is in the eye of the beholder desu

I disagree here. Practicality can be scientifically measured. I don't think there's a unit for it or whatever but you can definitely reason that one thing is more practical than another without room for argument.


Practicality is whatever works for you as an individual.

Riceing desktops with our mind when

Wow nice black and white style desktop, now you can move on to other styles

For something to be practical it has to be well-suited to a task of function. For example, if you're trying to fill a square hole you want a square peg. A round one is not as practical as it's not doing as good a job.

Same goes for desktops. Each person may have their own tasks or functionality desired, but practicality is simply how well their desktop fills those needs. Practicality itself is NOT subjective.

Probly, but I an using windows to play gaymes now so...

What a passive aggressive cunt

I have a good measuring method:

Starting from your desktop, how many average clicks are required to start your applications?
1-2 > You're doing it right.
3 > You lack organization
4-5 > You're using Mac OS or a "Launcher-like" DE like GNOME 3 and your most-used applications aren't on your dash.
∞ > You removed all the buttons, shortcuts and menus from your desktop to make an artsy hipster piece of shit desktop that's literally the same idea differently just to make an impression because you're that shallow.

Just because you don't know how something works doesn't mean it's not suited for the task.

Depends, if you don't actually use your computer for any purpose but taking a screenshot of your desktop and posting it on Sup Forums, then desktop menus are not that practical for you.

2 for anything I use regularly

alt+space and typing in part of the program name for anything I don't use regularly.

That does not support your argument that practicality is in the eye of the beholder.

If you disagree, can you expound the relation?

Trying to say because you can use the scientific method to measure how productive something is in a certain context doesn't mean it's definitive or objectively better. That's not how it works. Findings made through science are never "definitive", they always could be incorrect, and have been many times.

That was a meme.

"functionality is in the eye of the beholder" was a meme

more functionality:
Clicking a giant button that's brightly colored

Looks like I win yet another argument.

>"functionality is in the eye of the beholder" was a meme

Thoughts to be quite honest me

Where is the first click?

It was a desktop thread meme from a few months ago.

It is shit and you should kill your self

Do you mean 'click' as in mouse click? If so I require zero mouse clicks to open any application.

My panel or my desktop.

Usually my panel because I always have windows open over my desktop.

I may Install arch again on my laptop. No school to have to use Office anymore. Old games are pretty fun.


Hmm I like it. Which one is yours?

The meme it True though

Looks like we got a memester over here

That wallpaper is too colorful. Maybe it's just me but I think wallpapers need to be subtle.

What about just having all your most useful programs always open in different workspaces l, it's 2015 computers have lots of memory

*filtering purposes

It is, but I'm not going sit and argue about it when it doesn't even concern my desktop.



I chose the wallpaper because I wanted something to do with nature, but yeah maybe a forest that is not so vibrant will better suit me. Thanks for the input.

No one cares you blogging faggot

dramatical murder is a good windows program.

(i wuv u!!)

You are literally, literally, the most hated person on Sup Forums if not Sup Forums. I mean it when I say this, do the world a service and just fucking kill yourself you worthless piece of shit.

Oh my bad I thought this was the desktop blog. Isnt this where I meet all the other cool desktop bloggers?

You know, this is exactly the reply he wants.

He's a troll.

Calm down

On /w/

Shut up memester

Lose the DE, arc theme, and numix icons and it'll be better. The terminal colors are very bright and don't suit your wallpaper. I don't really mind a colorful wallpaper, but it doesn't look good in this case. Anyway, keep trying.

Anyone with a trip is cancer.
Is that show any good. I doubt ill get back into anime but am looking for something.

>Calm down
Rest assured I am completely calm. I just thought you should know, have a nice day.


Aww but I like XFCE, I don't feel like trying to set up i3 tbqh. But what would you recommend as a WM theme gtk theme? Arc and numix are both recommended on the wiki.

Hi grandpa.

>only 2GB VRAM

iFags defend this.

Whoa there friend I only post on Sup Forums. Please respect my personal feelings and blog. I work really hard to manage my status here. Thanks so much you cancerous faggot meme poster.

>reee damn normies!!!

Chill out bro it's just a prank!

it's fucking amazing, it's like, the holy grail of funny gay shows.

Aww but I like XFCE, I don't feel like trying to set up i3 tbqh. But what would you recommend as a WM theme gtk theme? Arc and numix are both recommended on the wiki.

Hmm might have to check it out friendo. Sounds like a good chuckle

This thread needs more postmodern desktops like this one

LSD Dream Emulator is my favorite old game